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Evolution bug list - any help?

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Hmm maybe i should make an exact description of all the things i did

I just took a fresh GITSEvolutionV28.Chernarus and did the following:

1. Copied revive_init.sqf and both folders(revive_sqf and respawnSpecial from Revive_TEST_042.utes.rar, an example mission made by Norrin himself


2. Added to description.ext the following code:


// description.ext settings for revive
respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 4;
disabledAI = 0;

//#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\config.cpp" -commented out and copied content to this file
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\define.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\rev_cam_dialog.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_2.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_3.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_4.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1b.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1c.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_2b.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_3b.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_4b.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_1map.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_2map.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_3map.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\respawn_button_4map.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\OK_map.hpp"
#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\dead_cam_dialog.hpp"


// Adding for Revive
sounds[] = {none,Incoming,Paycall,Dog,Goodjob,Jay,Disco,Explo_Large,Rocket_Away,Explo_Nuke,incoming_Nuke,radzoneb,nblast,nsound,Brian_Im_hit, 


// Adding for Revive, from config.cpp and commented it out above
class Brian_Im_hit
class Brian_Im_bleeding
class Brian_Medic
class Brian_Bastards
class Brian_Shit_Man_down
class Brian_Oh_no
class Brian_Fuck
class Brian_Fuck_it
class Brian_Shit
class Brian_Need_help
class Brian_A_little_help_here

titleParam1="Respawn type";
textsParam1[]={"Revive/Base","Revive only","Base only"};

       class Revive
	// paramsArray[1]
               title = "Number of Revives:";
               values[] = {2000,1000,20,10,7,5};
               texts[] = {"No Revive","Infinite - Cadet","20 - Easy ","10 - Normal","7  - Hard","5  - Extreme"};
               default = 1000;


3. Added/changed to/in init.sqf the follwed code:


spawntype = param1;

// Respawn settings
publicVariable "spawntype"; 
if (spawntype == 0 or spawntype == 1) then {server execVM "revive_init.sqf"};
// If Revive is disabled (spawntype 2), then move the Respawn_west -marker to starting location
if (spawntype == 2) then {"Respawn_west" setMarkerPos [(getMarkerPos "Base" select 0),(getMarkerPos "Base" select 1)]};


4. Added/changed following in the in-game mission editor:


a. Added a gamelogic called "server"
b. Moved Respawn_West -marker from starting point to the end of the runway. When respawn is disabled, the code above moves it back.
c. Added a marker called "Base" and moved it to the starting point
d. Added a marker called "center" and moved it to the center of map
e. Added a marker called "boot_hill" and moved it far away from mission area


5. Changed following in the revive_init.sqf:


NORRN_player_units = 



_max_respawns 					= (paramsArray select 15);

_no_respawn_points 				= 1;
_Base_1 					= "Base";

// Mobile Spawn Settings
_mobile_spawn 					= 0;

_mobile_man 					= objNull;

After this everything seemed to be working as intended.

Edited by Toxim
Added full description of what i did to get revive working

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fixed it. was the new gamelogic item

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  • The destoyed enemy choppers(maybe planes too) are not properly removed, lots of chopper wrecks around and they wont disappear.
    I believe this is also the reason of the infamous flame bug(whole sky in flames). I've noticed the flame bug appear where a chopper/plane has crashed.
  • And the pilots are not always removed either.

  • Currently the MHQ teleport points to the MHQ marker instead of the vehicle. So when the markers stop updating(happens often), mhq teleporting doesnt work anymore.

