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Regarding the RTS part of the game (base building)

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First it's seems to be very buggy and inefficient.

The enemy AI loves to build nothing but pickup trucks and BTR90s and bum-rush each village with it, later scatter around and randomly show up at various places.

When an SP mission start (or the campaign mission with Badlands and Dogs of War), the "AI commander is selected" and issues commands which town to take over and if I fail to take over the mission can end.

This is confusing and doesn't make sense if you ask me.

I can vote for myself to be the commander, but again, if I issue a command which town to take over next and if I'm not physically present during the conquest, then i "failed" the mission.

I can't build helis, even if i built an "airport".

When I build mounted defense they are empty, an now I have to assign my troops to sit in it, which is a waste of my squad slots, since now they are sitting in a mounted position somewhere on the map and I can't use them for the missions.

Same with the strongholds, there are nobody in them, nobody defending them, no guns in them, this doesn't make any sense.

When I buy a machine gun nest or anti-armor or anti-air defense, it should come with a gunner in it, who is not under my direct command (as a quad leader) and will defend the village or base. This would make the towns a lot harder to take over for both me or the AI.

(Right now, I just drive to a place and wait until it turns green then rush to the next one. If I got a few tanks, they can easily hold each position with no further help but it's a waste to build any defense buildings or guns because there won't be anyone in it anyway and I have use my assault troops to defend and now I'm limited with my units where I am on the map, so is the AI)

There are plenty of vehicles sitting empty on the main base and the AI doesn't utilize them, instead they walk to each towns and get massacred by the light armor BTRs and pickup trucks.

The entire game becomes nothing else, but me , building a bunch of RPG guys to take out the light-armor APCs and watch out not to get ran over by the supply trucks.

There is so much potential in this, it could be an incredible feature if it would work right. Imagine tanks, helis, planes and all sorts of combat vehicles and various special ops making contact and waging war.

This entire RTS part needs a serious restructuring and re thinking.

There are more problems, I'm only listing a fraction of the problems so add your own comments.

Edited by Rapier

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first it's seems to be very buggy and inefficient.

The enemy ai loves to build nothing but pickup trucks and btr90s and bum-rush each village with it, later scatter around and randomly show up at various places.

When an sp mission start (or the campaign mission with badlands and dogs of war), the "ai commander is selected" and issues commands which town to take over and if i fail to take over the mission can end.

This is confusing and doesn't make sense if you ask me.

I can vote for myself to be the commander, but again, if i issue a command which town to take over next and if i'm not physically present during the conquest, then i "failed" the mission.

I can't build helis, even if i built an "airport".

When i build mounted defense they are empty, an now i have to assign my troops to sit in it, which is a waste of my squad slots, since now they are sitting in a mounted position somewhere on the map and i can't use them for the missions.

Same with the strongholds, there are nobody in them, nobody defending them, no guns in them, this doesn't make any sense.

When i buy a machine gun nest or anti-armor or anti-air defense, it should come with a gunner in it, who is not under my direct command (as a quad leader) and will defend the village or base. This would make the towns a lot harder to take over for both me or the ai.

(right now, i just drive to a place and wait until it turns green then rush to the next one. If i got a few tanks, they can easily hold each position with no further help but it's a waste to build any defense buildings or guns because there won't be anyone in it anyway and i have use my assault troops to defend and now i'm limited with my units where i am on the map, so is the ai)

there are plenty of vehicles sitting empty on the main base and the ai doesn't utilize them, instead they walk to each towns and get massacred by the light armor btrs and pickup trucks.

The entire game becomes nothing else, but me , building a bunch of rpg guys to take out the light-armor apcs and watch out not to get ran over by the supply trucks.

There is so much potential in this, it could be an incredible feature if it would work right. Imagine tanks, helis, planes and all sorts of combat vehicles and various special ops making contact and waging war.

This entire rts part needs a serious restructuring and re thinking.

There are more problems, i'm only listing a fraction of the problems so add your own comments.


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Agreed, I personally don't like the way they tried to over simplify the MF/CR/CTI menus. You have no control compared to these missions. CRCTI had evolved the best interface and control for these type of missions (even Arma1 warfare had more control). In CR base defences would be automatically manned. It was nice to be able to assign proper roles to AI squads also (like Armour, AA, Mechanized etc) the same can be said for management of funds.

Arma2 superpowers etc does have some nice additions, like Fasttravel and the nice interface for placing buildings, even the High command stuff is good. We just need some more of the finer control we had in the community developed CTI's.

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I also recommend, that when there is a vehicle with a crew under my command, they should take up 1 slot, not 2 or 3. A driver+gunner+commander of a tank steals 3 spots and even in real life, when a platoon or batallion commander would give a command to a tank, he talks to the commander of the tank, not the driver or the gunner. 1 Tank counts as 1 unit, not 3.

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Whatever happened to the empty versions of the vehicles, like in Arma1?

Mission fail because you don't manage to get there in time? I've never had that happened to me, and I've "failed" quite a lot of those tasks. I haven't tried yet, but in my next attempt on DOW, I was planning to ignore the warfare phase completely (except for obtaining NVGs), and start playing when the game got interresting (the scripted events).

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