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High Command - creating logic module

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How can I create a logic module for High Command via script? I only know its name which is 'BIS_HC_#' where # is prefix but I have no idea what command can do it.

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Using createVehicle for logic units no longer works. createVehicleLocal is still functional, but it's still not a proper solution and can lead to some nasty errors.

Only 'legal' way is to create logic with createUnit command:

createcenter sidelogic;
_grp = creategroup sidelogic;
_logicHC = _grp createunit ["HighCommand",position player,[],0,"none"];

You can omit first two lines if you already have some logic group you can join to.

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Using createVehicle for logic units no longer works. createVehicleLocal is still functional, but it's still not a proper solution and can lead to some nasty errors.
Hi Gaia. Are you saying that createVehicleLocal gives nasty errors with the HC, other BIS modules, or generally, with any gameLogic? Incase the latter, could you please further describe?

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I think its with other Logics. I have been 'trying' to play with Mandobles missiles and bomb scripts but there are LOADS of createVehicleLocal "Logic" in there !

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OK, thank you everyone for your help and advice (especially Gaia).

BTW. I'm trying to allow a player to enable or disable High Command before the start - using param command (it is a coop mission). It seems to work on LAN server but not on dedicated server. It's the same when I implement 'hcsetgroup' commands in leaders initializations' fields. Very strange...

It looks like that:

if (Param1 == 1) then {
createcenter sidelogic;
_grp = creategroup sidelogic;
_logicHC = _grp createunit ["HighCommand",position player,[],0,"none"];
team1leader hcsetgroup [[color="Red"]"[/color]team1[color="red"]"[/color],""];
team1leader hcsetgroup [[color="red"]"[/color]team2[color="red"]"[/color],""]}

EDIT: Ok, I have found a mistake. There should be no "" which surround the names of squads.

Edited by Rainbow

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Did that work for you?

Also, how is High Command running on a dedi server? Any problems?


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