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idiots in life

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general question about stupidity of people which today annoyed me totally

i wonder how you see it?

i always thought that normal human need brain, he functions in society, he works somewhere, he earns money for life, he graduates school, he lives in home when he must do something, and i am surprised by idiots in net :)

installing software, using game complicated as Arma requires some brain, isn't it ?

i want to write you about some things

as examples i will use addonmaking


one person said: that my Arma2 addons are not even enought to use for OFP quality

Arma has nomalmapping, textures are 24,32 bits, while OFP textures tool exports to 8 bit

OFP polycount and Arma polycount is 5 times difference

and person who see good model says it is too bad to use in OFP, how is possible to be such idiot?

i understand that someone can say he don't like it and show better, closer to realism, but i cannot understand how someone can say it is too bad to use it in OFP ?

another example:

i saw news about my work in progress screens:

there was shown weapons for Binkowski addon, and comment was following:

"sucks, nothing new, the same are in Binkowski addon, nothing new, sucks"

there was shown screen of vehicle not finished, not all textures applied, comment was following:

"sucks, there is a difference in colors between elements, sucks"

there was shown screen of weapon used by Polish army special units (HK 416), i do model of weapon which is used in real army, comment was following:

"sucks, why he not make LWS carbine instead of HK 416"

another example, one guy was still arguing with me that one rifle is different than on many photos

how is it possible that you have 100's of photos in google and you say it looks different ? for me it is impossible when you have eyes

i wrote all this cause i really cannot understand how such stupid, ignorant, blind people exist in society, they are totally surprising me negative :/

how do they live ? how they function in society ?

i cannot understand how it is possible, that someone says what i quoted above

if weapons are made for Binkowski, than it is natural that they are there and "nothing new" under screen showing new weapons in Arma ?

or this "why not LWS instead of 416, sucks"

when i answered that their comments were dumb, they answered "what? truth hurts?"

of course i read again that Arma2 quality is worse than OFP standarts

if Army of country lets say "X" uses M16A2+Elcan and you do addon of army X and M16A2 Elcan and comment is "sucks, shit, crap, why not G36?"

if addonmaker X gets my rifle and and comment is "ooo nothing new" , what sense ?

if i show screen of half textured vehicle and comment is "colours do not match"

i wonder if such idiots go to grocery shop to buy TV and go to electronic market to buy onion ?

Edited by vilas

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Anonimity on the net seems to make it a lot easier for people to act different than they would IRL.

My advice to you would be to just go from what you know, i.e. you're a very good addon maker, and work from there. Build on your own strengths, not other peoples' weaknesses :)

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Yeah, I think everyone who doesn't like my work is an idiot, too.

That was sarcasm. Criticism, no matter how ignorant or obvious, always points out something that someone doesn't like and unless it's a 100% matter of taste, it gives valuable insight to what might be wrong. If I had to choose between a flood of praise and a flood of hate for the things I do, I'd pick the latter in order to improve my work. Content makers need a thick skin.

If you don't want your WIP screens to be criticized, don't post pictures until the addon has been released.

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Celery, seems you don't understand written words, re read again, cause it seems you don't understand where problem lies, o my god...

army X uses rifle Y and they criticize that i not made Z

person X has my rifle and they criticize "nothing new" ?

you say about "it lies in taste" ???

o my god, and where is truth ?

if real weapon looks like that xxx, addon looks like xxx and another addon is for example "too big magazine, to short barrel, wrong hadgrip" - how can it be called "taste" ???

