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I just switched off v-synch in DR as a test to see if the FPS increased any more.

Just to recap, i get around 27fps in Arma2 in the campaign,


And I get 100 fps in BF2 on my 30" but only ~15 fps in dragon rising.

Whats your point?

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I just switched off v-synch in DR as a test to see if the FPS increased any more.

Just to recap, i get around 27fps in Arma2 in the campaign,


---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

I prefer the trees and such, because they don't do that silly texture swap thing that makes them kind of "throb" when you zoom in, the effect in Arma2 is terrible IMO

Higher frame rate a better game does not make. There's almost nothing for it to render in DR, look how bland it is. It's the same tree model over and over, the same grass over and over, there's no advanced texture effects like Normal Mapping. It doesn't even appear to have bump mapping! The texture resolutions are abysmal too. Get up close to something in DR and check how blury it is. Do the same in ArmA 2 and the textures are pretty damn crisp and detailed and have normal maps. DR relies way too much on HDR effects. Turn them off and it looks like a game from 2005, if not older.

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My point, is that Arma2 runs like complete arse on my rig, and i personally think it should run a little bit better, all things considered.

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I didn't see any evidence of sliding tanks, must have been a really steep hill you are talking about. You must have forgotten to engage the parking brakes :D

This guy didn't either:


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My point, is that Arma2 runs like complete arse on my rig, and i personally think it should run a little bit better, all things considered.

I'm running on a little old Athlon 4400+ overclocked to 2.68Ghz.

Nvidia 9800GTX+ Overclocked.

and it runs fine. But only if I run XP. I get 30fps. on Very High.

I also think the Athlons like it a little better, from what I've seen.

Oh.... Back on Topic. Operation Flashpoint is doing some video trick, if you check it in Fraps, it shows 30FPS. Seems sorta stuck there. But, if you look at what's being displayed, every other frame is blank. It's like it's reporting 30fps but you're really seeing much less. I need someone that knows more than me on this to confirm.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

I just switched off v-synch in DR as a test to see if the FPS increased any more.

Just to recap, i get around 27fps in Arma2 in the campaign,


---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

I prefer the trees and such, because they don't do that silly texture swap thing that makes them kind of "throb" when you zoom in, the effect in Arma2 is terrible IMO

You do know, that you are limited in FPS that your monitor can display right? Most HDMI monitors cap at 60Hz so the best you're eyes can possible see is 60FPS.

Edited by W0lle
quoted image

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My point, is that Arma2 runs like complete arse on my rig, and i personally think it should run a little bit better, all things considered.

Well you're right about that. Hopefully the lack of recent beta patches means they're working on something big like performance improvements.

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Also, add a battle using all 64 entities available to you and the FPS might be lower, although this might be immaterial as even if it halved the game would run fine.

What we should be asking is if the game runs so well, why don't they make use of the extra resources available to PC owners? Getting 100+ FPS in a game such as DR means they're not making the most out of the AI in a large battle, or the graphics aren't as detailed as they could be. Why not set the PC limit of AI to well over 100 if FPS is so good already?

It seems, therefore, that the game runs well due to limitations and trade-offs, not inherently better design.

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@S-M: I get that in ARma2 when looking up at the sky ;) Probably the same amount of scene complexity.

Ok, bought the game a couple of days ago and it hasn't really kept my interest as I keep getting hooked back to Empire TW.

First off, DR didn't disappoint me in any way as I pretty much knew what to expect after mindless hours of reading feedback. Good lesson here for the chronic criers :p

Impressions (all editor based as campaign seemed beat):

-Good infantry combat: The sounds and effects are pretty fun and I was actually afraid once or twice. Set up a small enemy beach invasion mission and had my guys fight from the stone hut and they reacted fairly well by using windows and cover. All AI was set to Elite in the editor btw. One time the enemy AI basically took the stone hut from us and began shooting at us from the windows, then everything quited down so I slowly crept up towards the windows and heard the enemy talking in Chinese inside -actually felt like they were doing something in there. I went to take a peek a blam! shot in the face point blank.

