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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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lol, bloom overload.

Man the features list suck.

I hope that the command system gets redone or severly improved. I hope the AI gains a way to calculate danger and won't pop out of a tank with a blown track, that they will appear to think and take a bit more of a calculated risk. I hope there'll be more ambient animations. I hope there'll be a suppressed animation for the AI. I hope there'll be some sort of basic penetration or armour system for tanks and APCs. I hope the option for custom reload animations will be there. I hope one use AT weapons will be for one use only and not reloadable. I hope you will be able to choose different gunners in the editor if the vehicle has more than one gunner. I hope the friendly AI will be dependable.

There's still a ton of things to improve.

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Somewhere back amongst these 100+ pages IIRC it was mentioned that there will be improvements to the actual engine itself so I'm expecting some of the concerns with ArmA2 to be addressed.

Thing is , if there are improvements , it's much easier to create a second module that draws on some of the exiting code in ArmA2 than to go back and re-write ArmA2 to accommodate the new code.

Looking forward to it.

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I wish they would fix Arma 2 before an expansion pack comes out... :/

It's been said repeatedly that the bugs and other fixes for OA will be transferred to A2. A2 will be as fixed up as OA, minus the new features.

My hopes are:


Usable MFD's, and modder access them.

Better targeting pips, CCIP's.



Facial animation.

Better use of buildings (and the accessable buildings for them to use)

More patience and coordination before engagement / ambushes

Proper vehicle use (hull down, turret down. Standoff infantry support.)


LOS function, LOS function, LOS function, LOS function.. Keep repeating ad finem. There are sooo many tasks and new AI functions that a really solid LOS function would open up (also if it would report in a FIFO array what is in the way: Terrain, object, unit type etc)


Mod/addon key functions programmable from the A2 standard control panel. (default assignment and names scrounged upon startup?)

Edited by Scrub

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My only wish in my dream world would be for the death of the auto radar and lock-on, and have it replaced with individual systems that better represents the real life ones.

Its very dangerous to make such assumptions, but could it be that there not being a radar on the apache on-board screenshot means that the radar will be gone?

Anyway, I plenty reasons to buy it irregardless :)

Edited by sparks50

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At this point it looks completely shit. Lets hope we see something more than a glorified booster pack because I don't really think another Queens Armpit would sell.

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Well, you know what they say. Opinions are like a**eholes....

Dont see which bit is "completely shit" though. FLIR/PEQ/Flashlights sounds like a nice start to the features that are being added..... although, im hoping for more accurate representations of the real fire control systems too.. would be nice to see more real tank FCS, as well as better aircraft systems, javelin, etc to go with that FLIR...

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Make AI More realistic without all of the extra scripting especially for Mp gamemodes, all they do is spawn kill or spawn camp and hardly ever use any tactics, besides hit the dirt. :mad:

I really don't like the AI in this game.......

FLIR/Flashlights/PEQ should've been in Arma 2 so I don't count those as new features.

I would really like to just see alot of engine improvements, way improved interface for editor and command system, Improved preformance of the engine, more variety in cities and towns, maybe a big building for some CQB, large, room breaching commands, flash and flare grenades.

But I want to see more gamemodes, more options for editor, gamemode setups, actually advanced AI without the scripting but if you want to script you can make it even more advanced, since not everyone who buys this game will want to invest time to learn boring code. :j:

and variety, being able to customize your loadout without using premodeled weapons like the G36 Aimpoint SD, how about G36 ACOG SD??? :shoot:

More accessible and Documentation with game.

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FLIR/Flashlights/PEQ should've been in Arma 2 so I don't count those as new features.

They weren't in A2, but they will be new to AO, how does that not make them new features?

But I want to see more gamemodes

game modes are limited only by your imagination, unlike pretty much every other title out there there are NO game modes in ArmA. What you put together in the editor is what your game mode will be. That most people are unimaginative enough to come up with PvP all the time is their fault...

more options for editor, gamemode setups, actually advanced AI without the scripting but if you want to script you can make it even more advanced, since not everyone who buys this game will want to invest time to learn boring code.

