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Crash on Multiplayer Join or Create Server/Host

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All SP related ArmA2 works fine. I go the Multiplayer screen, and when trying to connect on a random server (i can see the servers list just fine), or when trying to host a MP game, ArmA2 crashes to desktop , without any message but windows': Program stop responding, it will be closed type of thing

Crash log:

graphics: D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, Driver:nvd3dum.dll

resolution: 1680x990x32

Exe version: 1.03.58627



Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 012D4A10

Version 1.03.58627

Fault address: 012D4A10 A8A000:0000000A F:\ArmA 2\Bohemia Interactive\arma2.exe

file: intro

world: utes

Prev. code bytes: 00 00 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00

Fault code bytes: 8B 01 BA FF FE FE 7E 03 D0 83 F0 FF 33 C2 83 C1


EAX:764354A6 EBX:57F70000

ECX:CE3A54A8 EDX:00000000

ESI:CE3A54A8 EDI:57FC2050


SS:ESP:002B:025B8D64 EBP:025B8DA0

DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B



note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\RT\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\arma2.mdmp

It doesn't matter all that much, since i came to the conclusion that i got the same behavior no matter what patch version i have (i reinstalled arma 3 times, tried connecting on existing 1.02 server, back to desktop crash)

What i have tried

1. Rolling back some drivers (i have found out later that it has nothing to do with it)

2. Reinstalling ArmA2. 3 times. The third, i have tried out the MP behaviour, and it is the same for 1.01 (my box version), 1.02 and 1.03

3. Searching on google for C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION, very general and wide results, i cannot find out what service, application is *make babies*ing it up

4. Trying the windbg tools on the minidumb

5. Reinstalled win7, same thing. So it is not from my part anyways, definatly netcode related.

Other info:

I have switched from win XP64 to win7 3 days ago (a OS reinstall was in order, so i choose to try win7 out, which i was happy i did until now), and spent some time arranging all my previous files, installing my work related software etc.

So i can say i have a pretty much fresh software installation, on which arma2 used to work better than on XP, until this moment, when arma 2 works, but NOT its multiplayer component (i only play arma2 in MP anyways).

I have just talked with my ISP, called their tech support, they connected remotely on my PC, double checked my ADSL router and network connection etc, and after assuring me that there is no equipment blocking my connection on their side, besides the model i own, and scratching their heads a bit, they said it is either something in win 7 blocking it (it can't be since i have a new fresh reinstall less than 12h old, and i have seen A2 running on the same settings and OS before), or something with ArmA2 itself (i don't believe that either, since it used to work)

- all ports are now opened (router firewall disabled, i have tried with Win7 Firewall disabled as well)

- all tests seem to be working just fine (tried getting pinged from different sources, got a tracert on my public ip as well).

As far as i can tell it has nothing to do with the OS i have it installed on (in this case win7).

After 24h of messing about, it's either"

1. the ISP firewall or alike blocking my connection somewhere *they have already said they got no such equipment and they are not blocking my connection

2. there is something wrong with my network card. I do plan in buying a new one (the one i have is obviously on the MB) and testing it out

Any type of help is welcome

Does anyone actually know what protocols, ports etc ArmA2 is using to connect to a server, and how is it sending those packages?

Edited by PuFu

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patch 1.3 didn't include dedicated MP server exe.

my guess is version incompatibility. i believe for the time being you have to be 1.2 to play online.

at least thats my understanding. correct me if im wrong.

which is ridiculous considering steam users have to redownload and disable updates to get online.

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you are wrong. Server.exe for 1.3 is available anyways, but not needed for client.

As posted, i have tried connecting the the servers who were stuck with 1.02 *(1.03 version is just coincidence really) and i had the same game freeze/crash

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you are wrong. Server.exe for 1.3 is available anyways, but not needed for client.

As posted, i have tried connecting the the servers who were stuck with 1.02 *(1.03 version is just coincidence really) and i had the same game freeze/crash

oh sorry, last i read it wasn't available.

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