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VILAS addons release thread

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Wasn't Binkowski doing some WW1-stuff too? But I haven't seen him in a while now...

Anyway, looking forward to the next releases!



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binkowski is still in afganistan.

can't wait for the p85 update, good luck vilas!

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nice to hear vilas!

maybe a total update for the P85 file would be appreciated !!!

( like weapons and some configs values like AT weapons for OA and some helicopters for USA/Soviets )

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Just a minor bug report, the PKM with PCS-5 is using the same texture paths as the PKMs in your AKs pack. I'm using both so it works, but others might not be.

One question: how many of the models are updated compared to the versions in P85 (the AKMS + Pallad, the RAK, the Wist, etc)? I'm using virtually all of your weapon packs at once plus P85, but manually removing the older versions of duplicate models. If they're the same then I can keep the ones I have and just add the modern weapons like the Beryl.

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Answering your questions:

MrStregatto - i hope today i will buy OA, but shopkeeper say it will be late afternoon (shoult be yesterday morning but none of shops had it - so once again in PL we have delay of Arma)

but for sure i will update P85 and use OA helicopters and weapons

config will be in 2 versions : OA and non-OA,

pez2k - thanx for info, will be fixed, i also must find why after patching to 1.07 healing from ambulances not work

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Good to see you back!

As for the replacement issue:

It's easy to create a second "modern" replacement file using BIS PKP, cobra sights with the AKs and modern SVDM and so on. Maybe Vilas likes the idea? But for single player only you can just modify the cfg in the original replacement file as you like.

(I for myself have added Vilas' weapons to units in some addons)

Optics are not even today common in regular Russian units. It got something to do with mounting problems.


I did the replacement pack and the optics are few and far between based upon me looking at as many pics as possible of Russian troops, and they're just not that common. But yeah - optics are great to use so feel free to make your own version!


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Speaking of replacement packs, I've done my own using Vilas' AKs pack mostly for online use in PvP and TvT type games like Warfare. While I didn't do a tit-for-tat replacement of BIS models with Vilas', I did in all but a couple cases only replace models with those that have the same functionality. This pack only replaces the default BIS models, it doesn't change any gear loadouts.

My replacements:

(BIS -> Vilas)



AKS Gold -> AK-103

AK-74 -> AK-74M

AKS-74 -> AK-74M (PK-A)

AK-74 GP-25 -> AK-74M GP-25

AK-74 GP-25 Kobra -> AK-74M GP-25 (1P29)

AKS-74 Kobra -> AK-74M Kobra

AKS-74 PSO -> AK-74M PSO-1

AKS-74 NSPU -> AK-74M NSPU-3

AKS-74U -> AK-105

RPK-74 -> RPK-74M

AK-107 -> AK-107 Kobra

SVD -> SVD Modern


As you can see the default (iron-sighted) AKS-74 is replaced with the AK-74M with the PK-A "reddot" sight and the AKS-74 GP with Kobra sight is replaced with the AK-74M GP with the 1P29 sight. Server admins should bear this in mind before deciding to allow this mod, in a pure PvP environment these changes could be seen as an unfair advantage.

This config is written for use in Combined Operations. I'm honestly not sure what will happen if you use it in Arma 2 or OA stand-alone.

A .bisign and server key are included.

Edit: My stupid self forgot to close one expression in the file - d'oh! So while I was in there I spruced it up a little bit, thanks to Xeno426 for help and guidance. Link has been updated.

Download (Mediafire)

Thanks to Vilas for his continuing work for the community.

Edited by BigMorgan

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i will soon give (as noone other yet prepared) small addon that replaces weapons from SCAR to different M4 and adds more variety of AK to Takistani guerillas (and SKS, RPD... etc.)

also India desert units are made and soon to be released (maybe even Indian + Pakistan army addon as standalone addon which also fit Takistan)

thanx for this replacement too :)

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India Units? Then, we can make a compaign between India army and PLA. And it would be better, if there is a map based on the border terrain of Tibet.