Thats what makes it free-form, you cant possibly expect BI to cater for every possible idea that gamers would come up with. Thats what makes the scripting so powerful. If you cant be arsed to learn scripting, then thats your loss...

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Dont see which bit is "completely shit" though.
List all of the features and then compare the relative workload to construct each and then tell me if you think a stand-alone expansion is warranted for their implementation.

I would like to see some more useful items and features, not least more fluid movement, armour values on certain vehicles and a few other things.

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They weren't in A2, but they will be new to AO, how does that not make them new features?

game modes are limited only by your imagination, unlike pretty much every other title out there there are NO game modes in ArmA. What you put together in the editor is what your game mode will be. That most people are unimaginative enough to come up with PvP all the time is their fault...

Thats what makes it free-form, you cant possibly expect BI to cater for every possible idea that gamers would come up with. Thats what makes the scripting so powerful. If you cant be arsed to learn scripting, then thats your loss...

I know its my loss but BI can atleast provide some of the basic options like Respawns, basic AI objectives and stats.

Thats like me selling you a Car without a Warranty and service and asking YOU to learn how to fix you car when it needs it, not everyone will, I think BIS relied way too much on you guys and the modding community to do their patch work.

Oh wait a minute you were expecting a Modern Day Military Simulator without Flashlights/FLIR/PEQ??? What a lie, thats what I mean they should've put aside time to develope those for ARMA2 there acting like its new technology that the Military is starting to use.... See where im getting at?

Im not bashing them but somethings they put into Arma 2 are completely un-necessary to gameplay like Civilians/RTS elements/ fauna and the armory.

They should've added those features in the expansion. But Arma 2 should've shipped with the vital equipment that's needed for almost any modern day battlefield situation FLIR/PEQ/Flashlights.

BIS needs to focus on the actual Simulation part before adding all of these other modules and such. :)

But OA will deffinetly be worth the purchase and I really hope it adds to the simulation/realism more thats why I bought the game!

Edited by Flash Thunder

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Im not bashing them but somethings they put into Arma 2 are completely un-necessary to gameplay like Civilians/RTS elements/ fauna and the armory.

Please explain that :)

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Because obviously, a modern battlefield does not have Civilians, high command or fauna.

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Because obviously, a modern battlefield does not have Civilians, high command or fauna.

Damn sarcasm

Edited by AndresCL

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Thats like me selling you a Car without a Warranty and service and asking YOU to learn how to fix you car when it needs it

Yes, because you paid £40 - 15 for your car with its servicing warranty... :j:

BIS needs to focus on the actual Simulation part before adding all of these other modules and such.

And you think that the people who code the "modules and such" are the same people who code the engine?

Im not bashing them but somethings they put into Arma 2 are completely un-necessary to gameplay like Civilians/RTS elements/ fauna and the armory.

Sounds like dragon rising will be right up your street then, it has none of those. As for a simulation, ALL of those things (except the armoury) are relevant. You see movement in the bushes, is it an enemy or is it a rabbit? You see someone walking towards your checkpoint, is it a civilian or is it a suicide bomber? As for the RTS bits, do you think real soldiers (afterall, we're trying to be a simulation here, arent we) wander round without some higher-power giving them RTS-like orders? (go here, blow that up, kill these people, dig in here, etc etc)

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Sounds like dragon rising will be right up your street then, it has none of those. As for a simulation, ALL of those things (except the armoury) are relevant. You see movement in the bushes, is it an enemy or is it a rabbit? You see someone walking towards your checkpoint, is it a civilian or is it a suicide bomber?

Very true. These things add greatly to the level of immersion. The flocks of birds that take off when they get disturbed by movement or gunfire, the goat that surprises you after you scale a cliff, the random civilians driving around and force you to think twice before just opening up and slaughtering everything thats not wearing the same uniform as you... I'm very very glad they were included before PEQ/Flashlights at least...

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Thats like me selling you a Car without a Warranty and service and asking YOU to learn how to fix you car when it needs it, not everyone will, I think BIS relied way too much on you guys and the modding community to do their patch work.

No, it's like buying a bag of cement and expecting it to build you a house...