2+2=4, not 3 or 5 depending of "taste"

improving work? how ?

by equiping GROM units in LSC or LCS rifles instead of HK 416 ?

improving work how ?

taking back weapons that i made for Binkowski (and in future i will do more weapons for him as i will find time)


how improving ???

i remember another situation, i gave few of my weapons to some mods

and i saw once post "compare your X machinegun with Y-mod machinegun"

while mod Y uses my machinegun

both models and textures are the same and comment was , that my is bad, and "their" is good and i should look at "their" machinegun, o my god, how person posting such comment about machinegun can be such blind idiot ?

another example of idiotism:

once upon a time, i gave my Bradley for Boss and Pauliness to reskin and one kid asked me for permission to release my Bradley with my woodland textures (the same as in my addon of west vehicles)

and when i answered "no", he told he will ask Boss and Pauliness , funny ...

on this forum we had one topic, when one guy asks about something, how it works in game (cause he knows how it works in real life)

but he wanted to understand mechanism of functioning in game

and there were some people who started answering him "how it works in real life"

while this guy exactly told "i know difference in real life, i wanna know how it works in this game"

and again they were clarifying him "how it works i.r.l."

i cannot understand it, simply cannot

i am after technical university, now i see i should go to psychology, cause i cannot understand how someone call say like all what i quoted above

i simply don't understand how person asked "sir , what's the time" answers "my uncle lives in Paris and i like apples"

Edited by vilas

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Celery, seems you don't understand written words, re read again, cause it seems you don't understand where problem lies, o my god...

Perhaps you just don't want to understand me? You made this thread because you were offended by the comments you get for your addons. You need to grow a thicker skin, i.e. take all criticism as potential advice (even if it's hidden among the insults and stupidity) and disregard unhelpful comments. Don't make a big deal out of it.

army X uses rifle Y and they criticize that i not made Y

That means they want rifle Y.

person X has my rifle and they criticize "nothing new" ?

Maybe because it has already been made? The community already has too many similar addons and it makes people frustrated.

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Hey Vilas,

sounds to me like you've discovered the existence of ungrateful and obnoxious pricks on the internet. You better get used to it, because they're on the rise.

There will always be people who don't look closely enough to see that two things are in fact one and the same, yet still claim one is junk and the other is awesome. Some will even come to your thread and tell you how much your work sucks, just because they want to see you get angry. You're better off not getting upset about it.

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Take it easy or with a pinch of salt and make you addons how you like them to be. Quality over quantity is better for long-term gameplay.

Do your best and dont get distracted or discouraged!

The community already has too many similar addons and it makes people frustrated.
Too many - please list them for Arma2 and than compare it with OFP. ;)

Its up to mission designer to create mission with addons. If he really isnt able to make a choice he has some serious problems...

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In my opinion Vilas addons are simply pieces of art , stunning quality and also for free, waht else can you ask. The ungrateful people are usually ignorant too.

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In a world that a 13 years old kid can get a 18 years old chick pregnant and become farther, I have to say that I already lost hope on this world, but then you still have a living, so you have to get used to it, just remember: dont became a prick yourself.;)

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I share your sentiments, Vilas. Things like this don't bother me as much as they used to, but I was strangely irked by a bunch of Russians calling the Landrovers crap and declaring that addon makers should spend more time making Russian stuff instead. :P

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Didn't really want to give my comment on this, but maybe you need to look at it from the other side.

If not mistaken you are very common/knowledge with russian weapons and afaik you were the one that kept begging BIS to change one of the MG or was it AK47/74 because there was one elements that had (completly) wrong, right?

Well, i don't call myself an expert in US wepons, but i do know for example your M249 you showed in a WIP pic looks pretty outdated (for example the M249 is using a newer stock since a few years).

But i suppose the main problem is the fact it is based on the BIS model, witch is afaik in the case of the M249 a model that is in use since OFP? Since i had a good look at the model the last few weeks i can say it is in a extremly bad shape (very poorly optimized and UV mapping shows its age aswell). This is the same for the BIS .50cal and MK19 (i used to remodel them and was able to make a much more detailed model with the same polycount).

Just saying, afaik you reuse a lot of BIS parts (correct me if wrong) some of your weapon models start to show its age.

Not saying it is wrong, jsut saying as you know that something you make from scratch will allow you to make with more detail and up to these days standards. We all know how long it takes to make something new, at least for me. When i sometimes see how fast you have something done....

