Dreadnought1 10 Posted October 4, 2011 1. Posed is not my object but made by BIS, all I can do is replace them.2. Army huts are annoying as A2 characters are much more "fat" than A1 characters. So I will try to enlarge these passages. I think somebody already send me fixed buildings, I need to find them on my HD :) IceBreakr, Many thanks for having a look at these issues. Cheers, Dreadnought1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atin 10 Posted October 10, 2011 I had a look at this mod today with a special focus on the Steyr Aug, and I couldn't help but notice that the charging handle is on the wrong side. It should be on the left, not the right. I don't know if it is intended or a bug but it kind of bothers me. Also the way he holds the rifle is not how it's done IRL, but I guess that's down to animation limitations. Besides that the map, the Units etc look really great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightspeed_aust 681 Posted December 5, 2011 are ppl still playing this map? thinking about doing the final remake of Ghost Recon trilogy - Desert Siege. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted December 5, 2011 are ppl still playing this map? thinking about doing the final remake of Ghost Recon trilogy - Desert Siege. Oh, I think that the Ghosts on Duala would be most excellent indeed. You absolutely must do this ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted December 5, 2011 Lightspeed_aust: according to all the mails I get, I would say its still the most popular ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightspeed_aust 681 Posted December 5, 2011 well ok then - i will have a chat to Command and see if the Ghosts are up to it - they only just finished operations in Podagorsk - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121321 and currently taking some well-earned R&R. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maltti 13 Posted December 6, 2011 I´ve been keeping my server doors open now few weeks already. I think my Duala Conflict mission is going to be soon as RC state. Not bad after few years of hard work :) Still many people trying to connect but failed maybe because not having Duala, or latest version. IceBreakr, Duala 1.96 still coming someday ? Maltti // Duala Conflict mission you can join at Rockabilly House Server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted December 6, 2011 It is. I'm reposting Bad Benson's shots of his new "visitors" that will replace aging zetaborns ;) I'm waiting for all things to come together. I've upgraded graphics for the map, tweaked some heights and fixed that annoying AS350 chopper bug with the railing. No date on release though, waiting on aliens to be ready for invasion ;) Keep topic about new aliens please in a separate topic HERE. p.s. Can't wait for 1.60... ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiforos 450 Posted December 6, 2011 Are they human friendly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted December 6, 2011 Depends of the mission maker ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rough Knight 9 Posted December 6, 2011 (edited) G'day IceBreakr, Firstly, thanks very much for Duala, I love all the hard work you put into it....countless hours no doubt. I have a new campaign coming up for Duala that I have been working on for the last few months or more. I wish I could fit the Aliens into the storyline somehow...but I don't think they will fit somehow :) I have started a new thread in the appropriate forum. I hope for some beta testers in the next few days. Thanks Rough Knight Edited December 12, 2011 by Rough Knight New thread link added. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightspeed_aust 681 Posted December 6, 2011 Icebreakr - you are the master, you know that don't you. I just redownloaded Duala after having messed with it a year ago or more. It really is spectacular! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gatordev 219 Posted December 7, 2011 Icebreakr, I'm posting this as a FYI/question, not necessarily a complaint, so please don't take it as critical of your map. It's still loads of fun to play on and I appreciate your work. I set up a mission with me on a hill just to the South East of Swonto. I have a laser designator and I've set up one or two AV-8s (I've tried it a couple of different ways) to come in on command. In an older version of the map, I could get them to drop LGBs on my laser target but now they completely ignore it and just strafe with their guns at targets they see. I've even set it up with non-LGB aircraft and they'll strafe with rockets and guns, but ignore the laser. Initially I thought it might have been a problem with ASR AI (after one of his updates), but same problem when running just OA vanilla. So I loaded up one or two other missions with the same basic setup (trigger to bring in AV-8, me with my laser) on other maps (Zargabad and Takistan) and it works normally. Not sure if it's Swonto or something else with the map overall, but just thought I'd put it out there. If I'm the only one having the issue, so be it, I'll certainly continue to enjoy your work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wiggum2 31 Posted December 12, 2011 Does anyone know the names of the Isla-Duala units groups ? I know there is a readme with the names of the units, but i would need the groupnames so i can spawn them via script. Thanks ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rough Knight 9 Posted December 13, 2011 Does anyone know the names of the Isla-Duala units groups ?I know there is a readme with the names of the units, but i would need the groupnames so i can spawn them via script. Thanks ! Hi Wiggum, Sorry mate can't help you there. For the campaign I am making I spawned the units into a newly created group, then did whatever I wanted via script after that. See the code below [it's only part of it but you get the kist]. I am not sure if this helps or not. //Script to spawn enemies for a multi-pronged circular attack at x location if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_unit", "_spawnpoint", "_wp1", "_wp2", "_patrol", "_delay1", "_delay2", "_entry_locations", "_sideHQ", "_group", "_car1", "_ca1", "_ca2", "_ca3", "_ca4", "_ca5", "_ca6", "_ca7", "_ca8", "_ca9", "_ca10", "_ca11", "_ca12", "_ca13", "_ca14", "_enemy_all_array", "_enemy_leader_array", "_waypoint1"]; sleep 0.1; _unit = _this select 0; _spawnpoint = _this select 1; _wp1 = _this select 2; _patrol = _this select 3; _delay1 = _this select 4; _rn_array = _this select 5; _wp3 = _this select 6; _SideHQ = createCenter east; EAST setFriend [WEST, 0]; EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0]; CIVILIAN setFriend [EAST, 0]; sleep 0.1; _group = createGroup east; sleep 0.1; _delay2 = time + _delay1; waitUntil {Time > _delay2}; sleep 0.1; _car1 = "Ural_MOL" createVehicle [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)]; _ca1 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Officer", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca2 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Medic", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca3 