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Fucking instant gratification generation. Didn't you ever own legos? You had to build stuff from legos before you could play your favourite role-play game. And in the end you had more fun building things than with the stuff you built. Do you seriously want everything prepacked? ArmA2 comes with enough missions already, and you can then download user created missions ontop of that. I really don't see why BIS should include every mission ever created when you can download them yourselves. If the editor is too complicated to use, then don't use it. If you're not willing to learn a bit to use it, then it's not for you in the first place and no modules will help you make the perfect mission. As with everything, something new takes a bit of learning. And once you get the hang of it you'll realise it's not that hard, it's just a bit time consuming.

Edited by MehMan

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Fucking instant gratification generation. Didn't you ever own legos? You had to build stuff from legos before you could play your favourite role-play game. And in the end you had more fun building things than with the stuff you built. Do you seriously want everything prepacked? ArmA2 comes with enough missions already, and you can then download user created missions ontop of that. I really don't see why BIS should include every mission ever created when you can download them yourselves. If the editor is too complicated to use, then don't use it. If you're not willing to learn a bit to use it, then it's not for you in the first place and no modules will help you make the perfect mission. As with everything, something new takes a bit of learning. And once you get the hang of it you'll realise it's not that hard, it's just a bit time consuming.
I think it's rather the casual gamer generation.

I consider myself a self-studied nerd or tweaker, because I came from the period where you had to literally configure extended memory managers and load libraries to play games.

It's the building process that gives me gratification and I prefer foreplay over the real deal aswell.

Without computers, legos and mechanos and perhaps even cooking, most people just prefer the easy deal. But how can that actaully satisfy someone? :eek:

Living is too easy these days, instant meals, computers that work out of the box, the telephone to get you the service you need, cars that tell you they need service, software that works out of the box.

Oh and I'm just 19, but I don't consider myself part of this generation as we're living in a time where multiple generations living along.

Edited by SgtH3nry3

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I think it's rather the casual gamer generation.

But ArmA2 is hardly the game for a causal gamer. You'd be hard pressed to pop in and out of a game and have fun. The greatest fun you can get out of ArmA2 is after 3 hours of constant gameplay in a squad without realising 3 hours have passed. Or even in SP, stalking something for an hour just for that one single perfect strike.

(on a completely off topic note, if you'll remember: My polo already has an ARB, go figure. The handling is a bit shittish due to worn wishbone bushes and because it just wasn't meant for this.)

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No, it's like buying a bag of cement and expecting it to build you a house...

Wrong again. It's like someone selling you a car and asking you to learn to change a damn tire.

BIS is fixing the main portion of the game but there are so many poorly configured computers out there...how else can you explain why my little old AMD 64 x2 4200 with an ATI 4850 1G card can run the game just fine while others with much more powerful systems cry about lackluster , jerky performance? If you've got the answer I'm sure BIS would love to hear it so they can fix that "problem".

Using the editor isn't rocket science. Shit all you need to do is take a few minutes and you can create scenarios where only your imagination is the limit.Scripting isn't even necessary.

Kids today that can ramble of meaningless weapon system statistics (who really cares?) , can delve into the inner workings of their computer and tweak this and patch that (requires a certain degree of intelligence) will whine and complain because there are a few problems with the game make my blood boil.

If you want to see what the BIS team is up against , check out the simplicity of the original DOOM or Duke Nukem vs. the complexity of ArmA2.

And don't for one minute fool yourself into thinking that all products except ArmA2 released to the public are fault free. There's tons a recalls from foods that will kill you to vehicles with wheels that will fall off.


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It's like someone selling you a car and asking you to learn to change a damn tire.

Thats actually a pretty good analogy. Its something that ~10 years ago the vast majority of people would have done themselves (and been able to do it) but now people would rather pay someone else to come out and do it for them. And its not because its hard (I think I was changing tyres with my dad when I was 6 or so) but because it takes effort and "getting dirty" and people just dont want to do it anymore.

But I fear we're going more and more off topic here.

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In addition to the previous weapon discusion. Since the campaign is set into the future, it's possible, that the czech forces will have the new assault rifle, now know under the name CZ 805, with (or instead) the vz.58 assault rifle.


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