Don't consider it as a bad thing mate. Like Celery i think a modeler needs to take bad critis lightly, but on the other hand put your ego aside and try to look if that comment makes sense and what you can do for the future.

In the end, don't let it get you down. If person X doesn't like it, well then simply point person X that there are public tools out so if he wants model Y or whatever, he can always do it himself.

Maybe an additional point:

At least this is my standpoint, i always try to make my models as detailed as possible. Yup many have called me supid and insane because of the fact most of my weapons have the same triscount as planes or vehicles (that include weapons :d ). Personally i have put that comment aside me. It is my work, my way of making....Fact is that by doing this, you raise the bar for others and more specificly for BIS. An other good thing about that is, my models will still look 'normal' in X amount of years. Where others will have to remodel to keep up with the demanding quality.

For example, imho a true 3D ris bar is a must these days (in my eyes). Seeing some models of you still having a 2D ris (again correct me if wrong). But again, game addons aren't all about quality and that i know. But personally i don't play anymore so what i make i more consider as making art (for myself in the first place).

It is something you decide for yourself.

Quality over quantity or the other way around. As long as it makes yourself happy.

Edited by DaSquade

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(1) Lot's of people here - particularly new comers but not only - take addon makers' work for granted, without having the single clue about how much effort and time those addons are demanding.

(2) To be an happy addon maker, just work on things you're enjoying and simply ignore the rest. RL is a bitch, no need to be stressed by addon making too.

(3) I almost forgot : ignore the advisers that pop up from nowhere, asking you hundreds of things, stressing you, then disappear as quickly as they appear.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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I share your sentiments, Vilas. Things like this don't bother me as much as they used to, but I was strangely irked by a bunch of Russians calling the Landrovers crap and declaring that addon makers should spend more time making Russian stuff instead. :P

yeah, i am talking about them


so not only me ?


please read problem again:

i gave weapons to Binkowski, they saw my screens and said "crap, nothing new"

Polish GROM bought some (50, 60 ??) HK 416

and they told my work is crap cause i should do LCS ??? (Lewis version of M4)

mod X , mod Y get my rifle, machinegun, tank... and they said that mod X machinegun is great, my is crap, while they are the same, cause mod X or Y uses my weapons

i simply cannot understand people's blindness

the same goes for religions in the world "kill him cause he is from other part of the world" "he prays to another god, so he is sadist, child killer, monkey rapist, eating blood"

simply i cannot understand it :(

maybe because i am atheist, but addonmaking is here only "example issue", simply i wanted to understand rationally matter of stupidity, how they function ?

how they live ?

brain is necessary when you work, when you build house, when you drive car, when you do dinner ... always

look at other topic

one guy asks to clarify him something, and people say something completely different than what he asked

as my example "sir, what's the time" answer "my uncle lives in Paris"

or i have seen once upon a time photo gallery of one guy

his photos were not sharp (auto focus broken)

he wanted to take pictures from planes exhibitions, some of his photos were showing half of plane and it was not sharp

one picture was showing half of wheel and was totally blurred...


i Poland we have website "demotivators"

i remember one photo, table with advertisements in school:

one paper card says : "someone stolen my bike, it is red-silver bike XXX with reflector... if you will find please contact"

few advertisments below "i have red -silver bike XXX for sale, i need money quickly, contact me phone xxxxxxx"


Edited by vilas

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About (2). Well that isn't always the case. Like i wanted to point out with the M249, villa's one is a model with the current stock would looked ok..some years ago. From my research (witch is the key thing and some of the guys posting critis happen to have that free time to look up in detail what has changed) this is typicly about US. Weapons layout change alot in the form of upgrade programs (land warrior etc). Often it takes a lot of deep research before one finds that out as a simple google search won't show a weapon in its latest form. Often it are those small changes that make the ( visualy) difference and what upset some. At least it would be an eyecatcher and a reason why 'your' model wins it over the XXX other released models.

