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Random Assault

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OpFor team and 5 antennas are placed in a random location on Chernarus. BluFor team located nearby (300-3000m, server option) is to destroy those antennas within the time limit (3-9 minutes, server option). No respawns, however mission is short and replayable to make up for it.

Make sure AI is disabled.


In case people actually get to this page, this mission does not work and will probably not get updated (unless someone really feels like taking on the project, in which case feel free).

On another note, I may be releasing some new A&D missions that do work quite well, as soon as they get enough play testing for balance etc. (they are already in a very playable state).

Edited by galzohar

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Forgot to mention it currently supports up to 46 players , but can be easily increased if needed, and it should work more than fine with a lot less players than that.

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Managed to find how to place markers appropriately, though I still hadn't managed to use variables so that the direction is random and not always southwest.

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Version 1.011:

- Completely remade.

- Using F2 mission framework.

- Assault direction is now random.

- Approximate objective area and attacker direction marked on the map, different for attackers and defenders.

- Using a rather proper platoon structure.


- There are some problems with choosing weapons in the briefing, including the fact that the scripts overwrite whatever loadout you see/choose at the briefing. This is a known problem with the F2 scripts. I have decided for now to keep the classes enforced, but I did properly gear the platoon up for the task so it might actually be better that way.

- Need to actually have people test it! Hard to find bugs when playing with yourself on your home computer... Although practically all the scripts that I wrote run on mission startup, and I hadn't noticed any bugs with those.

- AI needs to be disabled, as they are currently incapable of playing this mission.



Edited by galzohar

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