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Problem with a Script

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Bon helped me to make a script to lock sniper rifles for non Sniper classes

I added this script into TVT domi.

The script works fine but on the server when you disconnect or reconnect the script doesnt run anymore

This i added to init.sqf:

execVM "x_scripts\x_checkweapon.sqf";

and this is the script

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

#include "x_setup.sqf"

While{true} do


WaitUntil{player hasWeapon "Huntingrifle" || player hasWeapon "MetisLauncher" || player hasweapon "AKS_74_pso" || player hasWeapon "DMR" || player hasWeapon "KSVK" || player hasWeapon "M107" || player hasWeapon "M24" || player hasWeapon "M40A3" || player hasweapon "VSS_vintorez" || player hasWeapon "SVD" || player hasWeapon "SVD_CAMO"};

if(typeOf player != "CDF_Soldier_RPG" && typeOf player != "Ins_Soldier_AT") then


player removeWeapon "MetisLauncher";


if(typeOf player != "CDF_Soldier_Sniper" && typeOf player != "Ins_Soldier_Sniper") then


player removeWeapon "KSVK";

player removeWeapon "M107";

player removeWeapon "M40A3";

player removeWeapon "SVD";

player removeWeapon "SVD_CAMO";

player removeWeapon "VSS_vintorez";


if(typeOf player != "CDF_Soldier_Officer" && typeOf player != "Ins_Soldier_CO") then


player removeWeapon "AKS_74_pso";


if(typeOf player != "Ins_Bardak" && typeOf player != "CDF_Soldier_Spotter") then


player removeWeapon "Huntingrifle";

player removeWeapon "M24";



if(true) exitWith{};

What have i done wrong ?

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place your exitWith-command inside the while-loop... but really, get rid of such constructs like while(true) or if(true) exitWith etc... that's just nonsense. You wanna execute that code once (everytime the script is called) and not multiple times..

I suggest to learn the basics first, because copy-and-paste scripting won't get you far.

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better to run the script from init.sqf for players, not for the server.

use a For loop and add a sleep command to make it pause before looping round again.

make sure x_setup runs int he right place if you make this change.

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