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Comms and Custom menues

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Have you got any other examples of Comms module loveliness Mr Centipede ?

As of right now, not yet :D

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Nope..... still not getting this latest BIS_fnc_arrayPush to work at all.

Have you got the complete mission for me to look at please?

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Back from holidays.. BIS_fnc_arrayPush needs Functions module to be loaded.

Probably the best way to safely edit a previously created comms menu!

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Welcome back !

If you come up with other Command menu loveliness let us know :)

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Hey guy's,

just playing around with the communication menu and i have to say it really is a greate feature.

One thing i really would love to know:

If i create/add the command menu to a specific player will the command menu used/shown by this player only?

I mean in MP if i have several player groups will the new commands i added to the menu only shown by the sepcific player where i had added/created it?

Thanks for any info.

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Here's something I did,

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

HCS_menu = [
["Split Unit (%SELECTED_UNIT_ID)",[2],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[player,(groupSelectedUnits player)] execVM 'cent_HCS2

["Rejoin Group (%SELECTED_UNIT_ID)",[3],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[player,(hcSelected player)] execVM 'cent_HCS2


waituntil {!isnil "BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication"};
[bIS_MENU_GroupCommunication, ["HCS",[0],"#USER:HCS_menu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]] call [b]BIS_fnc_arrayPush;[/b]
if (true) exitWith {};

I use the bolded function to add my custom made HCS_menu into the BIS comms menu.

Thank you dfear and kremator for this piece of code

There is another method to add a new menu to an existing Communication menu without the function module :)

sleep 2;
If (isNil "BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication") then {
BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication = [
	[localize "STR_SOM_COMMUNICATIONS", false]

waituntil {!isnil "BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication"};
CUSTOM_menu = [
["Item 1",[2],"",-5,[["expression","hint 'Hello!'"]],"1","1"],
["Item 2",[3],"",-5,[["expression","[] execVM 'myScript.sqf'"]],"1","0"]

_count = count BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication;
BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication set [_count, ["Test",[0],"#USER:CUSTOM_menu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]];

For the shortcut [0] you can also use _count :)

Shortcut 1 is ESC. So you should use (_count + 1) instead of only _count if you want to start with 1 as shortcut.

@SNKMAN: Did you try it in MP? I would say its global so every player will have the same communication.

But maybe if you change the BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication only local and don't public that variable maybe you can change it for only one player :)

Does the SOM module use a variable which displays if the SOM initialised?

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I have a question, the script below works fine:

CUSTOM_menu = [
["Support Menu",false],
["Fixed-Wing",[2],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\fixed_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Airborne Infantry",[3],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\para_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Close Air Support",[4],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\rotor_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Transport Support",[5],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\trans_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Infantry Support",[6],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\inf_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"]

BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication = [
[localize "STR_SOM_COMMUNICATIONS", false],
["Support Menu",[2],"#USER:CUSTOM_menu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]

if (true) exitWith {};

But when I add the line in red it no longer works, does anyone know why? Im assuming it has to do with "" or ' ' but I cannot figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

CUSTOM_menu = [
["Support Menu",false],
["Fixed-Wing",[2],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\fixed_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Airborne Infantry",[3],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\para_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Close Air Support",[4],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\rotor_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Transport Support",[5],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\trans_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
["Infantry Support",[6],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[] execVM 'support\inf_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"],
       [color="Red"]["Missile Support",[7],"",-5,[["expression","nul=[laserTarget player, getpos missilestart,""Bo_GBU12_LGB"",300]execVM 'support\missile_support.sqf'"]],"1","1"][/color]

BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication = [
[localize "STR_SOM_COMMUNICATIONS", false],
["Support Menu",[2],"#USER:CUSTOM_menu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]

if (true) exitWith {};


Edited by cobra4v320

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Is there also a way to create a submenu after you click on one of the menu options? Can we delete a menu option after it has been used a certain amount of times?

---------- Post added at 02:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 AM ----------

I figured out the submenus here is what I have:

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

[] call BIS_fnc_commsMenuCreate;

FixedWing_SUBMENU =
["Fixed-Wing Menu",false],
["Fixed-Wing (Station)", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""this is Fixed (Station)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Fixed-Wing (CAS)", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat "" this is Fixed (CAS)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Fixed-Wing (RTB)", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat "" this is Fixed (RTB)"" "]], "1", "1"]

RotorWing_SUBMENU =
["Rotor-Wing Menu",false],
["Rotor-Wing (Station)", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""this is Rotor (Station)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Rotor-Wing (CAS)", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat "" this is Rotor (CAS)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Rotor-Wing (RTB)", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat "" this is Rotor (RTB)"" "]], "1", "1"]

Support_MAINMENU = 
 	["Support Menu",false],
["Infantry (Air Assault)", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""this is Infantry (Air Assualt)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Infantry (Airborne)", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""this is Infantry (Airborne)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Fixed-Wing Support", [4], "#USER:FixedWing_SUBMENU", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""this is Fixed-Wing (submenu)"" "]], "1", "1"],
["Rotor-Wing Support", [5], "#USER:RotorWing_SUBMENU", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""this is Rotor-Wing (submenu)"" "]], "1", "1"]

waituntil {!isnil "BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication"};
[bIS_MENU_GroupCommunication, ["Support Menu",[0],"#USER:Support_MAINMENU",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]] call BIS_fnc_arrayPush;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:Support_MAINMENU";

Edited by cobra4v320

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One thing i really would love to know:

If i create/add the command menu to a specific player will the command menu used/shown by this player only?

