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Dragon Rising has been released

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There was another guy that was being promoted as a "savior" to the industry. Anybody remember Peter Molyneux? Same thing. Here's his wiki also a member of "Order of the British Empire".

He was hailed as a super game developer:

His titles include: Dungeon Keeper' date=' Populous, Black and White, and Theme Park

Does [i']anybody[/i] feel that these games are masterpieces? They are "ok" but don't have much in depth or any type of ground breaking technological breakthrough's.

excerpt from his wiki "Molyneux has acquired a reputation for issuing over-enthusiastic descriptions of games under development, which are found to be somewhat less ambitious when released." sound familier?

This is the state of British development sadly to say IMO. They seem to have excellent programmers and development staff, but seems like the producers are weak and more interested in becoming knighted, and members of Order of British Empire.

On the other hand look what's coming out from the eastern European sector. Excellent titles, solid development, things like Arma,Arma2, Rise of Flight, Wings of Prey.

Small development teams but rock solid titles. I always get a feeling "this is unfinished" when playing a Brit title. Not like they are "bad" but just missing that certain playability factor. Controls are odd, menu flow odd, everything designed to be played with a keyboard only.

Again, i'm not slamming Brits in anyway ([RIP] will get me :) ). I'm questioning their leaders in the gaming industry.

You should give Molyneux points for originality, cant say that about DR. They couldnt even come up with their own name. :p

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You should give Molyneux points for originality, cant say that about DR. They couldnt even come up with their own name. :p

I do give him this much. Back when the Atari and Amiga were kings, he was visionary. Doing things remarkable when the only way to load games was with a audio tape cassette and a floppy disk that could only contain the same amount of data that is in a small .jpg file today. Yes, I give him that. So you are correct. He was a pioneer of the industry and I salute that. But that was 30 years ago.

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So what you're all saying is this is a great game and I should run out and buy this right now? On my way...

Seriously though, I'm glad I saved over $100 by not buying this or MW:2, for the Xbox or PC. I rented MW:2 for XBOX (not a bad game, but wouldn't buy it), I won't waste $5 to rent OFP:2.

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So what you're all saying is this is a great game and I should run out and buy this right now? On my way...

Let's put it this way:

You are walking in a dark tunnel at night, and you notice four gangmembers, who are clearly intent on robbing you, walking behind you. If you get strangely aroused by the thought of getting robbed, buy DR :p

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Let's put it this way:

You are walking in a dark tunnel at night, and you notice four gangmembers, who are clearly intent on robbing you, walking behind you. If you get strangely aroused by the thought of getting robbed, buy DR :p

HAHAHAHAHAHA that made my day lmao!

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Remember Peter Molyneux? He's still one of the most successful in the industry, Fable 2 is the highest selling RPG on the Xbox 360. Same for Fable 1 on the Xbox.

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Remember Peter Molyneux? He's still one of the most successful in the industry, Fable 2 is the highest selling RPG on the Xbox 360. Same for Fable 1 on the Xbox.

yeah and?

Most successful in the industry? Are you serious? Fable1 was incredibly short. Now, if he had something to do with say the likes of Oblivion, or Morrowwind, yeah ok hats off. But Fable makes you one of the most successful?

The industry truly is in a sad shape.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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Luhgnut;1541454']yeah and?

Most successful in the industry? Are you serious? Fable1 was incredibly short. Now' date=' if he had something to do with say the likes of Oblivion, or Morrowwind, yeah ok hats off. But Fable makes you one of the most successful?

The industry truly is in a sad shape.[/quote']

Thats a nice opinion but it doesn’t change the fact that he is one of the most successful, selling millions of copy's of a game (outselling oblivion i the process) makes you successful...

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The Sims is a successful game. But is it a good game? Ask it yourself and then ask your wife :D

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The Sims is a successful game. But is it a good game? Ask it yourself and then ask your wife :D

The very definition of opinion. :P

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okay here's my point.

Peter Molyneux aggressively promoted Fable, at one point stating that "It's gonna be the best game ever."

is it the best game ever? Not by a long shot. This is exactly my point from the british developers. Did it sell alot? Sure, was it good? IMHO not really, not my taste but it appealed to somebody. Is it on anybody's list of "Best Game Ever?" Maybe a couple but come-on. They have to learn to stop marketing everything as the "best game", "most realistic" etc.

Reading on from the Fable Wiki: The short length of the main plot was criticized by reviewers, but many overlooked this due to the much larger array of side quests available to the player. One of the complaints that arose upon the release of Fable was the fact that it failed to include features that Peter Molyneux had mentioned while the game was still in development.

Again, over pitching and under producing. This is the standard that Molyneux provides, that obviously is adhered to over at CM.

I found this highly interesting also from the Wiki:

Early in Fable's development, the game was called Project Ego.

Does anybody see any similarities here? I'm getting the feeling that this is the standard strategy of the British game publishers.

Also Wiki: The game's release was widely anticipated, due in part to Lionhead creator Peter Molyneux's enthusiastic hype of the game.

And finally:

Molyneux has gained a bit of infamy in regards to his over-hyping of games he has worked on, dating back to Black & White. He has a habit of making too many promises about features and content in his games that end up either not being included or not actually as good as he made it seem.


This appears to be the business / promotional model that Codemasters adheres to.

There is so many similarities between Molyneux and Lenton it's scary. Molyneux even is quoted as saying Fable will be the standard to which all future RPG's will be created.

I guess they didn't hear about that over at Dragon Age: Origins or Bethesda.

All Hype and no content from the two top British developers. Amazing and sad.


Edit: I knew it! They are in cahoots! As I typed this up, I started thinking and did a little research. no wonder... no damn wonder.

