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Why does it say "Hold Breath"?

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when every shooter out there knows your most relaxed and accurate for a few seconds right after you EXHALE.

Why not change the wording to something like "Steady Aim"?

Certainly not an important issue but just wondering why BIS used the wrong terminology.

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Because of all the guys playing CoD 4 and all the other games where every single sniper takes a shot and *WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFF* all the air of the his lungs after......

Someone missed something somewhere and now lot's of people have that misconception.

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Because if you take a lot of air and hold your breath, you'll have some monster cheeks...

And everyone knows guys with monster cheeks are the ones that shoot better...

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'Hold breath' does not refer specifically to any point in the breathing cycle; why do you assume it means 'retain as much air as possible'? What are you doing when you consciously loiter at one point in the breathing cycle (i.e. after exhalation) then? Holding your breath, that's what.

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'Hold breath' does not refer specifically to any point in the breathing cycle; why do you assume it means 'retain as much air as possible'? What are you doing when you consciously loiter at one point in the breathing cycle (i.e. after exhalation) then? Holding your breath, that's what.

That's quite ridiculous, it's a concept a small child could understand!

When you "HOLD YOUR BREATH" you are holding your breath in..you are essentially holding onto it, it makes perfect sense what the original poster is stating.

When you exhale (after afterwords) it is more like letting go of your breath/releasing it.

Hence it should be labeled otherwise, nothing really to argue with that. Unless you start overthinking it of course!

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Well, you are 'holding yourself in a controlled exhale', i.e. thinking about the breathing and of timing the shot with exhaling, which means if you 'hold' it too long you eventually run out of oxygen in your blood and need to inhale again ^^

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When you "HOLD YOUR BREATH" you are holding your breath in..you are essentially holding onto it, it makes perfect sense what the original poster is stating.

When you exhale (after afterwords) it is more like letting go of your breath/releasing it.

Hence it should be labeled otherwise, nothing really to argue with that. Unless you start overthinking it of course!

You do realize that words have multiple definitions, right? In context, it's clear that this refers to the following:

2. respiration, esp. as necessary to life.

'Breath' does not only mean 'the air in your lungs' - it also refers to respiration, or 'the breathing cycle'.

But I suppose knowing the definition of a word and how it contextually relates to a particular use is "overthinking it"...

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I think that the usage of "Hold Breath" is cause of the translation of the czech term "zadržet dech" wich is the term used.

It(s not easy to know every little sentece, or meaning in a foreign language (in this cause english) so you mostly try to translate it from your native language.

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But I suppose knowing the definition of a word and how it contextually relates to a particular use is "overthinking it"...

Yeah..I suppose it is

Only on the ARMA forums is something so silly discussed with such seriousness :)

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I can only agree..lol!

It's amazing the slightest little comment or nuance is over analyzed..

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Hold Breath to me means exactly that, cease breathing either in or out.

Deep Breath means to fill your lungs to capacity as far as Im concerned.

I'm probably wrong but I thought during firing a weapon that soldiers were taught to partially breath out and hold their breath with *some* air in their lungs

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Yeah..I suppose it is

Only on the ARMA forums is something so silly discussed with such seriousness :)

lol!! QFT

get a life people!!! haha

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I think a more accurate and brief phrase would be "Control Breath" instead of "Hold Breath." Also "Breath" is not the same as the act of respiration, that'd be "Breathe" which is the verb while "Breath" is the noun.

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How I said beffore, the usage of "hold breath" is a translation of "zadržet dech"

where "dech" = breath

and "dýchat" = breathe

So I think that It was translated like it was cause of the unknown of english terms, wich is normal since english is a foreign languages for czech and it wsnt educated so much before the fall of comunism.

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Uhmm what are you all on about? Hold Breath is what it says and Hold Breath is what you do in the game. Just press the button for a little while and then release. You hear him blow the air out - that he held in.

If you hold too long he will start breathing on his own for a reason. :)

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it`d be nice if we actually heard some slight breathing cues during aiming, and the sound of breathe being held, as in.... something audible as an indicator. Cool for immersion purposes.

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For what it's worth, I was in the Infantry myself, and during marksmanship training we were told specifically to "breathe in normally, exhale 1/3 to 1/2 of the breath, hold your breath at that point, and take the shot".

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Well, we could argue all day about in or out, clearly its a question for an actual marksman. *Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz* seems to have some insight.:yay:

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I don`t care about the particulars, just wanna see it somehow reflected in the game. A sound cue of some sort.

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Hold Breath to me means exactly that, cease breathing either in or out.

Exactly. The terminology in the game is correct.


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I don't know about sniping or professional shooting, but it doesn't matter if you breath in or out, you just don't want to be breathing when you fire. Breathing raises/lowers your aim. As long as you stop, regardless of lung capacity, you'll be more accurate.

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I don't know about sniping or professional shooting, but it doesn't matter if you breath in or out, you just don't want to be breathing when you fire. Breathing raises/lowers your aim. As long as you stop, regardless of lung capacity, you'll be more accurate.

Yup. This is how we were trained to do stuff.

When sights were on target, cease breathing, squeeze trigger etc

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lol.. It's part of what we call 'The Marksmanship Principles', Taught to all soldiers in the British Army.

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I believe Americas Army game used the term 'control breathing' for accurate rifle shooting / sniping. Just lost in translation.

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