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Need advice on gameplay

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Could more skilled palyers please take the time to tell me how to call additional squads by radio, how to direct artilley strikes with laser designator.

Also I have started earning cash for kills etc in the campaign. When does this kick in, how do i use the cash, how do you base build, buy extra troops and supplies, get more ammo for personal weapons. When is base and defences building essential?

This great game has depth and it has features I still don't know how to use.

In the Campaign, when does HIGH COMMAND become necessary and active?

Appreciate anyone who has time to answer these.

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-Additional squads are (i think) only available when you are High Commander

-Laser designator is used in one of the campaign missions it appears to be binoculars , when you open your gear menu you can see laser designator , so just simply take it , zoom on the target => Click => Left Menu appears Call Artillery or something like that

-You can use your cash once you created your HQ with that BMP or something like that....

-To get ammo same as said above you can buy them by clicking on the Menu Buy Weapons

-Creating a good base gives you an advantage to increase income of the village you captured. No need to set 1000 x ZU-29 a few are enough to counter the ennemy if they counter or would like to invade your village. You can increase income by going on a main bunker and select in the Menu => Village Menu (i think)

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