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Looks like more people who played the english version has problem with the BTR-90 on the extraction zone. Well, i've fixed this little problem now in V1.04.

Also removed the setCurrentTask command from the objectives.

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How are you supposed to blow up the generator when you don't spawn with satchel charges and there are none in the supply drops you can call in?

Also, goddam its dark and I can't find any NVGs.

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At the beginning of the mission comes a hint "Take your equipement and then let's go" A waypoint to the equipement is shown.

Must I say a Spetz that he has to check his equipement? :)

At the tent in the camp you find all weapons, satchels and all equip what you need (BINOC, NVG ...).

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The waypoints don't come up on veteran and in the camp itself there is one tent (closed) a few pallets and a fireplace. No equipment is visible anywhere.

---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

Ok got it now, although I must say it seems very odd to start the player away from the base, the camp seems to have no gameplay purpose?

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Ok got it now, although I must say it seems very odd to start the player away from the base, the camp seems to have no gameplay purpose?

I think this is good as it is. 50 meters to the camp should'nt be a problem. And it's a new way to start a mission. Alone at your tent, a fireplace and good music. :cool:

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At the beginning of the mission comes a hint "Take your equipement and then let's go" A waypoint to the equipement is shown.

Must I say a Spetz that he has to check his equipement? :)

At the tent in the camp you find all weapons, satchels and all equip what you need (BINOC, NVG ...).

Yep, and one of your guys has a satchel, so you dont have to carry one.

Just order him to set a satchel at the radio tower, move to safe distance, and order him to detonate. Voila.

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Playing 1.4 and BTR doesent arrive at the extraction zone. It simply tells me to go to the medic area and then nothing happens.

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Playing 1.4 and BTR doesent arrive at the extraction zone. It simply tells me to go to the medic area and then nothing happens.

Same for me...

Very nice mission Imutep... I had much fun playing it.

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Playing 1.4 and BTR doesent arrive at the extraction zone. It simply tells me to go to the medic area and then nothing happens.

If you've all 3 objectives done, then come a hint that you have to go to the extraction zone. But, if one of the survivors is setDamage (>=0.5) then you've to go to the medic zone. A hint informs you what to do. The BTR-90 comes only if you have to go to the extraction zone, not for the medic zone.

If you arrive the medic zone, then go in the big hut where an Vodnic medic stays. Then the mission ends. This must work! I've tested it several times. ;)

Same for me...

Very nice mission Imutep... I had much fun playing it.

Thx, nice to read :)

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played this again, decided to take a different route:

went first for the camp and anti-air, after that stole the apc at the camp, then destroyed the radio tower, after that called for hind and support troops, killed tristan and went searching for the survivors and they are nowhere to be found!

Looked at all the places marked at the map, but couldn't find any of them. Is it possible that theres some kind of bug that they are not where the map markers are? or that they have disappeared alltogether? I looked all around the markers, under trees etc, but didnt find a single soldier.:confused:

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They're in a radius of 75 meters from the markes. Today here, tomorrow there :cool: I changed theyr positions, then it was too easy to find them.

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