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Nogovan Airforce Mig27 Flogger

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Nogovan Airforce Mig27 Flogger

This Mig27 was made originally by the Nogovan Armed Forces Project, i have been given permission by creators of thid addon to release their unfinished addons.



Mig 27 1.0

Release 1.0

By NAF Team, Released by R0adki11



To contact me please feel to use the Bis Forums

or email me at roadkill@8bit-online.co.uk



- Supah from Nogovan Armed Forces Project for giving me the permission to release this addon.

- Sole from Nogovan Armed Forces Project for giving me the permission to release this addon.

- FW200 from Nogovan Armed Forces Project for giving me the permission to release this addon.

- Bis for this great game we all still enjoy.




- Public Release



There is 1 PBO files in the zipe file, which need to be extracted into your Operation Flashpoint Addons folder or appropiate Mod folder.



Mig27 can be found under:

Resistance Side >> Nogovan Airforce >> Mig27 Flogger



class NAFMiG27 - Resistance side version

Weapons Classnames




NAFKerryRail -NAFKerry

NAF27AphidRail - NAF27Aphid




- RKI_WEAP - My weapon pack, supplied with Nogovan Light Infantry pack

- RKI_NLI - Nogovan Light Infantry

Author's note


Any comments about this addon,please feel free to pm on the forums or contact me be email.


Please visit the Official Forum for discussions of this addon.


This is NOT an official Addon. Use it at your own risk.

You are free to distribute this addon under the condition that you keep it free.

Do not modify this addon without explicit permission of the original author.

This addon is for personal entertainmentonly, other uses are forbidden unless explicit permission has been given.

Download Link:


Required Downloads:

Nogovan Light Infantry Addon - for pilot

Edited by R0adki11

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Oh my God! After so much talking that you're going on loooong break with addon making, you're giving us so beautiful addons! R0adki11 - I LOVE YOU! :D Starting up OFP to check this bird fighting against Footmunch Su-27 and OFPL Mig-29 :yay:


OK, tested it for a while. Very nice addon, the bomb camera is great thing, helps a lot when bombing targets with FAB. Generally this is very good plane, decent quality. Maybe it isn't so "high-tech, top-notch" as Footmunch Su-33 (the textures are somewhat small, especially in the cockpit, but they are good no need to change them), but is fine, no bad sides of this plane. But there is one small bug: the cover (or shiled) of the front wheel is textured with ugly green. I suppose that is a bug. Also the very end of a plane is black (after the tail), but it looks like you wanted it to be. And the "bottom tail" (the thing under the plane, in opposite of tail, don't know how to name it in english) is someway bad modelled, now it is placed horizontally, but it should be placed vertically. So thats the only bugs. If you will fix it we will very happe to get a decent MIG-27 for the Nogovians!

PS. Do you know when you will be releasing the MIG-21?

Edited by krzychuzokecia

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Hi thanks for the comments, im unsure what you mean about the bottom tail, as far as i know there is no issue with it. Im unsure if i will be able to fix it. The Mig27 was not made by me from scratch it was originally made by the Nogovan Armed Forces Project team and i have been given permission to release all of there unfinished addons.

Mig21 has a few issues yet before i will release it, several bugs which are getting in the way.

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im unsure what you mean about the bottom tail, as far as i know there is no issue with it. Im unsure if i will be able to fix it.

The bottom tail is it (WATCH OUT! BIG FILE-SIZE!):


And... It's all ok with that, I'm just not very familiar with Mig-27 (although I can say that I'm a homebrew specialist in russian planes - live near airport), and I didn't know that that thing is being folded when extracting gear. Still, some things to do:

- textures on front wheel (http://www.polmoencyklopedia.republika.pl/nafmig27kolo.jpg) and on the very end of tail (http://www.polmoencyklopedia.republika.pl/nafmig27ogon.jpg)

- the flaps (there are no animated flaps, when clicking "Flaps down" nothing moves).

The Mig27 was not made by me from scratch it was originally made by the Nogovan Armed Forces Project team and i have been given permission to release all of there unfinished addons.

So big thanks to them!

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Thanks for the bug report once again, im not sure if i will be able to fix it, im making my transition to Arma2. Im just trying to release all the addons that i have been given permission to release, released anything else will be a bonus. As right now i have stopped playing OFP.

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Sorry for necroing this old thread, but the download of this addon is no longer available. :(

Too bad, because your Nogovan army addons for OFP are bloody cool. :cool: I really like the infantry and commando units you made, oh, and the AN-2 in particular ! Kudos for the cool little transport bush plane ! Goes together well with your Nogovan paratroopers. :cool:

I have plans to make a small campaign featuring your modern Nogovan army units, but I've been down on my luck in DL-ing anything besides the aforementioned infantry and AN-2 packs.

Could you please take a look at it (in your spare time) and get the downloads to work again, please ? :( I'd be really grateful. ;)

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Unfortunately i have removed all of my OFP addon from my webhost for the time being, will add them all back when i can. :)

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Its good any chance of the infantry getting uploaded?

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Fantastic ! :cool: Thank you very much. ;) :)

(I have a habit of reading the Czech version of the site most of the time and I tend to forget the other language versions can differ from each other in content quite a lot. :p)

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I just love these guys I only wish they came in facetex.

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I just love these guys I only wish they came in facetex.

I think i experimented with using facetex, but decided against it to make them more compatable with mods.

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Yeah I know what you mean, I really like these guys though I might make a side project using them.

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Great thanks, hope you enjoy using them. With the release of CWA, i will have a look at what old OFP addons i haven't released.

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