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yes we've seen these too.

the clipping goes out quite far, so you can hit invisible clip when shooting over or past these bushes.

A polite request - concerning classes of Afrenian:

to make this work with Evolution, we need classes like engineer etc and more ammo slots. I have modded a little patch to change your units on our server so for example we have engineers with the ability to disarm mines, and snipers have a camouflage bonus and so on. I have also made them all work from the FR_base so they have all 12 ammo slots.

In order to keep the mission working for those without this patch, I built the mission around your classes and then patched them for our users.

Would you permit me to make some advanced Afrenian units that fulfil the wider functions (sniper, engineer, GL, saboteur, pilot, crewman, etc) that you could add to your next update as a config patch file?

I could then revert to using your pure units and my temporary patch would be unnecessary.

If other mission makers use standard unit classes in their design too they would benefit from this approach. the current afrenian loadout and class base is too limited for our needs.

what do you say?

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Forwarded this bush-issue to Berghoff.

About Afrenians: please send me patch via PM and tell me all what you need in detail.

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Has anyone been successful in getting civilians to spawn with ALICE on this map? They're not showing up for me and some people I've talked to.

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they have showed up for me but just small numbers in biger citys but they did show up

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ive got em working great but not with alice sorry.

cant get the protestors to d omuch though, one did throw a rock or grenade a while back

you cant set them as opfor in scripted side missions etc they just run away...

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IceBreakr, first: our squad loves Isla Duala and Panthera, and we're looking forward to Jade Groove! Your work is greatly appreciated!

Also, last night we were having an ACE2 issue of some kind. We play with ace_sys_wounds on as well as "ace_sys_wounds_noai = true;" so that the AI dies right away. I noticed with the ibr_rebel units that they could be shot, give the death animation, and then shoot at us still even though they looked dead. Perhaps this has something to do with the error we get in arma.rpt right when the game starts:

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/
Updating base class ->SoldierEB, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ins_Soldier_Base/
Updating base class ->Ins_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ins_Commander/
Updating base class Soldier->CDF_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Light/

I haven't a clue. Just reporting here and wondering if anyone else has had the same issue with dead men shooting at you?

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IceBreakr, first: our squad loves Isla Duala and Panthera, and we're looking forward to Jade Groove! Your work is greatly appreciated!

Also, last night we were having an ACE2 issue of some kind. We play with ace_sys_wounds on as well as "ace_sys_wounds_noai = true;" so that the AI dies right away. I noticed with the ibr_rebel units that they could be shot, give the death animation, and then shoot at us still even though they looked dead. Perhaps this has something to do with the error we get in arma.rpt right when the game starts:

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/
Updating base class ->SoldierEB, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ins_Soldier_Base/
Updating base class ->Ins_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ins_Commander/
Updating base class Soldier->CDF_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Light/

I haven't a clue. Just reporting here and wondering if anyone else has had the same issue with dead men shooting at you?

I think I've seen this happen myself in previous versions of Duala, I just never concluded it was Duala related. The dead bodies will even swivel on the ground to point in your direction while they're shooting (though you cant tell they are shooting anything).

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What mods are you guys running along? We played more than 100+ hours on map and we didn't experience anything like that. We use ACE2.

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The ACE people said "You have at least one addon that breaks the inheritance chain which can cause many problems." Do you know what this means? I don't..

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I think it means that one of the addons(units maybe) has some inheritance issues in one of the configs and it clashes with the way ACE2 handles inheritance. Therefore the units wont use the ACE2 features. Like the vehicles not using the damage system, etc.

This isn't to say Icebreakr's stuff is wrong. It may be the other way around. I have no clue though. Just relaying what I've read around here in various discussions on the subject. I'm no expert so don't take my word for it. ;)

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Updating base class ->Default, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/
Updating base class ->SoldierEB, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ins_Soldier_Base/
Updating base class ->Ins_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ins_Commander/
Updating base class Soldier->CDF_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Light/

These are referring at ca\ addons (official a2), not because they have it wrongly defined, but because the addon that is redefining them wrongly, also has an incomplete/broken requiredAddons setup.

So these must be read in reverse.

These mean:

An addon that wants to inherit from class CfgFaces >> class Man is missing the addon that defines the original class, from the requiredAddons[] array. (It is unclear if the unspecified addon)

Same for CfgVehicles >> Ins_Soldier_Base

Same for Ins_commander

While CDF_Soldier_LIght is completely redefined as being based on soldier, as opposed to CDF_Soldier_Base.

(So there's used class CDF_Soldier_Light: Soldier {}; as opposed to classs CDF_Soldier_Light: CDF_Soldier_Base)

Breaking the inheritance chain has little to do with ACE in specific, but more in general.

