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The [x]

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regardless of what people say the [X] is 4 times better than the ps2! wink.gif

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Yes, PS2 sucks. The X-sucks is almost as good as a PC. And HALO is fine. But consoles sucks nontheless.

[kickconsole]to pieces[/kickconsole]

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yahoooo i got it to work!

i was on irc yesturday with someone from our mod just talking having a laugh and i said to myself! "i have now been on the x box! what sort of short nick name could i give it"

so i said "how about [X]" because the brackets prepresent the the box and the x is in the middle anyway! now i got you to use it i think its pretty cool how people make nicknames and say it once then everyone uses it... biggrin.gif

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oi you bitch sad.gif

and wtf is an x-suck?

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X-Box sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks.

All consoles should be thrown into a lake.

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mmm i was in a shop yesterday and watched a demonstration of the X box, the game running was very grand turismo like and i must say ive not seen graphics like that, blows the psx2 out window.

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Yes but that still doesn't change the fact that all consoles should be thrown into the back of a truck and that truck should be dropped into a big hole.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Burn them, especially when they are from Microsoft <span id='postcolor'>

Couldn't agree with you more. But I would finish them with a silver bullet or

two just to be sure..

I wouldn't pay for anything that comes from Microsoft, even if it would be

a cure for cancer.. mad.gif

But still, I pay taxes, and the licences for the products in the school, libraries and so

on are paid from taxes..

Thank God some towns in Finland have become linux-users..

And congratulations to Germany for letting M$ down and choosing linux.

Now I feel much better! biggrin.gif

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considering most of the games will be released for PC i dont really see the point of buying it

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i agree that the [X] and every other consoles are totally shit compaired to the pc but some of you are saying that you would never buy anything from microsof! dammit if your using windows then wtf are you using it?

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I'll be buying a PS2 as soon as I can afford one, the simple reason is so I can play certain sports games that don't come over to the PC, such as Knockout Kings and Pro Evolution Soccer.

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I hate sport games. And i hate consoles. Wednesday 20th March i will be getting my GF4Ti4600 from ASUS. And i will laugh at the x-box and his whiny nephew PS2


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No console has any game that I was interested in. Those few that I could be interested in are going to be ported over to the PC anyway. Most console games are just the same crap anyway.

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Horses for courses, my favourite two sports are Football and Boxing, the best games for those get released on the playstation, which is why I currently have a PSX1 and will be getting a PSX2 smile.gif

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I just had to post on this because of all these stupid fucks....so please ban this name and I wont make another because with topics like this you have to say something...

First off PS2 and Xbox....the only way Xbox is better is hardware speed...sure it has antialiasing but they don't seem to use it...I have played the same game on Xbox and PS2 and there is no difference between the 2.....Xbox in the long run will no doubt come out with hugh awesome games which will only be better because of the systems ability to run bigger worlds....but fuck it because this Christmas that passed PS2 sold more than Xbox and gamecube combined so HA...

I mean if your going to buy a system and don't know which PS2 is the way to go...and more would say the same...most people say oh they bought theirs a year ago and don't regret the buy at all......

As for the rest I can't even begin to understand why people hate consoles....I mean ok if they have no games that interest you then fine but shit that's no reason to hate it.

and the graphic's on consoles is way better than PC...and don't give me no shit oh what consoles do PC has done for years...I don't give a fuck consoles are better graphic's....and I think it's because of the model work...PC games are boxy models with poor texture work.....I'm pretty sure that is what it is....I mean just look at a car in grand turismo or on Xbox project gotham racing and then look at a car in a current PC racing game....you'll know what I'm talking about consoles being better........

Just had to post some input on this subject.......because I can't hold myself back when I hear someone saying Xbox is far superior than PS2 visually when I have PS2 with lots of games and have played lots of Xbox and it's bullSHIT.....

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A PC can outperform any console with the right hardware. Also graphics aren't everything when all console games are the same bulls**t fighting, driving or Final Fantasy crap.

I could rant about consoles for hours but I think I'll leave this for now.

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x box doesn't look that good, especially compared to ps2, which has much better games (as far as i'm concerned halo is just a crap console fps like those medals of honors and ps2/dreamcast half life).

I'll still probably buy one tho, eventually, its just not while there aren't any must have games on it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and the graphic's on consoles is way better than PC...and don't give me no shit oh what consoles do PC has done for years...I don't give a fuck consoles are better graphic's....and I think it's because of the model work...PC games are boxy models with poor texture work.....I'm pretty sure that is what it is....I mean just look at a car in grand turismo or on Xbox project gotham racing and then look at a car in a current PC racing game....you'll know what I'm talking about consoles being better........

<span id='postcolor'>


You must have a very shitty PC. biggrin.gif

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Yes your right PC can but the graphic's are just better in consoles.....

And your right graphic's isn't everything but I still like the games on consoles....I think I'll get fatal frame next on PS2....

I wasn't or do I want to start a flame war...I only wanted to make a point...mainly about PS2 compared to Xbox.....

But hey I'm not allowed to post so I better get out of here before a mod gets pissed...... biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ Mar. 15 2002,21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and the graphic's on consoles is way better than PC...and don't give me no shit oh what consoles do PC has done for years...I don't give a fuck consoles are better graphic's....and I think it's because of the model work...PC games are boxy models with poor texture work.....I'm pretty sure that is what it is....I mean just look at a car in grand turismo or on Xbox project gotham racing and then look at a car in a current PC racing game....you'll know what I'm talking about consoles being better........

<span id='postcolor'>


You must have a very shitty PC.  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I have a

P4 1.8

Geforce 3 TI500


and so on

Trust me consoles are better graphic's....tell now it has always been i'm not sure what it is they are just better....but now I know it's the models...and texture work.....

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"shakes head"......I have like 60 PC games...old to new....I know what the hell i'm talking about........

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well, when games like doom3 and unreal2 come out you'll be eating those words tounge.gif just look at games liek sacrifice (which is an old game) and freespace 2 (again - old game) and you have 2 games that can hold their own on graphics stakes.

Besides, games like gran turismo 3, burnout and gotham racing suck ass, boring and repititive.

by any chance have you seen the new ps2 medal of honor btw? if you have please compare it to the latest pc version in the graphics stakes tounge.gif in fact, compare to wolfenstein as well just for the hell of it. Then compare the ps2 red faction to the pc version

racing games aren't what make the pc great, it strategy games, flight simulators such as il2, and of course, first person shooters. racing games suck ass (except gta3, which the pc is getting anyway)

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