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Getting an A10 to take off?

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So I've got an A10 sitting on the runway with a search and destroy waypoint over the targer/objective area. I then synced the S&D Waypoint to a trigger activated by Radio Bravo.

Everything looks fine, when the mission starts he doesnt move or anything. Then when I call Radio Bravo he fires up his engines and starts to taxi to the S&D waypoint which would A.) Take days to reach, and B.) isnt very effective.

So how would I get him to take off towards the waypoint rather than taxi around?

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Just an idea? could you not have him airbourne already somewhere safe out of the way?

Depends how long he'd be there-always chance of running out of fuel if he's there too long.

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Try spawning him near the hangars or on the taxi-roads(whatever they're called). I've never had this problem myself. Or perhaps, set a move marker just beyond the end of the runway, then have the s&d order.

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Try spawning him near the hangars or on the taxi-roads(whatever they're called). I've never had this problem myself. Or perhaps, set a move marker just beyond the end of the runway, then have the s&d order.

Just tried those suggestions and still not working. Any kind of waypoint I give him he seems to wanna just taxi/drive directly to it at about 10mph, rather than take off.

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If you use airfield, then from my experiments the plane should first slowly roll at the start of the runaway,then raise speed and take off?

Try putting a waypoint "move" like 500 meters away from the runaways end, and make sure you got the right end of the runaway, because it only works to one way for AI

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One of the problems with the aircraft is that they seem to require a huge amount of clearance around them or they slow to a crawl while taxiing.

It's a pity we carn't adjust that as they've over done it on a lot of stuff and it can mess stuff up.

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Tried a few things in the editor and it seems, just placing a plane on the field will make it take off. My solution for your problem could be solved by placing an empty a10 and a pilot, then give the waypoint to the pilot and once trigger is activated, make the pilot get into the airplane and then setpos the a10 above ground with speedmode.

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try giving him the flyinheight command in one of his waypoints.

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