-Boring World: What can I say, the Island is pretty beat... Nothing has yet to catch my interest scene wise, and I feel like I'm running over the same area over and over. With all settings on high, this game doesn't come close to Chernarus. Missions set to dusk hour and cloudy overhead have a kinda nice dreamy-trippy effect and I think thats the only thing I might go looking for here since my partying days are long over.

-Coop: Didn't like it at all. Maybe it was the guys I was playing with and the difficulty they had set, but baically it was keep up with the leader who thought he was a tactial genius by sprinting from red-enemy dot to red-enemy dot from the radar screen. Didn't get any sense of being in a world or needing to watch my a$$- just run and shoot.

-Vehicles: This game needs freelook. Had some fun driving in coop until the jeep flipped on I'm not sure what, (squirrel?) flipped and killed me. Although, in a sense it is more fun driving in this than Arma2 in which driving offroad is a sleepy affair.

-Lack of Lean/63 Entity Limit: Surprisingly, the lack of lean didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Probably because you can inch your way laterally pretty well so I didn't feel all that exposed. I hope Arma2+ shortens the amount of movement animation needed to inch out also someday because i think this helps the AI as well in tight space situations.

63 entity is beat. I didn't see any spawning yet (as thats in the campaign) but building even medium size missions in the editor would be a real chore and i'm not that inspired to jump thru those hoops. Definitely needs to be fixed for PC'ers at least.

-Overall: My stance has changed as I almost felt sorry for CM as I see what they were 'trying' to do. I realized that I do crave a hybrid between Arma2 and something not quite as grandiose but that does implement some of the fun shooter things while keeping somewhat tactical -unfortunatly this aint it. But it's a start and i hope more companies decide to take a stab at it, as in the end, it's our target poor niche community that will benefit in the end.

Back to Empire!

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Luhgnut;1462472']I'm running on a little old Athlon 4400+ overclocked to 2.68Ghz.

Nvidia 9800GTX+ Overclocked.

and it runs fine. But only if I run XP. I get 30fps. on Very High.

I also think the Athlons like it a little better' date=' from what I've seen.

Oh.... Back on Topic. Operation Flashpoint is doing some video trick, if you check it in Fraps, it shows 30FPS. Seems sorta stuck there. But, if you look at what's being displayed, every other frame is blank. It's like it's reporting 30fps but you're really seeing much less. I need someone that knows more than me on this to confirm.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

You do know, that you are limited in FPS that your monitor can display right? Most HDMI monitors cap at 60Hz so the best you're eyes can possible see is 60FPS.

Yes i know, and agree with you, i am not trying to start a FPS war, i just want my Arma2 to work properly, but when i have muppets on this forum trying to tell me that my PC is far to underpowered to play Arma2, i kinda don't believe them.

The Arma2 engine is not happy, it is blatant to see, the crazy slow texture loads, the flashing random textures, the stuttering, the way people seam intent to mess about for a 1fps gain, tweeking things to death, for such a miniscule result. I would be happy with a 30fps Arma2 if the graphics worked properly, the textures did not stutter/pop/flash over each other, then i would fully belive that the engine is hampered by my pc and the max is what i am getting.

What i see instead, is something which is blatantly not polished, trying to shine like a diamond. I game which almost seams like it is fighting with itself to give out a result, instead of a well oiled machine.

I don't have that many PC games, but the ones i have all seam to work flawlessly, compared with this one, if i remember rightly i benched this system not long after i bought it and i can vaguely remember getting results a little over the general average.

My point is, as above, i don't suspect that my system is at fault at all.

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

@S-M: I get that in ARma2 when looking up at the sky ;) Probably the same amount of scene complexity.

Yes but i dont!!!!!!!