  • (At least up to v29) mash(and some other objects) at carrier is spawned in air, above the deck
  • (At least up to v29) MH60S too close to the flag pole in Farp Bravo

<--added 6.1.2011-->

  • description.ext: sound[]={"sound\UNIV_v24.ogg",0.05,1.0}; points to wrong folder, should be revive_sqf\sound\
  • Enemy static weapons are not very responsive, they sometimes dont shoot at all, unless fired upon or running right in front of them
  • (At least up to v29) The makespetz.sqf sometimes generates some errors
  • (At least up to v29) Solnichiy: Enemy tank often spawns under the concrete in the docks/harbour
  • When revive is enabled, you sometimes(rarely) spawn at the respawn_west marker(on the other side of runway, far from where you are supposed to)
  • (v31) One of the blackhawks in base too close to another blackhawk

<--added 10.1.2011-->

  • (v31) Sometimes the Evo menu suddenly pops up to every player at the same time

<--added 11.1.2011-->

  • Map/Notes get spammed with repeated entries for Infantry, Crew, Force Recon and Command
  • (v31) Several errors created by makehindp.sqf, makehip.sqf, makespetz.sqf and BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle.sqf, list of errors behind the spoiler button

2011/01/10, 15:52:46 Error in expression < setdammage 1};
if (alive (units _pilot select 1)) then {(units _pilot select 1)>
2011/01/10, 15:52:46   Error position: <select 1)) then {(units _pilot select 1)>
2011/01/10, 15:52:46   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 15:52:46 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makehindp.sqf, line 91

2011/01/10, 16:17:17 Error in expression < setdammage 1};
if (alive (units _pilot select 1)) then {(units _pilot select 1)>
2011/01/10, 16:17:17   Error position: <select 1)) then {(units _pilot select 1)>
2011/01/10, 16:17:17   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:17:17 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makehip.sqf, line 81

2011/01/10, 15:20:27 Error in expression < setdammage 1};
if (alive (units _pilot select 2)) then {(units _pilot select 2)>
2011/01/10, 15:20:27   Error position: <select 2)) then {(units _pilot select 2)>
2011/01/10, 15:20:27   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 15:20:27 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makehindp.sqf, line 92

2011/01/10, 16:18:07 Error in expression <ect 0] call BIS_EVO_idelSVEC};
_heli2 = createVehicle [_allvecsNG select (round >
2011/01/10, 16:18:07   Error position: <createVehicle [_allvecsNG select (round >
2011/01/10, 16:18:07   Error Type Any, expected String
2011/01/10, 16:18:07 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 58
2011/01/10, 16:18:07 Error in expression <ect 0] call BIS_EVO_idelSVEC};
_heli3 = createVehicle [_allvecsNG select (round >
2011/01/10, 16:18:07   Error position: <createVehicle [_allvecsNG select (round >
2011/01/10, 16:18:07   Error Type Any, expected String
2011/01/10, 16:18:07 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 60
2011/01/10, 16:18:09 Error in expression <nDriver _heli;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 1) moveInGunner _heli;
sleep 0.2;>
2011/01/10, 16:18:09   Error position: <select 1) moveInGunner _heli;
sleep 0.2;>
2011/01/10, 16:18:09   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:09 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 95
2011/01/10, 16:18:09 Error in expression <nGunner _heli;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 2) moveInDriver _heli1;
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:09   Error position: <select 2) moveInDriver _heli1;
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:09   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:09 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 97
2011/01/10, 16:18:09 Error in expression <Driver _heli1;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 3) moveInGunner _heli1;
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:09   Error position: <select 3) moveInGunner _heli1;
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:09   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:09 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 99
2011/01/10, 16:18:10 Error in expression <Gunner _heli1;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 4) moveInDriver _heli2;
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:10   Error position: <select 4) moveInDriver _heli2;
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:10   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:10 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 101
2011/01/10, 16:18:10 Error in expression <Driver _heli2;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 5) moveInDriver _heli3;

2011/01/10, 16:18:10   Error position: <select 5) moveInDriver _heli3;

2011/01/10, 16:18:10   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:10 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 103
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 Error in expression <eep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep;

