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Installed Win7 (XP before) .... first A2 impressions

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Kremator is now officially in charge of all things wizbomb. There will be long hours and no extra (or any) pay. Frustration is assured. I just wanted to make that clear. :)

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god damn i thought it was just a simple program never mind i didnt want to make a complete overhaul of my computer! jeez i did not know

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wizbomb you are fast becoming my favorite internet person. ;)

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Ah, lol. Cheers Kremator, looking forward to it!

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sorry idk it was a full sytem booti wasted every ones time ):

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Hey wizbomb, it's not written in stone that you would get better fps using windows 7.

I have a dualboot XP & W7 and for me XP performs way better than w7.

My armamark in XP: 5642.29

and my armamark in Windows 7: 4277.17

Same setting & drivers etc

Dont know why, but thats how it is on my system.

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i would. A 8800gt is a mid to lowend gfx card for ARMA2 and any differed light game engine. Less than 3.2ghz cpu is mid to low, less than 4gb of ram is mid to low, and i am am sure on a older platform that is mid to lowend... thats my opinion...

8800GT is serving me well in everything else, just not so well in Arma2.. (don't forget I am on a 19" non widescreen DVI TFT so the max I play at is 1280x1024 anyway)

my dual core is 2.0ghz but are we talking actual 2.0ghz or my x2 3600+ bit (as we know the minimum and recommended specs are higher for Intel than AMD cpu's)

Ram yep I can agree, I'd love to have more but even if I did have more, Arma2 wouldn't be using it anyway would it lol.

That windows 7 system rater thing gives me 4.9 for CPU and Ram and 5.9 for everything else, I know that's not much to go off but Win 7 runs great on my machine, not just games but the whole OS just seems to run better.

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Thanks for the support guys !

Don't worry .... I'll tell him to jump off a cliff soon :)

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I'm running the 9800GT (same as the 8800GT) and it runs great on 1280x1024, but I'm also running a 3.5Ghz dual core.

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I was running Vista 64bit originally and the game was not quite but almost unplayable; it froze every 30 seconds for about a half-second (not good in a firefight, tracking an enemy, flying etc).

Installed win7 64bit and now it runs smooth as silk.

Also: What's the point of 6GB of memory in a 32-bit OS? Seems kinda silly to me...

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Just got myself an extra 2GB of RAM (to make 4), Win7 64-bit, coming over from XP and Vista, performance is matching if not a bit better, though it's probably the upgrade doing its job. Decent OS aswell, although it's still a RAM hog (currently 900MB on desktop, not including cached). :)

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(Just finished reading the whole thread) So...wait, is wizbomb a troll? I mean, he seemed to have everyone riled up with questions that I wouldn't expect people to be asking. Perhaps my time in the software industry has just insulated me from common knowledge though.

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A troll would be someone asking silly questions just to cause a stir, I think wizbomb was genuine... as scary as that may sound.

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Reading this thread made my day.

just ordered a new computer in order to be able to play ARMA 2.

My old computer just gave up on this game and ejected the dvd :)

You have convinced me with going with Windows 7.

The store have installed the beta (64-bit) until it's final release.

Picking up computer tomorrow - can't wait.

The Wizbomb dialog is wonderful, icing on the cake, ROTFL


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A troll would be someone asking silly questions just to cause a stir, I think wizbomb was genuine... as scary as that may sound.

/me worries about the future of the human race !

@wizbomb .... see that cliff over there ?

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