I mean in MP if i have several player groups will the new commands i added to the menu only shown by the sepcific player where i had added/created it?

Would like to know the exact same thing. Does anyone have any experience with this or can point me in the right direction?

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Hi all,

cool thread. I read up on the issue recently and found this very informative wiki page: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/showCommandingMenu

But there are still some questions left. For example this argument..

// isActive - Boolean 1 or 0 for yes or no - if item is not active, it appears gray.

...sets the menu item to inactive from the beginning.

I´d guess then there should be some way to activate it later on, but that´s not mentioned anywhere...

Is there any way at all to change/delete/manipulate menu items during the game?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,




@ Clayman and SNKMAN:

I did this with something like

if (player == player1) then {add player specific menu options};

of course I´ve named all playable units accordingly. Tested on dedicated server without problems so far.

Edited by CptBBQ

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Thanks for the info. :)

To (de)activate a menu item you can use something like this (from the example on the biki page):

// Deactivate first item
BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication set [1, ["First", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""First"" "]], "1", "0"]];

// Activate second item
BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication set [2, ["Second", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "player sidechat ""Second"" "]], "1", "1"]];

Just change the isActive / isVisible to "1" or "0".

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Thanks, Clayman!

Will give it a try as soon as I´m home from work.

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But when I add the line in red it no longer works, does anyone know why? Im assuming it has to do with "" or ' ' but I cannot figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.


I have same problem, I ADD NEW new line, but it not work,how can I fix it?

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I want the option to cancel objectives during the mission using the menu, the below menu and scripting works fine. I just need to find out how to remove the menu item after it has been used. For example if I have to cancel objective one and call the script how do I then tell the menu to remove that line in the communications menu?

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

[] call BIS_fnc_commsMenuCreate;

Mission_MAINMENU =
["Mission Menu",true],
["Cancel Objective Destroy BM-21 Rockets", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "execVM 'mission_menu\objectives\obj1_canceled.sqf'"]], "1", "1"],
["Cancel Objective Destroy Ammo Trucks", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "execVM 'mission_menu\objectives\obj2_canceled.sqf'"]], "1", "1"],
["Cancel Objective Destroy Communications", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "execVM 'mission_menu\objectives\obj3_canceled.sqf'"]], "1", "1"]

waituntil {!isnil "BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication"};
[bIS_MENU_GroupCommunication, ["Mission Menu",[0],"#USER:Mission_MAINMENU",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"]] call BIS_fnc_arrayPush;

I have been trying this to remove the menu item after it has been used and it is not working. Its not putting out any errors either.


"tskobj1" objStatus "DONE"; 
tskobj1 setTaskState "CANCELED"; 
_nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj1, "CANCELED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; 

BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication set [2, ["Cancel Objective Destroy BM-21 Rockets", [0], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "0", "0"]];


if (true) exitwith {};

Edited by cobra4v320

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The only work around that I can come up with is this. There has to be a way to delete or turnoff something in the communications menu.

[color="Red"]if (taskcompleted tskobj1) exitwith {hint "Objective is already complete."};[/color]

"tskobj1" objStatus "DONE"; 
tskobj1 setTaskState "CANCELED"; 
_nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj1, "CANCELED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; 


if (true) exitwith {};

Edited by cobra4v320

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I found a way to make it grayed out but there still has to be an easier way to do this.

"tskobj1" objStatus "DONE"; 
tskobj1 setTaskState "CANCELED"; 
_nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj1, "CANCELED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; 


Mission_MAINMENU =
["Mission Menu",false],

if (taskcompleted tskobj1) then {["Cancel Objective Destroy BM-21 Rockets", [2], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]} else {["Cancel Objective Destroy BM-21 Rockets", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "execVM 'mission_menu\objectives\obj1_canceled.sqf'"]], "1", "1"]},

if (taskcompleted tskobj2) then {["Cancel Objective Destroy Ammo Trucks", [3], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]} else {["Cancel Objective Destroy Ammo Trucks", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "execVM 'mission_menu\objectives\obj2_canceled.sqf'"]], "1", "1"]},

if (taskcompleted tskobj3) then {["Cancel Objective Destroy Communications", [4], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]} else {["Cancel Objective Destroy Communications", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "execVM 'mission_menu\objectives\obj3_canceled.sqf'"]], "1", "1"]}

if (true) exitwith {};

Edited by cobra4v320

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does any body know how to add menus to the custom menu. option 0-9.

OK Never mind, i found my answer. its the sound menu.

Edited by Linrox

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does any body know how to add menus to the custom menu. option 0-9.

OK Never mind, i found my answer. its the sound menu.

Now that you have found your answer, would it be possible to share it with the rest of us? I am not able to find the answer myself, and I would be happy to learn what you have found out! :)

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I doubt he has the answer I've never seen one. No sound menu!

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I doubt he has the answer I've never seen one. No sound menu!

He's talking about the MP custom sounds, that are (automatically) displayed under this menu.

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