(units _spetz select 6) moveInCargo _heli2;
sleep 0.2;>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error position: <select 6) moveInCargo _heli2;
sleep 0.2;>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 118
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 Error in expression <nCargo _heli2;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 7) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error position: <select 7) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 120
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 Error in expression <Cargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 8) moveInCargo _heli2;
sleep 0.2;>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error position: <select 8) moveInCargo _heli2;
sleep 0.2;>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 122
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 Error in expression <nCargo _heli2;
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 9) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error position: <select 9) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2>
2011/01/10, 16:18:11   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:11 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 124
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 Error in expression <Cargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 10) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error position: <select 10) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 126
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 Error in expression <Cargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 11) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error position: <select 11) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 128
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 Error in expression <Cargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 12) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error position: <select 12) moveInCargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 130
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 Error in expression <Cargo _heli2; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 13) moveInCargo _heli2; 

2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error position: <select 13) moveInCargo _heli2; 

2011/01/10, 16:18:12   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:12 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 132
2011/01/10, 16:18:13 Error in expression <eep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep;

(units _spetz select 14) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:13   Error position: <select 14) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:13   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 143
2011/01/10, 16:18:13 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 15) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:13   Error position: <select 15) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:13   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 145
2011/01/10, 16:18:13 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 16) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:13   Error position: <select 16) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:13   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 147
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 17) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error position: <select 17) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 149
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 18) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error position: <select 18) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 151
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 19) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error position: <select 19) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 153
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 20) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error position: <select 20) moveInCargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.>
2011/01/10, 16:18:14   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 155
2011/01/10, 16:18:15 Error in expression <Cargo _heli3; 
sleep 0.2;
(units _spetz select 21) moveInCargo _heli3; 

{_x ad>
2011/01/10, 16:18:15   Error position: <select 21) moveInCargo _heli3; 

{_x ad>
2011/01/10, 16:18:15   Error Zero divisor
2011/01/10, 16:18:15 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\makespetz.sqf, line 157

2011/01/10, 16:55:31 Error in expression <ons "gunner") > 0) then 
_unit = _grp createUnit [_crewtype select (round rand>
2011/01/10, 16:55:31   Error position: <createUnit [_crewtype select (round rand>
2011/01/10, 16:55:31   Error Type Any, expected String
2011/01/10, 16:55:31 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle.sqf, line 32
2011/01/10, 16:55:31 Error in expression <ons "driver") > 0) then 
_unit = _grp createUnit [_crewtype select (round rand>
2011/01/10, 16:55:31   Error position: <createUnit [_crewtype select (round rand>
2011/01/10, 16:55:31   Error Type Any, expected String
2011/01/10, 16:55:31 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\data\scripts\BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle.sqf, line 38


  • Maybe the USVehicleBox(ammo boxes in base) should not be in the list of loadable objects(R3F Logistics)
  • Removal of the craters(CraterLong is the object name i believe), left behind by destroyed planes + choppers? they can make the airstrip quite bumby :)
  • Civ traffic as a parameter?
  • Dynamic Weather as a parameter?
  • Marker for recon hq?

<--added 6.1.2011-->

  • Task to knock down enemy air control tower(or something):

    - Random location

    - Needs satchels to destroy several objects, like aa radar, power generator and command center

    - Protected with a shilka, couple mechanized patrols, static weapons and infantry squads.

    - When task is complete, sky stays clear of enemy air patrols for several hours until task is created again, to another random location

  • Similiar task for knocking down enemy AA in towns? Some satchel -only destoyable target near every town

<--added 10.1.2011-->

  • (v31) Higher priority for the Respawn MHQ Ambulance -action? It often gets lost between the other teleport options

Edited by Toxim
Added more bugs and suggestions

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1. Add the ability to have more than 10 towns and make it random.

2. Also incorporate the ability to recruit A.I. and have them man the artillery pieces and not have them run out of ammo/ refill the gun and also get credit for A.I. kills.

