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Second hand on the watch

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Well, I've been messing around with the skiptime command, trying to make a day night cycle. I've got it to a point that I'm happy with, where if a player waits long enough, he will see days turn into nights without having to wait 12 hours (literally). The one problem I have is, it really breaks immersion when I pull out the watch and see the second hand on the watch flying around. Is there any way to remove it, or would an addon be required for that?

edit: Nevermind, I solved it myself using this if anyone wants it. This will make it so every 5 seconds, 1 minute passes. That means 2 hours for 1 in day game. You still have to wait around for a while, but change the sleep value to something like 1.25, and 1 day will only take 30 minutes. The second hand still advances however, so if you use the sleep 5, I'd imagine that you would be 2 hours off (that's 26 hours passed) after 2 real life hours. Using this way will make the days a bit jerky, but it's a lot easier on performance then it is to do it constantly.

while {true} do 
 sleep 5;
 skiptime 0.01666;

Edited by Kabolte

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