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I thought that progress of isla Duala has come to its end long time ago. Glad to see I was wrong. Still Duala is one and only mission on my server since of beginning. Hoping only that you dont make too much change to a terrain, because it might ruin my Duala Conflict mission (project of 2-3 years now). Anyway, what ever you got for us, cant wait to see it out.. maybe those afrenian voices and so ? :)

t. Maltti-man

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Can you add a relatively big town at least while you are at it? With all those new buildings it should be Mogadishu style (can also throw in some OA buildings if possible)

Duala kinda lacks that and there's enough open space for a nice town hell.

That's what Duala lacks to be as good as Tonal was for OFP.

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Metalcraze: are you reading my mind? Stahpp!

Yes, there is a big town present in 1.97WIP, featuring Mondkalb's African generic buildings.

Maltti: if you're thinking of heights, that is easily fixed with Load&Save of mission. Otherwise, some areas will be changed, yup.

Edited by IceBreakr

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I'm looking for a contributor of IMI Galil rifle or any similiar "copies".

I also accept mission ideas for MP campaign, what area to change/add something, what new assets both sides use. Expect some new armor to roll it, too...

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I'm looking for a contributor of IMI Galil rifle or any similiar "copies".

I point to the 'usual' suspect -> Vilas ;)



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I'm looking for a contributor of IMI Galil rifle or any similiar "copies".

I also accept mission ideas for MP campaign, what area to change/add something, what new assets both sides use. Expect some new armor to roll it, too...

IMI Galil rifle vilas has one in his west weapon pack :). MP ideas how about something connected to Mining, such as diamonds or a discovery of Uraninite (also known as pitchblende, most common ore mined to extract uranium.). Perhaps BLUFOR have to stop a shipment of Uranite reaching a harbour?

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Hi IceBreakr,

any chance you could change the landing system lights at Molatia airport to the left side of the runway instead of having it left side of the taxiway? I mean when you are incoming from the east to the west, so approaching RWY 27.

Would be really nice :)

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Roger that derdoe. Tnx.

Great! I noticed the same at Kinsella airport when approaching from the east. Maybe you can change that aswell? :) Btw i love the unprepared landing strips, cant get enough of them :D

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derdoe: yeah, noticed it, too. Both runways are fixed on W and E sides:


Edited by IceBreakr

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derdoe: yeah, noticed it, too. Both runways are fixed on W and E sides:

Awesome, thanks a lot! :)

Also sent you some € as a little thank you for the great work you do :)

Edited by derdoe

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A lot of changes were made yesterday:

- new district of Molatian capital Bolabongo added: Dendala District

- Canto armybase slight update

- presidental palace added to Bolabongo outskirts (Arrowhead required now)

- oil pumps are working now (Arrowhead required now)

- Molatian country is building up their defensive posts due to recent deep assaults mounted by AFR. It is believed several outposts and garrisons are being built

- new gunfire sound of Afrenian Steyr AUG

- test of BMP1 and BVP M80A: both units failed to attack armor target with AT launchers, decision to include them is postponed

- Afrenian Army refused to use Bedford truck as their new heavy transportation vehicle and is now looking for a new fast APC

- Molatian Army will not pick T-62s as they decided to keep their T-55s due to recent military budget cuts

Release is on hold until config issue is resolved with generic african buildings.

Update: Mondkalb will fix the config, we know what is wrong (tnx Synide). Otherwise, Duala 1.97 is done, so I'll take this extra time to make a CoOp MP pack of missions for it.

Edited by IceBreakr

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Hi sorry if this question was already posted I searched quite a while for it. I am looking for the group names of the units that comes with this map so I can spawn using the BIS_fnc_spawngroup. I can find names for the individual units but not the groups. The units are [MOL,AFR,IBR} with both inf and vehicles thanks for your time.

I found the information inside the unit's pbo thanks IceBreakr you do amazing work!

Edited by lousy_lizard

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That's a welcome update, thank you for your dedication IceBreakr.

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I think this was asked a long time ago, but I can't seem to find the answer in the thread... Were you able to fix the various soldiers that were inheriting their class from Spec Ops? Everyone always got reported as "Spec Ops...2 o'clock..." If not, just putting it out there. If you've already fixed it, nevermind and thanks. Looking forward to the release.

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Thanks for pointing it out gatordev, fixed for release.

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Duala 1.97 release:

- 450 MB 7zip sent to Foxhound @ Armaholic ;)

Sorry I cannot provide any mirrors myself as I'm recieving a lot of traffic lately (tnx to Rocket, grrr... naah just kiddin').

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Thanks for pointing it out gatordev, fixed for release.

Thank YOU for the release!

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