3. Reduce the heli with parachuting replacements every 30 secs to an interval specified by the player.

This is a great mission but can get overwhelming with just 2-4 players real fast. Having the ability to create A.I. and have them shoot the mortars and cannons instead of requesting it adds more realism and fun to the mix and aids in capturing the town.

I ran a server last nite that 3 of us played on and it took us almost 4 hrs to get the first town. I personally killed 1300 soldiers and could only guess what my soldier manning the mortar got ( 2-400? ). It was a blast and felt quite real trying to wrestle control of the town gaining a foothold only to lose it to the advancing replacements after dying.

4. None of us are any good at flying so maybe adding the ability to spawn airsupport that flys around to help aid in the struggle could also be a nice feature.

Just some random thoughts.

Thanks for adding to the original

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  • (BAF v10) Base gets flooded with empty civilian vehicles after a while

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Hi eggbeast

I've downloaded your mission pack and set up a dedi server on my computer with tophes tool just for me to mess around with alone.

Every time i try to load any of the missions up on any of the islands i get : You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


And wont let me play and changes the mission.Ive just finished downloading jarheads sound mod and added to my mods and sever mods but still get same error.

Any ideas what doin wrong :o

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ----------

sorry double post but heres my rpts



== C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oaserver.exe

== "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\TA2DST\muttly\TA2DST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\TA2DST\muttly\TA2DST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\TA2DST\muttly" -name=TA2DST -pid=PID.log "-ranking=ranking.log" "-mod=@CBA;@JSRS-E;@JSRS-V;@JSRS-VW;@JSRS-W;@lingor;@Misc;@stmovement;@tbr;@WarFX-Blastcore;@WarFX-Tracers"


Exe timestamp: 2010/12/22 10:30:59

Current time: 2011/01/28 15:17:34

Version 1.57.76903

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Conflicting addon WarFXPE in 'warfxpe\loading\', previous definition in 'warfxpe\'

Conflicting addon JSRS_C130 in 'jsrs_c130_c\', previous definition in 'jsrs_c130e_c\'

Conflicting addon JSRS_Mi17 in 'jsrs_mi17_c\', previous definition in 'jsrs_ka50_c\'

Updating base class B_9x18_Ball->BulletBase, by jsrs_sonic_cracks_c\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_9x19_Ball/

Updating base class Man->CAManBase, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Civilian/

Updating base class MGun->Mode_FullAuto, by jsrs_m240coax_c\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M240_veh/manual/

Updating base class Soldier->SoldierWB, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Base/

Updating base class USMC_Soldier->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Light/

Updating base class Default->, by chn_crocodile\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/

Updating base class ->Default, by chn_predator_c\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/

Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_Base, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_105_HE/

Updating base class Mode_SemiAuto->SCAR_H_Single, by jsrs_scar_h_c\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD/SCAR_H_SD_Single/

Updating base class Mode_FullAuto->SCAR_H_FullAuto, by jsrs_scar_h_c\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD/SCAR_H_SD_FullAuto/

Updating base class Sounds->, by jsrs_abrams_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M1A1/Sounds/

Updating base class Engine->, by jsrs_abrams_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M1A1/Sounds/Engine/

Updating base class F35_base->Plane, by warfxveh\config.bin/CfgVehicles/F35B/

Updating base class BulletBase->B_9x18_Ball, by warfxweps\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_9x19_Ball/

Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayStart/controls/Text

Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayStart/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayStart/controls/Progress2

Mission GITSEvolutionV11.Takistan: Missing 'description.ext::Header'

Server error: Player without identity Muttly (id 199574460)

ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/TextLoad

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress2

Old style material 204 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 206 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 206 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Warnings in ibr\lingor_objects\skala3_5.p3d:11000

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: kia_uaz_cargo02

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: uaz_cargo02

Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Old style material 204 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 205 used in ReportStack not available

Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


[6750,114.306,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.0.6"]


[6750,120.738,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]

