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Set Fuel question

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I have looked and have found answers to setting fuel levels, but not this. How would you make a specific vehicle run out of fuel if it leaves a predefined area. I tried linking it to a trigger ie: OPFOR not present, vehicle1 setFuel 0. But there are other OPFOR units in the area that affect the trigger. How would I make it so if a certain OPFOR vehicle ran out of fuel if it tried to leave the battlefield. Say a truck that took damage and is now fleeing.

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Well you could check the distance between the vehicle and the battlefield.

Create a "Logic" where the middle of the battlefield should be.

Name the "Logic" with any name you like for example Battlefield

Triggers condition field:

(Target_Vehicle distance Battlefield > 300)

This will check the distance between the middle of the Battlefield which you have set by placing the "Logic" and the Target_Vehicle.

If the Target_Vehicle is more then 300 meters away from the Battlefield, then it will loose fuel.

Triggers On Activated field:

(Target_Vehicle setFuel 0)

Target_Vehicle = Name of the vehicle which should loose fuel.

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