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Vehicle FOV

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Does anybody else feel that the FOV (field of view) in vehicles is way too narrow and 'zoomed in'? For example; if I'm driving or riding in a UAZ and hold down numpad - it seems much better than the stock view.

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It's just the nature of a narrow screen/monitor. You can't get a realistic FOV on a screen. Sure, the FOV might get better when zoomed out but I can't stand the fish eye view all FPS games have. Maybe you're used to the fish eye view of other games? I prefer to have it even more narrow. Sure it has it's downsides but you can always turn your head to see what's around you.

By the way, you can adjust the FOV in the player profile config file.



If you wanna increase the FOV then multiply those numbers with the value you want. Try multiplying it with 1.2 and you'll get 0,9 and 1.6.

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ArmA 1 had the same problem, they fixed it in patch 1.09 I think it was. It's just the vehicle FOV, infantry is fine.

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Does anybody else feel that the FOV (field of view) in vehicles is way too narrow and 'zoomed in'? For example; if I'm driving or riding in a UAZ and hold down numpad - it seems much better than the stock view.

You can double-click it to toggle. (Depending on difficulty setting though)

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You can double-click it to toggle. (Depending on difficulty setting though)

Which zooms in and does the complete opposite OP is after ;)

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There's a "toggle zoom out" button in the keybindings, unfortunately we need to wait for BIS to fix it to work everywhere and not just when using weapons with aimpoints and ironsights.

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Which zooms in and does the complete opposite OP is after ;)

No it doesn't (;))

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shows a discussion about 3rd view versus egoshooterview as a whole in it's post #16 you find this

(...) I was a crew chief in a Blackhawk for several years in real life. The view and perspective you get in the cockpit view is nothing close to the real thing. In real life you have crew chiefs on both sides of your aircraft telling you where you are, calling you into LZs, etc. The only way I will fly a helicopter is in 3rd person view. If I had track ir and a full crew who knew how to perform crew chief duties like airspace surveillance and stuff then I would consider it. You just can't see shit when flying in 1st person view, you have no peripheral vision and in my opinion its far from realistic.

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If they'd allow drivers/pilots to actually use the zoom in/out toggle and default mouse control would be freelook on (rather than having to lock mouse freelook whenever you enter a driver position and unlock it when you disembark), you'd have much better peripheral view...

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I'm a helicopter pilot in training IRL and yeah I agree. For gameplay it should be wider though, to mimic peripheral vision.

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Like I said, all they need is to fix the fact that they have toggle zoom in/out disabled in vehicles. I don't want to be FORCED to be zommed out all the time, but rather choose when I want to, or else instead of constant FOV issues I'll have constant "can't see a man in 50 meters" issue.

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