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Sides logic a little off.

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As a civilian, I picked up a rifle from a dead Opfor soldier, and joined in the battle against some Blufor. After killing some Blufor, I was targetted & killed by the Opfor units. There is some amount of side logic being oversimplified I think.

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I noticed this, too.

In a VERY similar situation, I was a civilian and observed a skirmish. When the winning troops (red) left the area, I got a blufor weapon (M-203 grenade launcher FTW) and went to where the next skirmish would take place. I decided to assist the red side, so when the fighting began, so did I. After making several kills, I found myself shot by a red unit from behind.

I think I recall something in a changelog about an error that AI would determine "side" by the kind of rifle used? Perhaps that may have been fixed for opfor/blufor, but not for civilian?

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I noticed this, too.

In a VERY similar situation, I was a civilian and observed a skirmish. When the winning troops (red) left the area, I got a blufor weapon (M-203 grenade launcher FTW) and went to where the next skirmish would take place. I decided to assist the red side, so when the fighting began, so did I. After making several kills, I found myself shot by a red unit from behind.

I think I recall something in a changelog about an error that AI would determine "side" by the kind of rifle used? Perhaps that may have been fixed for opfor/blufor, but not for civilian?

Well Tom, in the mission we played last night, I had an Opfor rifle and you had a Blufor rifle. I think there is a general sides logic that, when several civilians are killed, the entire civilian population turns against the side responsible for the killings, regardless of personal responsibility :)

Haven't tested that though, just seem to remember reading that somewhere.

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Well, Dave, that's exactly right. But, since I was killing more blufor than you, if the problem is that they assigned "blame" based on the rifle being used, then the entire civilian side would be treated as blufor, as I had the more effective rifle (particularly with the aforementioned GL).

Plus, more often than not, it is the shooter, not the rifle, that makes all the difference in effectiveness. And clearly, I was more effective.... :)

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I think it was because you were looking at them funny. :) next time, you should choose a civilian who's wearing trousers.

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Wait... my trousers were down? You were behind me?

I think I know now why I died.... :doh:

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Shooting non-enemies->Negative rating->You are considered enemy by everyone.

That's what I mean by oversimplified :) I guess a couple of conditionals would be appropriate. The enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thing. Unless he's not.

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I'm not convinced that is accurate - or at least, that it is supposed to be this way. From the ambient civilian module biki:

respectModifyCoef = <number>; - artificial coeficient to set how much will be town's respect decreased once some civilian is hit or killed. The higher the number is, the more is respect towards killer's faction decreased.

It appears to me that the logic is supposed to be broken down based on faction. Civilian faction should only be decreased vis a vis the faction that the civilian kills.

Now, I can understand that, if D and I are both civs, and I go on a blufor killing spree and they target me, then they'll also target D, since he's on the same side/faction.

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I've been trying to figure this out too. This is a copy'n'paste from my armaholic post.

I place an OPFOR rifle squad out on a field, then me as a civilian with an AI sidekick (grouped with me) next to them. I shoot all the OPFORs and nobody reacts. Then I replace the OPFOR with a BLURFOR rifle squad and I shoot two BLUFOR and the entire team unloads on me. My AI sidekick is fine. Then I add and sync the 3 First Aid modules to the BLUFOR squadleader and now I can execute the entire BLUFOR force without any repercussions. Obviously this is a bug, but I would like to know the command that sets me (and not the civilian side) as hostile towards BLUFOR as I would like to control this myself as it's obviously bugged.

Edit: I also tested with both opfor and blufor weapons but it didn't make any impact at all.

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I place an OPFOR rifle squad out on a field, then me as a civilian with an AI sidekick (grouped with me) next to them. I shoot all the OPFORs and nobody reacts. Then I replace the OPFOR with a BLURFOR rifle squad and I shoot two BLUFOR and the entire team unloads on me.

That's not really new, it happens since OFP.

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I've been trying to figure this out too. This is a copy'n'paste from my armaholic post.

I place an OPFOR rifle squad out on a field, then me as a civilian with an AI sidekick (grouped with me) next to them. I shoot all the OPFORs and nobody reacts. Then I replace the OPFOR with a BLURFOR rifle squad and I shoot two BLUFOR and the entire team unloads on me. My AI sidekick is fine. Then I add and sync the 3 First Aid modules to the BLUFOR squadleader and now I can execute the entire BLUFOR force without any repercussions. Obviously this is a bug, but I would like to know the command that sets me (and not the civilian side) as hostile towards BLUFOR as I would like to control this myself as it's obviously bugged.

Edit: I also tested with both opfor and blufor weapons but it didn't make any impact at all.

I raised a bug report against it, perhaps you might like to post your own observations on it?

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