I have done tests, including running the thing at 200% rendered screen res, and it hardly seams to have any effect, something is not right!

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

Anyway, back to DR, i really like how i can tell the lads to go and set about a building, and they will stalk it and then enter/clear it all out :D

AI is a hard thing to judge, but the DR team mates do seam a little more handy when the crap hits the fan, although they do have an annoying habit of running in front of me when i am trying to snipe :D

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I prefer the trees and such, because they don't do that silly texture swap thing that makes them kind of "throb" when you zoom in, the effect in Arma2 is terrible IMO

I agree with that. I honestly prefer trees and bushes in the original OFP rather than constant LOD switching and morphing in ARMA. You press the zoom button, then there's some delay, and then trees and bushes start changing their shape. Sticks out like a sore thumb, ugh.

Also, add a battle using all 64 entities available to you and the FPS might be lower, although this might be immaterial as even if it halved the game would run fine.

What we should be asking is if the game runs so well, why don't they make use of the extra resources available to PC owners? Getting 100+ FPS in a game such as DR means they're not making the most out of the AI in a large battle, or the graphics aren't as detailed as they could be. Why not set the PC limit of AI to well over 100 if FPS is so good already?

It seems, therefore, that the game runs well due to limitations and trade-offs, not inherently better design.

Possibly. It could also be that CM don't care very much about the PC version at all since the game was designed primarily for consoles and they couldn't bother making the PC version better. At least that's the impression I'm getting.

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Someone on the CM forums claims he filed a complaint against them for false advertising. Not like anything will happen but it's kind of funny, especially since they banned him. Maybe they can't deal with the truth? The list of complaints is on page 4:


This is so weird. I posted in that thread yesterday and this morning I got this.


Seems Helios found and old thread where I said the word "crap" and there were something that got filtered, which looks like a curse word, but I don't cuss on forums for the obvious reasons. Instead of an infraction/warning, I get three infractions put together.

I have noticed three members that have been on the forums for years that had like 2k posts and were super positive about the game, and I noticed they have "banned" under there name also. One of the forum member that was a fanboy of OFPDR goes by the name Waa Waahh He played the game, was professional in giving his not so pleasant review of the game, and magically is banned. hmmm?

The one thing this has taught me is that BIS might not have produced the most polished game, but at least they don't employ false marketing or ride the coat tails of other games like Consolemasters do. So in all fairness, if the BIS devs read these threads, I hope they keep patching this game up and make it stable. Until then, I have to resort to playing WWIIONLINE. =[

Edited by Hans Ludwig

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+1 infraction point for that 193 kb image.

[=DD=] Luhgnut

+1 infraction point for quoting that image.

After collecting 5 of them we have a special surprise, so keep on going.


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@Hans Ludwig -Looks like panic mode mixed with damage control over there. I've seen many threads and posts just get plucked when there was nothing offensive except maybe to the CM programmers:lecture:

Locking a thread is one thing but just straight up abductions over respectful disagreements and the like stinks of fecism.

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The community over there is falling apart and Codemasters deserves it. Trying to port a "Realistic Modern Combat Simulator" to consoles is bound to lead to something bad. From the moment I heard OFPDR was going to be on consoles I knew there was no hope in hell that game could be as realistic and in-depth as ArmA II.

Quote from the OPFDR Forums :

NeckSadomasokatorrrrrrrr: "CM analised very well the strengths of the original Operation Flashpoint."

Next post - Blue fellow : "And threw them out the window."

Edited by Blackhawk

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@Hans Ludwig -Looks like panic mode mixed with damage control over there. I've seen many threads and posts just get plucked when there was nothing offensive except maybe to the CM programmers:lecture:

Locking a thread is one thing but just straight up abductions over respectful disagreements and the like stinks of fecism.

I learned if you have a complaint then don't post on their forums. Even legit feedback that mentions something bad about the game from senior members vanished, gets sent to the offtopic, locked or you get a warning/infraction. So if Helios deletes anything that can been seen as negative in his eyes, then how are the developers getting the necessary information to fix the product?

