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Gameplay getting boring - thoughts and questions

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I am relatively new to ARMA 2 (was playing OFP a lot online, but skipped ARMA 1), and one thing that really starting to bore me is that online gameplay is typically following the same tired pattern:

1) Taget gets announced (in coop, in hold we skip this step)

2) Everyone rushes for attack helis and aircraft

3) Target gets bombed to rubble

4) When infantry finally arrives, most enemy armor and infantry is already destroyed

5) Infantry does some sweeping and kills a few leftover enemies (plus, very often, gets bombed by trigger happy AC)

6) New target gets announced, rinse and repeat

As a consequence, any armor other than the MHQ is typically not used at all, because its too slow to arrive at the battle scene. Tactics for every town are the same. Plus, infantry combat is reduced to shoot infantry, and the difficulty of completing a mission is largely reduced (c'mon, how difficult is it to bomb a town to rubble ?). Plus, the game's complex features are not used, and gameplay is shallow.

Hence my question: Why is noone restricting their servers to limit the ACs available or get rid of them totally? Is it only me who gets bored by the gameplay above? Is i t possible to configure a server to use popular missions but restrict available AC ?

Edited by qwertz

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My experience is that at least in crcti missions the mission developers react quite quickly and - for example - raise prices for aircraft vehicles.

And indeed I would like it for I know the effect you state.

It's even worse when commanders keep money all for themselves and buy one chopper (for doing points) after another whereas the normal one can try to get away with infantry and an Ural ... :-(

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I can just tell the OP to try other missions than Evolution, Domination and The Longest Day. They are fun for a while, or when you just want to mess around mindlessly, but they hardly bring out the best in ArmA (not because they are bad missions, but because of the playing style they encourage when not admined/configured/bossed around correctly).

You can use the #vote missions and #vote admin NAME commands on most servers. If someone is voted to admin he in turn can use the #missions command.

#missions and #vote missions are used to end the current missions and get to the mission selection screen, and hopefully the server has something else than the three above mossions loaded. ;)

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You're talking about Domination (since you say MHQ)?

If so I dont quite agree, heavy vehicles are generally not employed until later stages of the game. There's plenty of AT infantry action. At least in the regular version, there are some "unlocked" versions that let you jump straight into vehicles and everything is turned into chaos. Same thing with Evolution, some versions just let go of restrictions and again turn it into vehicular chaos.

I think missions will be more streamlined in the future though. Maybe even designers will realize that for a 30 player mission, having 10+ helicopters isnt such a good idea as it just spreads everyone thin and encourage small 2-3 peep transports... All you need is a single Osprey.

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Hi qwertz

Err simple solution play a different mission.

There are hundreds of public servers playing different game forms.

Try some Berzerk they tend to be in the 50+player servers

Or Drop down to the 20+ player servers and play some CTF.

There are 100s of small servers playing a mix of CQB, CTF, hold and coop heck you might even find a ten player COD style DM. As well as some experimental forms that people are inventing as we speak.

Or best of all Join a Clan, there is a rather large list of them in this section of the forum:


Many are locked and hidden, but some are looking for new members. They play all kinds of game forms, and play a more varied range of missions than public servers do. Chances are you will be playing on a clan's public server, they are used for recruiting and for clans to build evidence for ban lists. If you want to get recruited you will have to show initiative and the ability to play tactically as a team member.

If you are bored it because you are being boring.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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