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currently you can do it in woodland on Chernarus (i made Indian infantry in woodland camo and jungle camo) but for OA will be released (i must learn TI RVMATs) desert camo soldiers

so even today you can play PLA vs. India (addon name is weapon holders with Insas from west or east pack)

but i was talking about future desert version or maybe even standalone

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pakistan army sounds great! is it true that they use SVU´s? The Kurdish Army uses them too.

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i don't know

maybe Russia (Izmash company) sold some ?

i know that AK101 and AK103 are exported but i have no idea about SVU (which i thought was OMON sniper for CQB actions) now as i heard Russian Spec-Natz use SVDS, but SVU probably is left in Police forces , but Russians can only confirm it

i equipped Pakistanis in G3 wood stock, G3 black stock, MG3

i have no idea exactly, but some Indian troops for sure have Bulgarian AK-47 (yes, 47 , not mistake, Bulgaria produces milled receiver still ) in modern black furniture from AK-74 , some East German or Romanian AKS-74 etc.

"Kurdish Army" ??? Kurds do not have own country nor national army ? they live on border of Turkey, Iraq and such like , do they have army ?

Edited by vilas

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"Kurdish Army" ??? Kurds do not have own country nor national army ? they live on border of Turkey, Iraq and such like , do they have army ?

they have an army. called the Peshmerga or something. they also have BM-21 GRAD.

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How's the remake of P'85 coming along? I heard a while back that you were arma2izing them now.

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slowly, real life, work, family, girl, etc.

i am very rarely by home PC (which has graphic soft and power to hold graphics and Arma)

i hope to update vehicles and weapons (in new Arm2 quality) in few months , cause at the moment maybe 25-30% of vehicles are updated in my home (texture selection, metal properties, damage glass, A2 RVMATs )

weapons to do... a lot of time i need

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slowly, real life, work, family, girl, etc.

i am very rarely by home PC (which has graphic soft and power to hold graphics and Arma)

i hope to update vehicles and weapons (in new Arm2 quality) in few months , cause at the moment maybe 25-30% of vehicles are updated in my home (texture selection, metal properties, damage glass, A2 RVMATs )

weapons to do... a lot of time i need

Good stuff, I thought you had given up as I hadn't seen an update in a while. Good to know that you are still working on it.

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i am working:

first i must learn FLIR maps and rework P85 and Polish addon for OA compatibility

it will be big time again, cause all models must have new RVMAT, i must do some maps "hot" "colder" for soldiers, equip, vehicles...

first update probably will be half-compatible

this is too big effort for one person, simple lack of free time

i will try to make it somehow "quicker"

like "hot map" for body, "cold map" for equip

but vehicles would require special maps (engine exhaust in tanks , engine cover in cars etc.)

i will not be doing "hot muzzle flash" for weapons, no time for this, i am not cloned yet :D

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i will soon give (as noone other yet prepared) small addon that replaces weapons from SCAR to different M4 and adds more variety of AK to Takistani guerillas (and SKS, RPD... etc.)

also India desert units are made and soon to be released (maybe even Indian + Pakistan army addon as standalone addon which also fit Takistan)

thanx for this replacement too :)



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it is released already in east pack, i just say about rearming Takistan soldiers in already released pack (SKS, AK47, East German AK, G3, RPD etc.)

links in first post

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oh , I couldn't find the rpd in the east pack. perhaps i was looking in wrong ammo box ? ( or is it not in any ammo box?)

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it is not in ammo box

check readme for class name

in weapon holders FIA guerilla has it

in ammo boxes there are "most popular" weapons, not all, maybe 80% of them (like there are no 2 Hungarian AMD 65 and 63 for example, Albanian Avtomate Schipitare 82 for UCK etc.)

Indian weapons as Insas are not in ammo box , but hold by units in weapons pack

G3 with 2 scopes are not in weapon box, but SG1 or ZF1 are in different units hands , etc.


FLIR is a lot of work, all RVMATs do be reworked, a lot of maps, every model to rebinarise it :(

a lot of work to make it OA compatible:



Edited by vilas

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