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Constent game lock ups now - LOOOOL

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I reinstalled the game today because I wanted to give it another chance, I wanted to look at the multiplayer hold maps in particular because someone on here had given some advise about the Ai been the cause of the low Fps. So, I did a clean reinstall of windows 7, installed the game along with the patch 1.02 and really thought I was good to go now. I can tell you that didn't take long for me to realise I was kidding myself. I wasn't able to test these maps for very long at all, because after just 10 minutes into playing the game, all it kept doing was locking up, and I had to constantly reboot to start the game over again.

So, apart from the Fps issue, which I found really annoying, there is also the freezing and locks ups to frustrate me even more. Can someone here explain what the hell is wrong with this game? I have played games for years online and never had any problems like this, is this because the game is so dependent on the CPU that it's overheating or something? And why is it so dependent on the CPU and not the Graphics card? Also, how is a patch going to fix something like this? Everyone keeps harking on about the Nvidia drivers, but they don’t do anything to improve this game. Seems to me Nvidia are just the scapegoat here.

Edited by Jackdaniels

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