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Engineer", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca4 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Rifleman", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca5 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_GL", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca6 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_MG", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca7 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_AT", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca8 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Rifleman", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca9 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Rifleman", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 50 - random 50, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca10 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_Rifleman", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; _ca11 = _group createUnit ["MOL_Soldier_GL", [((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 0) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 1) + random 100 - random 100, ((getMarkerPos _spawnpoint) select 2)],[],1,""]; sleep 0.1; [_ca1, _ca2, _ca3, _ca4, _ca5, _ca6, _ca7, _ca8, _ca9, _ca10, _ca11] join grpNull; _enemy_all_array = [_ca1, _ca2, _ca3, _ca4, _ca5, _ca6, _ca7, _ca8, _ca9, _ca10, _ca11]; _enemy_squad = [_ca2, _ca3, _ca4, _ca5, _ca6, _ca7, _ca8, _ca9, _ca10, _ca11]; sleep 0.1; [_ca2, _ca3, _ca4, _ca5, _ca6, _ca7, _ca8, _ca9, _ca10, _ca11] joinsilent _ca1; {if (alive _x) then {obj2_e_alive_number = obj2_e_alive_number + 1}} foreach _enemy_all_array; {_x addEventHandler ["killed", {obj2_e_alive_number = obj2_e_alive_number - 1}]} foreach _enemy_all_array; _ca1 assignasdriver _car1; _ca1 moveindriver _car1; {_x assignascargo _car1; _x moveincargo _car1} foreach _enemy_squad; sleep 0.1; _group = group _ca1; _group allowFleeing 0; //Do whatever with group after here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wiggum2 31 Posted December 13, 2011 Thanks j_frost, but because there are groups, there have to be groupnames too. I still hope someone can tell me those groupnames ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted December 13, 2011 Thanks j_frost, but because there are groups, there have to be groupnames too.I still hope someone can tell me those groupnames ! You can unpack the unit pbo and review the CfgGroups config entries, or you can traverse the CfgGroups class in an SQF script and dump the groups to disk, e.g: _cfg = configFile >> "CfgGroups"; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfg) - 1) do { _entry = _cfg select _i; // Etc }; You can also take the long way around and generate an AllInOne config while the unit addons are loaded. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AllInOne_Config Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACPL Jon 68 Posted December 13, 2011 (edited) Hello Ice. New aliens look much better. Yet I have few suggestions regarding molatians, afrenians and F88\AUG. First of all, AUG. CQB sights are too close. Bigger FOV please, it's for close combat, so we don't need so much zoom :) Second thing, last time I checked, all them blacks were... well, black. In TI and in the pure daylight, from bigger distance (I mean a bug, where units silhouette becomes completely, non-toned easy-visible black over distance and I guess the units don't have any TI? :( ) Third thing is, there's such a little variety in infantry models\units. IMO it's the most important thing for this island apart from the island itself... more variety and details (individual ammo belts and\or pouches, more different and more serious rebels shirts, team leaders in helmets, hats for molatians, etc) wouldn't hurt and it shouldn't be that much work. Also, extra config with OA and ACE guns like G3, FAL, Lee Enfield and SKS would be welcome. Oh, and are the medics working? And are the infantry units capable of wearing OA backpacks in 1.96? (didn't had an opportunity to check those in 1.96) And can Afrenian Engineers repair stuff? Btw suggestion for next projects, voiced by few guys (missionmakers, mainly) from our community. If You guys (talking to all addonmakers), make a desert\tropical themed map, don't make it so town-clustered. If the towns are too close to each other (which is probably a good thing for PvP gaming, but not for coop scenarios), there's almost no deserted places\roads, which isn't a good thing... where we will be able to make convoy-ambushes, tent camps, LZ\EZ's, and stuff, huh? :) Especially that You can easily add a thing to a map by the Editor Updates, the other way (to delete something) it doesn't work so good... Also, the vehicles are more important that way. Pls more wide, open desert and overally bigger distance between towns. I know this probably can't be achieved for Duala now, but for the future ones... Edited December 13, 2011 by JonPL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wiggum2 31 Posted December 13, 2011 Thanks Sickboy ! However, after some testing i think some of the helicopters are buggy, they always crash after a while in a SAD-cycle loop while BIS helicopters worke fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedudeabides 40 Posted December 13, 2011 How do I turn off the Isle Duala splash/loading screens. I am getting real tired of seeing Duala all the time there. Please have a solution!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rovka 14 Posted December 13, 2011 (edited) How do I turn off the Isle Duala splash/loading screens. I am getting real tired of seeing Duala all the time there. Please have a solution!!! There is; Relocate or delete Duala mod's UI_duala.pbo and UI_duala.pbo.ibr_duala195.bisign (or instead of ibr_duala195.bisign, the 196 version if that's already released..) files. That's all there's to it.. And often such info is given in the (in)famous Readme's many addonmakers release; Especially if it concerns bigger moderations to a game like Duala here. As you probably do know UI stands for User Interface, but for those who do not know: Such implies alteration to standard look of thematic layout ingame. Keep track of those UI letters in the spelling of a name if you want your game to look standard. Good luck. Edited December 13, 2011 by Thani '82 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedudeabides 40 Posted December 13, 2011 Thank you so much. Saved me from throwing my computer through the window after seeing Africans in jets every day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted December 14, 2011 Yeah, that UI will be put separately with next version. Sorry :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J-Guid 10 Posted December 15, 2011 Posible to change buildings to opened houses?! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted December 15, 2011 Nope as Duala is a A2 only island and A2 itself has very little open buildings. On the second hand I can make a new island "Modern Duala" that would be a A2/OA island. But I think you will be rather happy to see me spend time on a new island Balkania than always upgrading old stuff? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites