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Animations ( Stand, Knee, Prone )

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Hey guys,

someone knows a way to check, if a unit stand or knee?

Is there any base class which i could check?

I already tryed:

if (animationState player == "AnimationName") then { do this };

Prone can be checked with the specific weapon class:



True if the player is prone with a rifle.



True if the player is prone with a pistol.

But i can'f find the correct animation names for Stand and Knee.

May somebody know's them. :)

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The stance is indicated by the three leters following the P.








"AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon" - Standing

"AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon" - Kneeling

"AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon" - Prone

If you want to get what the unit's current stance is you can use this:

_animState = animationState _unit;
_animStateChars = toArray _animState;
_animP = toString [_animStateChars select 5,_animStateChars select 6,_aniMStateChars select 7];

Which will return just those 3 letters in a string.

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Big Dawg is fast!


I've pretty much memorized most of the animation names (or rather the naming convention, in which case it's easy to guess what any animation will be called).

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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Many thanks Big Dawg and Taurus.

Didn't notice thouse commands. :rolleyes:

Well at least i got it working correctly.

Thanks Guy's.

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Sorry guys i'm really interesting in the unit stance but I cannot understand how it works.. where should I put those codes?

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Almost three years later .... is this a record for digging up a dead thread ?

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I just wanted to find out how to do that, that's all

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In the init of your unit.

Please do not dig up old and inactive threads, specially not if the thread itself has nothing to do with your question. There must be more than enough threads how to make a unit perform an animation. This thread was started to check which animation was performed.

§10) Do not dig up old threads

Threads older than 4 months should not be dug up unless something significant is being added. If in doubt as to what is "significant", contact a moderator and they will give you their opinion. As always old threads will remain open or be closed at the moderator's discretion. Digging up an old thread simply to ask "any news" is also not acceptable, PM the thread starter or mod leader to ask.

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