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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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Since OA will have FLIR, I hope that means they are going to remove the "radar". That is supposed to simulate the vehicles sensors (meaning mostly FLIR), right? So when we get the actual FLIR there is no need to have the radar any more.

Having to scan for contacts yourself and not have them magically appear on the radar would be a huge improvement.

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Yeah, but what if the contact is so far away that you can´t see him because of view Distance? But the Enemy Tank can see you pretty well with his magic radar and kills you witout giving you the chance to return fire...

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I remember some dev engaged in a discussion about this radar. It was actually a discussion about how tanks start their engine when turning turret (which is something a lot of people don't like) and how is a running engine the key to lock missiles (enemy vehicle with engine off is viewed as neutral, enemy vehicle with engine on is viewed as hostile). If BIS decided to discard this mechanism and use FLIR instead, I guess the Auto-Lock would switch between all hot vehicles in certain ranges.. which could prove to be fun, because you would have to actually identify targets manually, like in real life, because the "TAB, FIRE! TAB, FIRE!" routine is neither reaistic, nor fun. If BIS do not plan to have something like this in OA, it would be cool if someone could create an addon of it (seems like a perfect job for Mando).

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Yeah, but what if the contact is so far away that you can´t see him because of view Distance? But the Enemy Tank can see you pretty well with his magic radar and kills you witout giving you the chance to return fire...

I assume the tanks are going to have a thermal view too in OA? Because they certainly do in real life. If not, this thing you pointed out is going to be a real problem.

Of course you'd need to remove the radar from all vehicles.

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Of course they will have FLIR, but the Problem is that even FLIR has its limitations, and is affected by Viewdistance too. If you cant see a vehicle that is 1500 Meters away, then you won´t be able to see it with FLIR too. Well the Ai hasn´t such Limitations, if the identify you as hostile, the will shoot at you over really great distances

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Easily fixed. Just reduce the distance at which the AI can detect you. Maybe tie it to your view distance setting?

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That brings up something that has always bother me in Arma II and ArmA 1, that AI can magically know you are the enemy even if you are in a truck of their faction.

I think it would be amazing if you could be in an enemy BTR-90 and drive by enemys with them thinking you are just one of them.

I doubt they could change this in OA but if its possible, then why not. Adds alot to the Stealth factor, which ArmA II totally lacks.

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The magic radar is sort of a glimpse into the inner workings of AI vision in RV. thats how they see the world, some squares.

I too wish that there were shades of gray, rather than white and black (red green) for radar detection and AI vision. however, that seems like a very very tricky programing problem.

It would have to work both ways. if a friendly unit sees you in an enemy vehicle, they should light you up. course such a feature would be heavily exploited with people running to cap enemy equipment asap in a game. that is irritatingly far from realistic. if you drop an M1 or a BRDM in front of me (as an infantryman), i dont know WTF to do to get one of those running. sure i could poke around, but that takes a lot of time. better just to scuttle it an move on. but im starting to ramble

so basically: if a new not-black-and-white AI vision/radar system was implemented, freakin awesome, but it seems very very difficult to do

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Easily fixed. Just reduce the distance at which the AI can detect you. Maybe tie it to your view distance setting?

It already is, actually. Only it extends a few hundred meters too far.

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Since it now has FLIR, they better make a system to stabilize the camera...pain in the arse to move the camera in the UAV now.

Also, I hope that they don't make a majority of their "scenarios" with that dang Warfare gametype. If I want to play Warfare, I'll go online. I was pretty ticked that most of the single play missions delt with the Warfare game mode....

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Also, I hope that they don't make a majority of their "scenarios" with that dang Warfare gametype. If I want to play Warfare, I'll go online. I was pretty ticked that most of the single play missions delt with the Warfare game mode....


Please BIS, NO Warfare in the campaign!

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Please BIS, NO Warfare in the campaign!


Hopefully BIS has gotten the message about warfare in the campaign :p

high command, ok (could be quite cool infact). warfare, no ;)

But since they mentioned the multiple characters/roles more linear story (alluded to in an interview i think), I think there wont be any money management or unit buying

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Yeah, no warfare. Well to be honest, when I started the last Mission in the Campaign I thought, hey cool Idea, fight for the whole Country, but after 3 Hours non stop killing enemys with a Tank coloumn it became a little boring.

So High Command-> YES

Warfare-> No

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high command, ok (could be quite cool infact). warfare, no ;)

I'd love to command a platoon with a laptop back from a f.o.b, maybe with a tactical view + order helicopters + tanks etc. as a mini break from say special ops behind enemy lines...

Players will enlist into various roles within the US Army, from basic infantrymen, through special operatives, to pilots and tank crew in this new installment in the award winning line up of military simulators for PC from Bohemia Interactive.

some trailers/pics would be a treat :p, there hasn't been much activity apart from the twitter posts http://twitter.com/ideagames

  • 2/2 Screens and making-of video will be released soon. 6:54 AM Jan 18th from web
  • 1/2 We spent the whole of Saturday capturing photos with local MilSim fans. These photos will be used for box covers and posters. 6:47 AM Jan 18th from web
  • ARMA2's dev. team had a visit from Czech TV. New features from Arrowhead were presented; some footage will certainly make it to the net. 5:52 AM Jan 14th from web

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[*] 1/2 We spent the whole of Saturday capturing photos with local MilSim fans. These photos will be used for box covers and posters. 6:47 AM Jan 18th from web

[*] ARMA2's dev. team had a visit from Czech TV. New features from Arrowhead were presented; some footage will certainly make it to the net. 5:52 AM Jan 14th from web

still waiting on these, would be nice to see :rolleyes:

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That brings up something that has always bother me in Arma II and ArmA 1, that AI can magically know you are the enemy even if you are in a truck of their faction.

I think it would be amazing if you could be in an enemy BTR-90 and drive by enemys with them thinking you are just one of them.

I doubt they could change this in OA but if its possible, then why not. Adds alot to the Stealth factor, which ArmA II totally lacks.

BUMP THIS!!! A very good point!!!

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BUMP THIS!!! A very good point!!!
I have played in A1 and A2 where you could just slaughter the AI while being in one of there Vehicles...

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BUMP THIS!!! A very good point!!!

this is a good point, but it can already be done with a bit of scripting.

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163 pages and not one single bit of gameplay footage ? what a disappointing thread

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What are you talking about? There were already

more than 20 pictures 3-4 months ago.

So there is definitely more than a single bit of footage.

We are waiting for more now.

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What are you talking about? There were already

more than 20 pictures 3-4 months ago.

So there is definitely more than a single bit of footage.

We are waiting for more now.

i said gameplay footage not underwhelming screenshots which don't even show the game in first person view

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There are plenty of gameplay footage, though of course from an early stage. How about doing some research first? :)

Ill be kind now and search it up for you.





Edited by sparks50

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BUMP THIS!!! A very good point!!!

There is a ticket about that already in the CIT, however i doubt it will ever make it in :(

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And what does a bunch of stuff on Armaholic got to do with Moosed's complaint that this thread is dissapointing because it has a ton of pages and almost no official content?

There are plenty of gameplay footage, though of course from an early stage. How about doing some research first? :)

Ill be kind now and search it up for you.





Edited by Johan S

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