Peter Molyneux, current Creative Director of Microsoft Game Studios, began his video game career in Guildford in 1984 with the production of a business simulation game called The Entrepreneur which sold two copies. However, his co-founding of Bullfrog Productions in 1987 and the huge success of the game Populous in 1989 saw developers flock to the area; today's line-up includes Lionhead, Critereon, Media Molecule, EAUK Bright Light and a southern office for Codemasters.

It was a pure overhype from the very beginning. Molyneux set the standard, Lenton lapped it up like his puppy, and did the same thing. It was all hype from the very start. They had NO intention of producing quality, but EVERY intention of over hyping. What a bunch of pathetic con-men. It all makes perfect sense now. I'm not touching anything produced in Britain. Ever.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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There's even more hype and no content from bioware and bethesda. especially the latter.

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Peter Molyneux = nothing like as good as he thinks he is.

Populous was a great game. I can't think of any others he has made that were.

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There's even more hype and no content from bioware and bethesda. especially the latter.

promotion yes. Overhype? no.

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Peter Molyneux = nothing like as good as he thinks he is.

Populous was a great game. I can't think of any others he has made that were.

Theme Hospital + Dungeon Keeper 1+2! - And it's very ironic that actually Codemasters created and pronounced Hospital Tycoon as the "sequel" to Theme Hospital. Hospital Tycoon = crap :mad:

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There's even more hype and no content from bioware and bethesda. especially the latter.

Don't know about BioWare, haven't played any BioWare game in a while, but definitely agree on Betheseda. What CM did to the Operation Flashpoint-franchise is nothing compared to what Betheseda did to the Fallout-franchise.

It's not a question of whether the company is run by British people or whatever Luhgnut is trying to impose, but rather how big the company is. The bigger the company, the bigger the larger audience, the bigger the budget and the larger amount of capital is being invested. More money is spent on PR, more hype is produced. Hype is avoided in Eastern European countries because they are small and can't rely on a big PR machinery and a heavily streamlined product.

I'm not defending the hype machinery, but what CM/Molyneux has done is not very uncommon in the business today. And mentioning Betheseda among examples of good and decent gaming companies is just ignorant. You may think whatever you like about their games (hell I like several of Molyneux' games, Dungeon Keeper is brilliant and I wasn't even exposed to any hype that surrounded that game), but they're not really different from any other big player out there.

Edited by dmakatra

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I'm missing something, what's wrong with Bethesda? Not defending them or anything, but really don't know to what you're referring, or maybe I just didn't tune in.

Seriously, I didn't follow any hype or marketing from Bethesda, so I may very well be ignorant of what was promoted or promised. I personally thought Oblivion and Morrowind were outstanding with free roam.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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Another happy customer!!!!


And some wise words from the supporters have a look at entry No 7 just put a smile on me dial.

I think DR might have a surpise for us....

I was interested in the CSP mod team for DR and they went very quiet after the game launch and confirmation no SDK would be released.

Also recently it seems the mods on the CM forums promoting so sort of resurgence for Sir Polis and his buddies.

I don’t think they will release the SDK any time in the near future. Polis and his motley crew I think you will find that the 2 mods were part of the heroes group and we know who they look after.


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Ok this is ridiculous...again trying to get my moneys worth by playing through to the end. Now on the final mission, the check point system is stupid. Everytime i die i have to hike like 4 miles back to the objective. then when i get there my ai squadmates can't seem to find their way down this hill so they mill around on top of it leaving me to have to lone wolf it and even if i spend a hour picking off everyone in the base there is always some mother f*cker around a corner somewhere who is left in just the right place to shoot me. I've tried ordering my team on the map to move, i've tried using that stupid wheel and i've tried the follow me command and all they do is walk around in circles then fall on their stomachs and circle around. It wouldn't be so bad if the checkpoint did mean i had to walk for half an hour to get back to same F*CKING POINT.


p.s. i'm sure someone will post saying they did 1st time and it was sooo easy but after 3 times of insta dying and wasting almost 2 hours getting back to that point i really don't care.

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A lot of Fallout fans are upset with Fallout 3 and it's different steps it took from the original Fallout series.. personally I prefer Fallout 3 over the originals, but none of them are that great (never could care much)

As for Bioware, they're currently one of my favourite developers. There's a lot of complaint by Baldur's Gate fans about the difference between Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate, but even though the same people were behind it (pretty much same team) and it had the same concepts, they're completely different games with different titles and no links other than that. People complain too much.

Personally I haven't found one Bioware game in the past few years that I haven't loved, even picked up Jade Empire for cheap so I could play through that.

What CM has done to OFP is similar to Bestheda and Fallout, the difference being that the Fallout franchise was sold to Bestheda with intent for Bestheda to make a Fallout 3 and further titles.

Nothing like Dragon Age. Personally I think Dragon Age was a step up on Baldur's gate, but Baldur's gate was great and as I mentioned, no real link there.

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I particularly enjoyed the post from temp saying he didn't troll forums. I got a little chuckle from that. What's also amusing that over there, if you say something negative about DR, you get pounced on with smart ass comments. Same guy that posts those smart ass comments over there, hates it when he does the same here, and get's stomped.

From Temp: "No I did not, but you also dont see me feeling so ripped off that I need to troll a forum." - Oh rehea-lly.

Again, I say, they are eating their young over there.

His hypocrisy holds no bounds.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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What CM has done to OFP is similar to Bestheda and Fallout, the difference being that the Fallout franchise was sold to Bestheda with intent for Bestheda to make a Fallout 3 and further titles.

Actually there is one more rather important difference.

Even though Fallout 3 is nothing like its predecessors it still is actually playable :p

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