If this game wasn't called OFP, I wouldn't give a damn. But it's just the whole named being rapped and turned into a bad word that is driving me crazy.

The community over there is falling apart and Codemasters deserves it. Trying to port a "Realistic Modern Combat Simulator" to consoles is bound to lead to something bad. From the moment I heard OFPDR was going to be on consoles I knew there was no hope in hell that game could be as realistic and in-depth as ArmA II.

Quote from the OPFDR Forums :

NeckSadomasokatorrrrrrrr: "CM analised very well the strengths of the original Operation Flashpoint."

Next post - Blue fellow : "And threw them out the window."

LOL Love the last quote.

But what you said has me thinking, did these guys ever do anything remotely close to marketing research? I mean where did they think that this mess they produced would be excepted by the PC/OFP vet community? I hope someone can make sense of this for me.

Edited by Hans Ludwig

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LOL Love the last quote.

But what you said has me thinking, did these guys ever do anything remotely close to marketing research? I mean where did they think that this mess they produced would be excepted by the PC/OFP vet community? I hope someone can make sense of this for me.

The closest I can come up with that goes some way to explaining this mess is how American TV companies buy the rights to British shows, then make their own version that has nothing in common but the licenced name and very basic concept. Personally I don't think they gave a crap after a certain point. Using the EGO engine was a bad decision from day one, I said this when it was first revealed this was their engine of choice and it seems I was proved right (sometimes I hate being right lol).

They used the name and the massive following the original game had and got their money back in preorders and those who bought it to "see if it's as bad as people say" or just didn't know any better. I hate this kind of marketting, but sadly it's becoming the norm with games these days.

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+1 infraction point for that 193 kb image.

[=DD=] Luhgnut

+1 infraction point for quoting that image.

After collecting 5 of them we have a special surprise, so keep on going.


Would that not have been a bit more productive of you to edit the img tags and made it a link?

To be honest i missed the 100kb part in the rules, so fair play i suppose, but you are not coming across very well in that post at all, do not address me like some naughty child who is ready for the naughty step.

"so keep on going" to collect a "special surprise"

What the hell is all this about? this is the kind of thing that is said to some naughty kid, who repeatably flounts the rules, not somebody who made an unintentional first mistake.

You may find that if you get out of bed on the other side, your temper might not be so grumpy LOL!

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Show me where it says that we must turn your too big image into a link and I will do that in the future. It's totally up to us if we rightclick the image, get the url and then remove the image and replace it with the url or if we just remove the image.

I go for the latter as it's way faster.

And sorry that my attempt to ease the situation for the affected people with a little joke. Next time you get just your infraction and done, no problem for me.

Speaking about the kid who repeatably flounts the rules: Public discussion on how the forums are moderated is not allowed too and you should get another infraction for that. ;)

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it takes a mere few seconds to delete the [img tags.

The difference between that and removing the full thing, then putting in extra effort to post some red tagged text in its place, is marginal at best.

Worst, cover up excuse ever :(

Back to DR, i have played some multiplayer tonight, some co-op (had more fun by myself) and some 8v8 multiplay (this was utter rubbish)

Maybe i got some bad games, but i think i will probably finish the single player campaign and sell the game on/trade it in.

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Hmm i think the ego engine is promissing but not fully developed yet, perhaps with further development and a design/developer team that understands these types of games and their requirements they could come up with a good game.. someday.

Atm im not considering DR, not because of the graphics or in favour of Arma 2 but because its too limited and misses the basics.

My current stand is waiting for OA and hopeing it turns out nice and good.

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it takes a mere few seconds to delete the [img tags.

The difference between that and removing the full thing, then putting in extra effort to post some red tagged text in its place, is marginal at best.