Downside to these programs is, often it is pretty hard to find info and decent reference material (if you want it accurate). Before you got it right there is already a new upgrade program. But i guess that makes it a bit interested for modelers, there is always something new ;) .

PS: in case of the M249 there are other new/newer upgrades, up to you to find out what.

As for the 'more russian over US thingy'. Well i think the fact there are tons of reference material of US things and they are constantly beeing upgraded (even though most will never see what...) makes making US gear that interesting for me. I have made several russian items...well finding reference material is a pain in the b***.

@Vila: Open your eyes mate and read my post again :p.


please read problem again:

i gave weapons to Binkowski, they saw my screens and said "crap, nothing new"

Indeed nothing 'new' in my eyes aswell and still looks as 'crappy' as the stock old BIS M249. Please take the time to read my posts and you will maybe see what i meant. For the normal users the M249 didn't changed in years, for someone how did +16h of research on the latest layout of the current M249 or actually is using the weapon day in/out, it isn't.

I don't want to troll, that i explained in my previous post. It is your call...just saying some do make correct comments. It is up to the maker how you receive and deal with those comments.

I would like to give you one very good source: https://peosoldier.army.mil/. Welcome to 'modern warfare' ;) .

i Poland we have website "demotivators"

i remember one photo, table with advertisements in school:

one paper card says : "someone stolen my bike, it is red-silver bike XXX with reflector... if you will find please contact"

few advertisments below "i have red -silver bike XXX for sale, i need money quickly, contact me phone xxxxxxx"


Looks the term 'sarcasme' didn't reached Poland yet? This comment is sarcasme aswell before you wonder :) . Lighten up, personally i can see the humor in that advertisment. Sad for the one that lost the bike, good job on the creativity of the second poster. That is life...

Edited by DaSquade

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Vilas you have my respect for showing your feelings to the community.

And I feel sorry for you - it must be really hard to work hours on something and then get being bashed that way for idiotic "reasons".

You would/will should surely get my respect also for your addons when I will try them which I didn't yet.

Don't let people get you down.

There are some using internet for letting their real life frustrations out in being aggressive and insulting for no reason. And there are also persons online who simply aren't able to imagine the feelings of the people they are communicating with. This ability differs a lot from person to person and some have real deep unabilities like that. It's a kind of ... handicap they have. Imagine how poor their real life relationsships only can be!

I would say, try to ignore the rubbish of those deeply frustrated and - to normal persons - frustrating and sick people and cling to those who are simply normal.

You have those people also online, in battles: There are guys who simply wanna destroy everything while not communicating to others at all. Only: "Erased five tanks!" Without asking for a answer or a comment. They just go on like crazy people. No fun to game with, no fun to chat with, no fun at all.

But happily: The most are at least normal, many are even helpful, understanding and intelligent.

And I think we can be happy with the community in general.

But it's always bitter to experience such things, I know and I can feel with you.

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you know, it is not matter of letting down

simply i cannot understand following:

mod X has my machinegun , both models and textures are the same, and someone says "your is wrong, look at theirs"

i don't understand


Army X uses rifle Y, and they say "crap, rifle Z should be made"

or mod X has my weapons, they see my weapons screen "crap, nothing new, i have it in X addon already released"


while unders screen there is written "weapons made for mister X addon" ???

i was not startic topic about feeling down, i simply cannot understand, WHY, when for example one man asks "can you help me, i wanna know how in game works weapon X, cause i know how it works in real life, but i wanna know how it behaves in game" 2,3,4 persons answer him "in real life this weapon is used for..."

he asked "what is the time" and they answered "my uncle is from Paris"

@DaSquad - nothing new, already have it in Binkowski pack < this was what they meant, while under screen it was written that weapon is made for Binkowski

nonsense, total nonsens

i made weapons for Binkowski, i showed screen and ... i get comment "sucks, nothing new, it is already in Binkowski pack"

if something is made for someone, it is natural that it is in his pack

they don't understand that i made weapons for him ? and they think that i "copy Bink weapons? "

like guy who said that mod X machinegun is good, my machinegun is crap, while mod X uses my machinegun !

i don't understand such blindness

like i never understood people like "you wrong, safety switch is on other side" while they have google and can find 100 photos of rifle???

because in old Counter Strike many things were mirrored ?

