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[CAMP] Chesty Puller

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No, this campaig require only base ArmA2. No expansion, no addons.

When I build this campaign there was no any expansion for ArmA2, so in the campaign there are no link to PMC. Probably you use an addon, what require those PMC units. Try to run the pure ArmA2!

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I have played Mighty Justice and it is really great. The massive amount of troops and inner city battles look amazing. The only thing missing for the perfect atmosphere would be voice acting but I suppose that would be too much effort.

I have found two issues. In the missions transported with the Stryker it used to throw my team out and then drive backwards killing some of them.

The one where you attack the valley and must retreat because of artillery fire.

Maybe it has something to do with the latest Beta but I thought it was worth reporting.

Then another issue is with the cow you should shoot. If you kill the cow before talking to him it has no effect so does shooting in his leg. Maybe this should be more flexible.

I had some issues that the enemy soldiers didn't react properly and were killed like sheep. But I suppose this is an Arma problem but maybe this is triggered by the Upsmon script. (My cpu is fast enough.)

Last but not least I would have one feature request. Is it possible to save the weapon load out for the team so it could be used for all following missions if not changed? It is a little bit annoying to change the weapons of everyone for every new mission. Since the campaign is mainly infantry based not many changes are needed.

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Thanks for the feedbacks, but I was confused... you probably missed the topic, because it's the Chesty Puller's topic and - I hope - you report about Mighty Justice. Is it correct?

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Yes, sorry, you are right. The link on the Armaholic page for Mighty Justice was pointing to this thread.

Sorry, it was my fault. Copy and paste error. The link is fixed now.

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Hey, can you help me, i can't load my saved games. There is some error in my arma2 save file. Game chrashes to desktop, or says it cannot revert. I run Arma2 with no addons.

Edit: nevermind, i deleted save file and started over.

Edited by sektor

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I have been playing this campaign for some time,at the start of force recon mission error shows-'Bad link to a static object.Open in editor and save it again'.How should i correct this error? Also the mission does not proceed after the relay station is destroyed.


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Unpbo/Depbo this campaign, load all mission (1by1) in editor and then save them once again. Pack them together in the campaign again and now all should be good.

What arma 2/ arma 2 co version you have.

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Amx225, when you downloaded the campaign? What is the version of the campaign?

And what type of ArmA you use (basic ArmA2 or Combined Operation)?

I designed this campaign for basic ArmA2, but later I got reports (like yours) about errors under CO and I made a few changes and recomply the campaign. This is what you can download now from Armaholic, this is the latest version.

If you have an older one, please DL the new one and try it.

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Hey Tonci! Not really. I just discover the "beauty" of multi-scripting. I have a few brotherinarms and we create small coop missions to each other: not a deep story and scaled for 4 players. And - after a lot of years of single player campaigns - it's very hard, because it's too complicated what (script) runs where (host/server/client) and how can I force scripts to run everywhere... :D

But I hope I can use these experience to my new campaigns.

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I m using basic

Arma 2 patched to ver.1.02 and is there any download link for updated campaign?


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Patch the game: arma 2 is now v1.10

and Chesty Puller v1.101 download from Armaholic [its the biggest base with campains and missions for Arma series] :)

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Amx255, I guess it's engough if you upgrade your ArmA2 to the current version.

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But there is still teh Problem with the Arty srikes.

Mission Always Faithfull:

When you call in the Artillery on the Russians-> no impact

Mission Steamroller when you are near Pogorevka and the Arty is supposed to hit the Village-> No impacts

The Arty System has changed in OA, maybe your Script just doesn´t work any more or the shells that you spawn don´t exist.

I think thatthis was also a Problem in the Pirog campaign. I would be really happy if you could manage to fix those awesome campaigns.

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Well, now I made a few tests and I think something changed since I crete this sript.

This line:

_mis = createVehicle ["ARTY_R_120mm_HE_Rocket", [_rX, _rY, _Height], [], 0, "NONE"];

doesn't work anymore... :(

Originnally I created a R_MLRS rocket in the air, but the script create a small cloud with a strange noise (the cloud is similar as WWII flak effect) and nothing more: no rockets, no blast. I'll run a quick search and ask a few people, but it will not be effective, I'll change the rockets to a simple artillery shell, like Sh_105_HE.

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Well, now I made a few tests and I think something changed since I crete this sript.

This line:

_mis = createVehicle ["ARTY_R_120mm_HE_Rocket", [_rX, _rY, _Height], [], 0, "NONE"];

doesn't work anymore... :(

Originnally I created a R_MLRS rocket in the air, but the script create a small cloud with a strange noise (the cloud is similar as WWII flak effect) and nothing more: no rockets, no blast. I'll run a quick search and ask a few people, but it will not be effective, I'll change the rockets to a simple artillery shell, like Sh_105_HE.

Simple Arty shells are OK

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Tonci, I didn't get answer about artillery rocket creation yet, but I temporarily change it to helicopter rockets: R_80mm_HE, and it works, but not soo effective as MLRS's R_227mm_HE_Rocket. But in my very few tests it do his job.

My only problem is, you mentioned mission Always faithful, but as far as I know, there is no rocket artillery in that mission, just only the bonus mission (snipe down a Russian arty officer and destroy the BM21s) and the last mission when US bomb a village by this kind of stike. Am I right or I miss something?

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Yes I mean the bonus mission where you have to snipe the general.

Did you try if GRAD Rocket artillery works? Visually its the same as MLRS.

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Yes, I tried both and both version (normal and arty version) too. But all four produce a small flak cloud with a short, strance noise, but no rockets. So I decided to use normal, gun shells, but before it, I tried the helicopter rockets and it works and look fine as a rocket artilleri, but a little bit less effective (eg. in Steamroller mission the church didn't damaged).

Now I have to check in Pirog the BM21 script (it's not the strike, but the launch), I hope it works well, because it's an other kind of action. And I hope patch 1.60 released soon and if BIS didn't do something with GRAD and MLRS rockets I'll release a new version of Chesty.

But if you want I can send you the new version (the separate missions and the linked campaign too).

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Hey Tonci, sorry, but lot of company and office party before chrismas.... But I hope I'll have a little time at christmas and I can send it to you soon.

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I'm a beliver... I tried MLRS script with the new v1.60 OA, but my faith falied. ;) Still didn't work, so I can't avoid publish a new version.

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This is weird, there must be a way of executing Arty srikes with OA.

I advise you to not use the Heli rockets, use Arty shells instead. Otherwise the Strike will look really unimpressive for Blastcore Users

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