Worst, cover up excuse ever :(

read the OP, it clearly stated the rules of discussion here, and you clearly break a handful of it TBH, there is no excuse what so ever, it just how things works in this forum, so if you are not happy about that, you can say good bye and never came back.

Back on topic, stoping a tank from 45 to not isnt a myth at all, they are designed and tested to do these thing, but simple fact is, you wont do that every fuckin time you hit the breaks thos hard when you want to stop

Edited by 4 IN 1

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Seeing no acceptance or denial of the content of future patches, the implosion at CM's forums, I'm considering this game dead and relegated to protected coaster duty.. Until intentions and feature directions are known. Not interesting enough to capture attention, not deep enough nor feature rich make me think of what 'could be' without serious core patching.. Fun, for a moment, but otherwise DOA for me.

S-M: Really, don't we have enough self-important people posting here? It was an oversize image, wooptie-do.

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read the OP, it clearly stated the rules of discussion here, and you clearly break a handful of it TBH, there is no excuse what so ever, it just how things works in this forum, so if you are not happy about that, you can say good bye and never came back.

Back on topic, stoping a tank from 45 to not isnt a myth at all, they are designed and tested to do these thing, but simple fact is, you wont do that every fuckin time you hit the breaks thos hard when you want to stop

yeah, I did it again. sorry.....

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------

Made another video, and I SWEAR I'M NOT HOTLINKING anything ever again. So consider it a virtual throwing myself on the grenade, so nobody hotlinks, my hotlink.


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Luhgnut;1462603']yeah' date=' I did it again. sorry.....

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------

Made another video, and I SWEAR I'M NOT HOTLINKING anything ever again. So consider it a virtual throwing myself on the grenade, so nobody hotlinks, my hotlink.


I don't understand what is happening near the end. I keep seeing a Marine loading his Javelin/Law (whatever it is), and it keeps missing or hitting some invisible wall.

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The community over there is falling apart and Codemasters deserves it. Trying to port a "Realistic Modern Combat Simulator" to consoles is bound to lead to something bad.

I disagree. OFP: Elite was a port of the original OFP to consoles and that was damn good. I was ecstatic that this was coming out on the console, because I've already got ArmA 2 (my real love) and I figured it would be fun to have another relatively realistic game on the PS3 to play other than SOCOM. I knew from the sole fact that it was Codemasters making the game that it was not going to be realistic, because Codemasters is only interested in making games that are accessible. ArmA 2 is not accessible to the common gamer; it fills a niche in the industry.

Seeing no acceptance or denial of the content of future patches, the implosion at CM's forums, I'm considering this game dead and relegated to protected coaster duty.. Until intentions and feature directions are known. Not interesting enough to capture attention, not deep enough nor feature rich make me think of what 'could be' without serious core patching.. Fun, for a moment, but otherwise DOA for me.

There is one excellent post on the OFP:DR forums criticizing the game that Helios has left open, but there hasn't been any response from the developers. The kicker for me has been the post release day message from one of the developers. That was totally unacceptable since it was A) days after the game was released, and the response had not been positive by the community up to that point, and B) the fact he apparently believes that the response has been positive. The message that Lenton left is just completely arrogant.

I develop software for a living. If I was a Project Manager (or Producer.. whatever you want to call it) for the OFP:DR project, and I wrote that message on our company blog after such a botched release as OFP:DR has had, I would be sitting in the Director's office the next day and he would personally chew me out then fire me. This would go for any of the companies I've worked for, a few of which are big names and the leaders in their verticals. To this day, I don't get how the majority video games industry gets away with so many inexcusably bad end products... Its one thing to have people complaining because they don't like how the game isn't what they expected (i.e. any BIS game launch), its totally different when you have promised features that you don't deliver and then say "Wow, we did a great job, didn't we?" to your customer base. The latter is just horribly arrogant, and I hope Lenton gets fired and replaced by someone who actually cares to fix the mess he created.

Edited by weegee_101

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