It is a given that if you create an addon that is supposed to leave original classes alone, or is supposed to adjust a couple of properties inside them,

that you should not change the already in place inheritance tree.

The inheritance tree is for instance this:

class Default {
class CA_Magazine: Default {

If you create an addon that changes the displayName of CA_Magazine, or the sound or picture, like soundmods do etc, you are supposed to do it like:

class Default;
class CA_Magazine: Default {
   displayName = "NewDisplayName";

However, many people use stuff like:

class CA_Magazine {
   displayName = "blablabl";

or relink it to something else:

class SomethingElse;
class CA_Magazine: SomethingElse {
  displayName = "blablalba";

These things should not be done or there will be warnings in the rpt.

These warnings are not a problem, however if you're going to mix and match mods where some stick to the inheritance tree, while others break it, things get messy, and nobody can guarantee you anything :)

The above are just simple examples, it gets more messy if you go deeper down the tree.

And depending on what is wrong exactly, a lot of different things could simply not work, or not work as intended.

Many times missing is also the correct CfgPatches -> requiredAddons[]= array.

Even if you have a correct inheritance tree, the rpt will be full of messages like

Updating base class ->StaticMGWeapon, by ca\weapons\static\config.bin/CfgVehicles/WarfareBMGNest_PK_Base/

Edited by Sickboy

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I am still having troubles with errors at the start of a mp mission i have been working on.

The mission uses ony Duala and both rebels and Molation troops.No other addons.

Here is a link to the mission for you or anyone else to try for themselves.


I would love to know if anyone else has this error show up at start of mission on a dedi-server.


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A few bad bits causing errors:

Afrenian config.cpp - broken inheritance

class CfgVehicles 
class Man;
class Soldier : Man {};
class CDF_Soldier_Light : Soldier {};

Molatian config.cpp - extra space before ;

// Officer
class Ins_Commander ;
   class MOL_Officer : Ins_Commander 

// Soldier_AT	
   class Ins_Soldier_Base ;
   class MOL_Soldier_AT : Ins_Soldier_Base  

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thanks for feedback guys. Ice is busy with Jade Groove. I had already made an unofficial patch of afrenian units with more ammo slots and specialisms (to fit dom/evo type ports) and offered it to Ice to for next update. so with his agreement I'm going to try and fix this inheritance issue tomorrow for a patch release or w/e he decides...

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Hey, everyone!

First, let me say that this is a very impressive and pretty island. After playing nothing but Chernarus, this is really nice. But, like a few others, I'm having trouble with the ambient civilians. If I put this in the module initialization field,

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (240 * (%1))"];

BIS_loc_acityc_kozlovka setvariable ["ALICE_populationCoef",1];

then some civilians spawn.... BUT most of them spawn on top buildings. When that happens, they go back inside shortly after, or they walk off of the rooftops. :D I'm not sure why this is happening, but it's very weird.


Nevertheless, I'll still use this island. :) Thank you very much for it! It really freshens up ARMA II.

Edit: Also, when civilians do happen to spawn outside, most don't walk around or react to gunfire. They just stand by their front door for some reason.

Edited by Lollis25

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I've fixed all the units so thanks for your help guys - just waiting for Ice to review it

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Is there going to be some fix so wounds will be seen? and some vocie/texts for the bothe side of isla duala armys?

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What are talking about? Wounds are working. What addons are you using along with it?

About voices... I don't know any African language ;)

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Is there any effective way to detect version mismatches? We keep getting units inside the ground on our server and can't figure out why, and the only thing I can think of is someone having an incorrect version (those missions do seem to work in single player). Server is (and users are supposed to be) using 1.31.

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Inside the ground,.. you mean besides the simulation of distant "grass" effect, so you cannot see folks/AI due to grass clutter?

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What are talking about? Wounds are working. What addons are you using along with it?

About voices... I don't know any African language ;)

My headwound works, but on the body there be no wounds :S

haha I understand that african language is hard ;) but some english texts anyway :D I am use ACE and some more, can try if it work only by itself. Sorry for bad english :D

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No, I mean practically 2-3 meters inside the ground, and then they pop out, back in, etc. For example using MCC and spawning a helicopter only the blades were visible above the ground. Ammo boxes were completely submerged, and so were enemies.

Though maybe it's the server's version that is messed up? I really don't know what kind of version mismatch could cause those things, and unfortunately I don't really know how to track who is running an incorrect version.

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in case it helps, i've not seen this in evolution with the aferenian/ molatian units

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We play for past couple of months on our dedicated and everything is fine. It seems your server is running an old version (with old heightmap).

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