Looks the term 'sarcasme' didn't reached Poland yet? This comment is sarcasme aswell before you wonder . Lighten up, personally i can see the humor in that advertisment. Sad for the one that lost the bike, good job on the creativity of the second poster. That is life...

no - for me it is dumb thief wanna sell stole product

if it was joke, than such "joker" could lost some teeth :D

i know 4 policemen and sometimes people act so dumb that this is unbelievable, one man threatened judge on court , what can be more stupid ?

or thief who wanted to stole car from parking near police station and cameras and he had no hood, cap, dark glasses,

or girls who go to night club disco, make sex in toilet with unknown man, without condoms and are surprised "oooo my god, i am pregnant" "oops who is father, oops i have aids"

Edited by vilas

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Well then the "solution" seems quite simple:

They told you stupid things.

If you really try hard to understand a crazy person you gonna get mad too. So: Stop trying to understand. It's worthless, even harming.

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This is something very human and not restricted to the internet. People tend to see their situation and only their perspective. It manifests in simple things like crossing the street on foot when the light just turned red. When you sit in the car and wait for the pedestrians to get off the street, you want to hit the gas when there's another one crossing when its already red. But you as pedestrian, you would have done the same.

I can only advise you to do the stuff for yourself because you have fun doing it. If there is contructive criticism, use it. If not, leave it.

Criticism, no matter how ignorant or obvious, always points out something that someone doesn't like and unless it's a 100% matter of taste, it gives valuable insight to what might be wrong.

No it doesn't. If i told you the weather in central europe tomorrow is going to be 30°C and sunshine, it would only indicate that i have no damn clue of what i am talking about. Same goes for most guys "critizising".

Edited by Serclaes

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Vilas, can't you just forget about that people?

U will find them everywhere, on the net and in "real" life. As Celery pointed, u have to learn how to leave those comments behind but writing down the content of the comment, not the way they are done.

They might have a valid point that u might use in your work, but just u have to separate that from the stupid way of talking or bashing someone's work.

If u can't separate it, and u get so much affected for the comments (the way are said) this is something u must improve as person, or u will "suffer" so much in your life.

Notice i don't mean that u just ignore everything u don't like, i mean u have to separate the content from the way they say it.

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Well then the "solution" seems quite simple:

They told you stupid things.

If you really try hard to understand a crazy person you gonna get mad too. So: Stop trying to understand. It's worthless, even harming.

yeah, right, but simply i wonder how such people live ;)

but yes, MP is probably full of such "funny" creatures

of course i was laughing reading what they say, but simply i was trying to understand "how is it possible that someone looks at circle and see rectangle"

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Ah ok about the "sucks, nothing new, it is already in Binkowski pack". Looks i didn't fully got that part in your first post ;) .

Well, you are correct. Most people are idiots, nothing new aswell.

Carry on...

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Notice there is a long awaited new function in these board that were sadly not present in the older ones and are very usefull in those cases :

Go to User CP -> under Settings & Options -> Edit Ignore List

It works wonderfully.

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Hey Vilas, the internet is a zoo. Ignore people.

I make addons for ONE person only: me. I share them with others, but I don't really care for their opinions :) some people cannot see the value in even free things, some people will always moan regardless. Some people cannot be pleased. Some people have an exaggerated view of the importance of their opinions and skills, some do not see the possible effects of poor acknowledgment, some do not care, some actively wish you to be saddened by it.

I say, feck the lot of 'em ;)

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