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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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Myself, i am hoping for Farma 2 as the DLC. Been waiting for ages now!!:shine:

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Myself, i am hoping for Farma 2 as the DLC. Been waiting for ages now!!:shine:


OT: Are you the Jelliz who made those awesome arma 2 missions? Make more :D

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OT: Are you the Jelliz who made those awesome arma 2 missions? Make more :D

You mean these? These are nothing compared to what Farma 2 will bring im sure!:shine:

Back on topic: Brits will be cool, shows yet again that BIS listens to the community. And i bet the devs are very proud of their product now:yay:

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They (the brits) aren't listed under BLUFOR in Op:A's editor though so unless they have hidden them they could be something we get after release, or they come under independant with the UN...

Why doesn't anyone get it :confused:

IIRC it was said somewhere that the preview code only contained 60% of the content, which leaves much more room for extra units, missions (likely), objects etc. which is likely the cause of why the preview seemed so unbalanced (lots of western factions against the ragged eastern guys) This means that the Germans could have vehicles, the Britons could be in the game at release, ac-130 model/module, more eastern units... it would all make sense if you put it with the scenario mentioned in the AAN articles.

I also doubt that the Britons would be in the indenendent side.

Edited by SASrecon

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It wouldn't make much sense to put the UK in independent if the Germans and Czechs are blufor. The US and UK have been aligned forever. So whether they are a last minute addition that was left out from the preview code or they are part of the future DLC. Why would BIS go for the DLC instead of including it from the start? There's already a lot in OA and it wouldn't bring much more attention to the game. By releasing them as DLC, they can create a new buzz and marketing hype a bit later, thus keeping OA in the news for longer. They may not have anything to do with the current campaign, so it would be a bit wasted just to put them for sake of including them. They can use it as a testbed for new DLC's, and see if the demand is there for more. It's always nice to keep an ace in your sleeves if you need to release new patches and must give a bone to the hungry community to keep them from complaining about feature XYZ "That is broken since OFP"

This. ^

Now the real question is: Is this DLC going to be free or are we (the community) going to have to pay?

I also doubt that the Britons would be in the indenendent side.

Maybe it's set in an alternate world where the Labour Party won in the 2010 Election. Heh heh, just kidding. :p

Edited by Laqueesha

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You mean these? These are nothing compared to what Farma 2 will bring im sure!:shine:

Back on topic: Brits will be cool, shows yet again that BIS listens to the community. And i bet the devs are very proud of their product now:yay:

Yes I mean those :D

Yup BIS are awesome and show that they listen to the community, unlike CM the robbing theiving bastards >:[

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This. ^

Now the real question is: Is this DLC going to be free or are we (the community) going to have to pay?

It's BIS, I mean come on! They are getting money for this expansion pack and I think that's enough for them, I don't know of any dlc from BIS which has costed money so far...
Maybe it's set in an alternate world where the Labour Party won in the 2010 Election. Heh heh, just kidding. :p
Rofl, or maybe BIS are predicting the scenario with Cameron in power :eek:

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They are getting money for this expansion pack and I think that's enough for them

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people in BI who dont agree with you.

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I want to pay extra for them, it's how I feel about what BI does (uncompromising realism and for PC only). I also hope that they can then continue to employ these artists and that the new factions are larger and that they are incentivised to keep producing more top-quality content to expand our 'Armaverse'. Why be such tight-arses over what is a small fraction of the money required for the hardware to run the game? It's already outstanding value and any DLC from BI will be worth every cent.

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Well here's the problem, they released Eagle Wing as DLC and it was free BUT if they begin moving towards pay to purchase DLC that opens a variety of problems.

First you will have piracy, second there may be an outcry in the community akin to people saying that mod makers should be payed as well.

Potentially causing even more problems, and what happens when someone makes an adjustment to someone elses addon, and more so if they set it up to be sold?

I personally wouldn't mind paying for DLC pending price but it is something to think about.

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It's their business, we all know that, it's why we're here, we bought their game. The fact that modders engage in a hobby that parallels this activity cannot in any way limit BI's right to engage in further business. We're all adults aren't we? We all know everybody has to make a living...

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I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people in BI who dont agree with you.

Their main source of income is VBS and their deals with military services around the world. Personally I'd be glad to pay BIS more for what they've done but it's not the BIS-way to do things (charging for DLC in patches)

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We're all adults aren't we? We all know everybody has to make a living...

It's not them I am worried about..as for being adults, adults can easily backstab one another in a heart beat and screw eachother over, just look at the person selling Arma2 content on turbosquid, it's not at all difficult to be dishonest. That is what my concern would be, people taking other peoples content and selling it if such a thing ever happened..

I'm not saying it would happen but it only takes a few outcries to sway people and I would hate to see a community torn apart by greed.

Edited by NodUnit

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With all the addon makers around (and talented addon makers at that) it surely wouldn't be feasible for BIS to charge for DLC when the community could and has come up with similar.

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My biggest hope and dream for Arrowhead, or the next patch... AI that actually FOLLOW ORDERS, understand and line up in THE FORMATION YOU SELECTED, and KEEP UP WITH THE SQUADLEADER unless ordered to do otherwise!!!!

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With all the addon makers around (and talented addon makers at that) it surely wouldn't be feasible for BIS to charge for DLC

I'm not so sure... it would be hard to charge for a Bundeswehr mod, but obviously people are ready to pay for a full blown UK mod. And I know I would for a French one as well...

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I'm not so sure... it would be hard to charge for a Bundeswehr mod, but obviously people are ready to pay for a full blown UK mod. And I know I would for a French one as well...

Tbh, I would pay for a full blown UK mod, but it would have to be FULL BLOWN, not just a few new units/weapons. It would have to include a hell of alot of stuff from the British Army/RAF/RN in order for me to buy it. Something along the line of whats included in VBS2 :p

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Their main source of income is VBS and their deals with military services around the world. Personally I'd be glad to pay BIS more for what they've done but it's not the BIS-way to do things (charging for DLC in patches)

I'm so glad you have such insight to the way BI works... :j:

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I'm so glad you have such insight to the way BI works... :j:

Would you care to explain?

I was just expressing my opinion.

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Without wishing to delve into the incredibly speculative furore over DLC...


Now that that's out of the way, seriously, that MTP looks totally bad-ass. BIS you have absolutely f*&$ing OUTDONE yourselves this time!!!

I think I'll excuse myself about now, before I spontaneously combust from sheer volume of excitement! Goddamnit, how am I supposed to sleep now... :D

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Regarding the current brits being in game/DLC/Free/charge debate:

All i can say for sure that by the time we have all the answers, SOMEONE is going to look like an idiot...

and speaking of answers, still no FAQ I take it

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still no FAQ I take it

Don't worry, it was supposed to be released on May- Oh, wait...

I would pay for a full blown UK mod, but it would have to be FULL BLOWN, not just a few new units/weapons. It would have to include a hell of alot of stuff from the British Army/RAF/RN in order for me to buy it. Something along the line of whats included in VBS2

Not only that, it would have to be of high quality. Remember that quantity does not necessarily equal quality. ;)

Edited by Laqueesha

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It will be very funny , if those Brits will not be in OA or DLC :sly::slayer3:

Edited by RobertHammer

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