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My answer for playing without the smacktards

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I got sick of playing with 99% great people only to have one moron login and destroy the base assets, and griefing everybody. If you're sick of this too, come to my website[/url]

I've purchased a good, dedicated server and charging a cheap 5 Bucks a month (no commitment) for access. I'll send you the server password and you're in. It's cheap and will allow you to play arma without idiots. I'll even teach you how to play domination if you don't know. We'll rotate the maps and add different things, and the ban/kick bat will be in full swing mode for any idiot that decides to shoot the place up.

The servers up now and running smooth.

I'm not trying to make money with this, just getting rid of smacktards the best I can.


Edited by Placebo

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umm sorry to say but why would anyone in their own mind pay for someone elses server to play on when they got tons of other servers to choose from for free..

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Charging people to play on your server? Not here you don't.

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