Item STR_WF_Asset_HEPrecision listed twice

Item STR_WF_Asset_WPPrecision listed twice

Item STR_WF_Camp_captured listed twice

Item STR_WF_Upgrade_Tech listed twice

and my rpt duno if help


== C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe

== "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -window -noFilePatching -maxmem=2047 -cpucount=4 "-mod=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@JSRS-W;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@JSRS-VW;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@JSRS-V;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@JSRS-E;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@stmovement;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@tbr;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@lingor;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@WarFX-Tracers;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@WarFX-Blastcore;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@Misc;C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@CBA"


Exe timestamp: 2011/01/24 19:47:49

Current time: 2011/01/28 15:18:05

Version 1.57.76815

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file

Conflicting addon WarFXPE in 'warfxpe\loading\', previous definition in 'warfxpe\'

Conflicting addon JSRS_C130 in 'jsrs_c130_c\', previous definition in 'jsrs_c130e_c\'

Conflicting addon JSRS_Mi17 in 'jsrs_mi17_c\', previous definition in 'jsrs_ka50_c\'

Updating base class B_9x18_Ball->BulletBase, by jsrs_sonic_cracks_c\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_9x19_Ball/

Updating base class Man->CAManBase, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Civilian/

Updating base class MGun->Mode_FullAuto, by jsrs_m240coax_c\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M240_veh/manual/

Updating base class Soldier->SoldierWB, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Base/

Updating base class USMC_Soldier->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Light/

Updating base class Default->, by chn_crocodile\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/

Updating base class ->Default, by chn_predator_c\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/

Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_Base, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_105_HE/

Updating base class Mode_SemiAuto->SCAR_H_Single, by jsrs_scar_h_c\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD/SCAR_H_SD_Single/

Updating base class Mode_FullAuto->SCAR_H_FullAuto, by jsrs_scar_h_c\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD/SCAR_H_SD_FullAuto/

Updating base class Sounds->, by jsrs_abrams_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M1A1/Sounds/

Updating base class Engine->, by jsrs_abrams_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M1A1/Sounds/Engine/

Updating base class F35_base->Plane, by warfxveh\config.bin/CfgVehicles/F35B/

Updating base class BulletBase->B_9x18_Ball, by warfxweps\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_9x19_Ball/

Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayStart/controls/Text

Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayStart/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayStart/controls/Progress2

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/TextLoad

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress2

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/TextLoad

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress2

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: kia_uaz_cargo02

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: uaz_cargo02

[134,21.467,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.0.6"]


[134,25.344,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/TextLoad

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress2

[137,26.501,0.2,"XEH: VehicleCrewInit Started"]

[137,26.562,0.2,"XEH: VehicleCrewInit Finished PostInit Started"]


[139,27.289,0.4,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,false]"]

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/TextLoad

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress2

Old style material 204 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 206 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 206 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 207 used in ReportStack not available

Warnings in ibr\lingor_objects\skala3_5.p3d:11000

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/TextLoad

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress

Warning: no type entry inside class LoadingOne/controls/Progress2

[11857,126.666,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.0.6"]


[11857,127.155,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]

[11859,127.72,0.013,"XEH: VehicleCrewInit Started"]

[11859,127.72,0.013,"XEH: VehicleCrewInit Finished PostInit Started"]


[11860,128.016,0.063,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,false]"]

Old style material 204 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 205 used in ReportStack not available

Old style material 205 used in ReportStack not available

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this is your problem - it's not evolution, it's your mod

Conflicting addon WarFXPE in 'warfxpe\loading\', previous definition in 'warfxpe\'

Conflicting addon JSRS_C130 in 'jsrs_c130_c\', previous definition in 'jsrs_c130e_c\'

Conflicting addon JSRS_Mi17 in 'jsrs_mi17_c\', previous definition in 'jsrs_ka50_c\'

you have warfx and jsrs sound mod running by the looks of it.

and jsrs has a problem with that m230 sound... you have to take it out - google it.

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