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ARMA II Beta Builds Released: Latest version/build: 1.04.6xxxx

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I just noticed that I have massive problems playing more than 0.5-2 hours (max) before the rendering window detaches.

I think it has to do with the complex and long games like Warfare Benny Edition. I've filed a CIT ticket about it.

Please let me know if you experience the same - apparently short rounds in less complex missions do not exhibit that problem.

EDIT: Reverted to 60091 recently and it's much less prone to the resource leak(s) then (freeze/crash only happens every 4 h avg.), so it must have been worsened in 60141 and later.

Edited by Fireball

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LOD switching back again with latest beta!,

ATI 4870, 9.11 Catalyst.

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I can report that the mouse "lag" or strange issue I was getting with 141 is now gone in 295, the mouse seems to be back to normal for me :)

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No crashing for me after a couple straight hours of playing and script-testing....

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Just got an immediate CTD when using the editor and trying to drive the USMC motorcycle in Chernarus.

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Alex already reported in the CIT

Ok thanks for the headsup Kju.

Just tried this in the editor and crashes everytime :mad:

shall roll back to the previous beta..

Or you could keep testing the beta to give more feedback and help get the game better faster.

Edited by Alex72

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In VETERAN they engage by themselves at 500 meters.

Personally I think this is a problem. I want them to "engage" the enemy, but not open up on them until the distance is suitable for effective fire. At 500m you can't really hit anything. If the other side opens up, then by all means, let's have some distance fighting. But it would be very nice if they tried to ambush one another or at least flank and get into better positions.

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I ofcourse agree with you CG. Was only replying to some that said that the AI wont engage until 150 meters and thaught that was a problem. Wich it is in a way. At least when we talk about that the AI doesnt even recognize an enemy further than that.

The AI i saw engaged the eAI they were on a clear field. The eAI was at the edge of a forest and spotted my friendly AI. The friendly AI had nowhere to hide so they opened up on them. They all had acog's plus a SPR so with all that in mind it didnt feel so stupid.

But sure. If there was more cover i would want the AI's to be able to spot eachother based on what scopes they have, and be able to spot at the same range as i can with my eyes but take off some, and from there use cover to get closer before engaging.

I think there is hope though. BIS is improving the AI and we have some bright guys like Fabrizio, Protegimus and ACE team (plus im sure more) that all together will make the AI superb. Cant deny its all getting better and better. :)


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Is selectWeapon command works for AI? Can't force AI soldier switch weapon to secondary. (stinger or javelin) Looks like a bug.


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I CTDed when starting the engine of a vehicle, apart from that the patch was fine for me

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Many types of engines cause the CTD's. Tried a small boat = CTD.

I find pretty much bugs in 60295. Engine start CTD's, SOM Module functions, Laser Designator (no laser) and it seems some addons bug out as well with it. To pinpoint it all is going to take a lot of time. Im trying, but best might be to wait for the next beta and see how that turns out.

Edited by Alex72

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Yeah Suma said the CTD will be fixed in the next beta patch and it appears when you start the engine in vehicles without "guns".

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Ok so i got that CTD aswell.... it took a repair truck :p

Found it weird that everybody got CTD's but me, but i'm happy now :D

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I can confirm the CTD's with vehicles, both SP as MP.

In MP we where with about 10 players and everytime

around 4 crashed at mission restart and starting a vehicle

but not always the same people. Everyone crashed at least once.

I can also confirm the 'Receiving...' bug is back on my system.

Tried with different ATI drivers, it is most stable with 9.9

and get the most problems with 9.12beta but it happens with all.

Win XP 32b ATI 3870 X2 C2D E6850 @3.6GHZ (OC)

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Got those errors:

Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_ACTION_CONTEXT

Unknown action Surrender

crewman: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

class HitPoints::Hitglass not found in Land_HouseV_1I1_dam Error: Hitpoint Hitglass not found in the model ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1i1_dam.p3d (original model ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1i1.p3d)

AI in all aircrafts dont use guided missiles/bombs from greater distance.

AI in all kind of aircrafts still crash into trees or buildings.

AI doesnt seem to use binocs/scopes/zoom function in vehicles to recognise friend or foe.

AI with scopes (eg sniper) that have clear line of sight dont track and fire at targets.

AI in vehicles still keeps on shooting on destroyed + burning vehicles. (crewcheck=alive/dead issue?)

AI convoy leader waits too long to drive and speeds up too fast. Result is a big gap between leader and other vehicles driving/zigzaging in the convoy.

Missing feedback from AI when the team/group is detected by the enemy.

AI should only engage infantry with launchers if they have loaded HEDP or OG7 magazines. Wasting AT or AA ammo should be forbidden.

AI should not engage aircrafts with rifles/machineguns unless such an order is given. Better if infantry is using cover and fight other targets.

In combat/stealth behaviour the AI units often turn their back towards the enemy. Perhaps it helps if there are (more) different tactics for open range and CQB battles? Would be good to choose them from command menu.

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AI should not engage aircrafts with rifles/machineguns unless such an order is given.

Same goes for armor.

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In combat/stealth behaviour the AI units often turn their back towards the enemy. Perhaps it helps if there are (more) different tactics for open range and CQB battles? Would be good to choose them from command menu.

Yes, this is what I was talking about in my 'Better Orientation' thread.http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=90494

I think if a threat is 50m or under, the AI should keep their body oriented towards the threat using more side strafing and what not if needing to get to cover. It might not be totally realistic, but I think the battle itself would play out more realistically than if the AI are constantly turning directions and getting shot in the process.

Edited by froggyluv

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Confirm CTD's in all forms of vehicles without guns when you start the engine.

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Confirm CTD's in all forms of vehicles without guns when you start the engine.

Are you referring to 60295 or 60308?

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New in the CL:

[60260] Formation direction now adjusts to human leader watched direction, not a movement direction.

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