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Endurance training

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I do some martial arts exercises every day. A variety of punches and kicks. Also a lot of exercises which are based on fast bodymovement, because I don`t like bodybuilding with weights. That only makes you move like a stonewall. No speed, no accuracy.

I also like jogging. My best times are 47 minutes for 10 kilometers and 56 minutes for 12 kilometers. I`m also mountainbiking and offroad-inlineskating.

I`m a little bit curious what you do for your constitution. If you do something, of course wink.gif

Anyone knows training examples from some elite units SAS, SBS, Delta Force... ? How many kilometers they run for example and how fast?

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I do Krav Maga 3 times a week.

Sometimes we do kick-boxing (or thai-boxing to be more accurate) and sometimes wrestle, sometimes practise

pure self-defense.

I think that that's all I need.


What is that term in English that when boxers or kickboxers practise fighting with each other, like giving not-full-force-punches.. ?


Anyway I love that.

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I do bodybuilding, and i move like a brick wall. sad.gif

People should warn about the consequences, because

i am very slow now. And i have a lot of scars, as i grew to fast

during the first few months. When i have to kick/hit somebody

because he was a bad boy, i am most of the times to slow.

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What about the coordination of your movement, Gorgi? wink.gif

If you want to move your arm, for example, how long do you have to wait for movement?

When it`s more than three seconds, go to a doctor! tounge.gif

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If you have good coordination then I recommend trying some nunchaku training. It's alot of fun. Just remember to put your valuable ming vases to a safe place and keep in mind that the back of your head is a serious nunchaku magnet.

I've been training with wooden nunchakus but I recommend trying some softer materials first. tounge.gif So far I haven't hit my head but training with nunchakus is a little bit like driving a race car - there are those who have crashed and those who will crash. smile.gif

The most difficult part perhaps is to keep a constant flow in the movement.

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I have quick reaction when playing compu-games, but when something i have to do i do it very slowly. Then it look slike i'm busy the whole day, but actually i could do it in a few hours biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ Mar. 14 2002,13:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but when something i have to do i do it very slowly. Then it look slike i'm busy the whole day, but actually i could do it in a few hours  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Just like me at work. biggrin.gif

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the only exercise i really do is a 4 mile round trip to and from college tounge.gif

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But you are supposed to see the sun then.

I guess many people think of us gamers or forum members that we are only night active like bats. Or that we never leave our dungeon and live only from pizza... wink.gif

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Not all bodybuilders are slow. For example, take pro-wrestling (yeah, I know, please don't laugh) Some of the guys in there are massively built, and yet they are damn fast! A particularly good example is the undertaker of the WWF. He is 6'10, the very definition of 'brick-sh*thouse' and he moves like a cat!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DaCrytter @ Mar. 14 2002,15:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">take pro-wrestling (yeah, I know, please don't laugh)<span id='postcolor'>

Sorry, I just laugh every time when I watch wrestling. biggrin.gif Especially when I look at those people who think it's real.  smile.gif

But I must admit that the wrestrels are pretty fast and agile for big lumps of muscles.

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A friend of mine is an advanced bodybuilder (he uses anabolic steroids, that pathetic wimp), and he is also as fast as lightning. He says that is the case, because he stretches his muscles after every exercise. I don't, so my muscles are very short. His muscles are much much bigger (because of the steroids), but he is also much much faster then me.

Also, i sport 4 to 5 times a week and then 2 hours a day. He does 6-7 times a week, and does 2-3 hours. He has time enough to sport, as when he joined the navy, he came back with a lot of injuries. Now he does nothing and is at home all the time. I have to do practise for school at a lab for 8-9 hours a day.

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Only for the record: I didn`t mean to insult any bodybuilder with my topic! It`s everyones own choice how he forms his body - even if it`s into a brickwall tounge.gif

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Well, i row 3 times a week of 2 hours. That means that i row a lot, jog and lift a hell of alot of weights, it's F******* hard. But, damn my upper arm has grown fast

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Guest Scooby

At winter I've been doing this:

Martial arts couple of times in week.

Gym 2 - 3 times in a week.

Ice-hockey 2 - 3 times in a week.

Sessions ranging from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours.

At summer when I once took time for 10km and few hundred meters to that I did it some minutes over 50 minutes, cant remember exact time anymore.

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On a regular basis i´m doing cross country running,  mountainbiking and weights, swimming i do on a less regular basis.

There are different ways of training with weights btw, you can train mass or constitution or both. I´m mainly training with less weight but more repititions for an single exercise, so i don´t gain to much mass.

I did Judo for 8 years and tried out Kung Fu for a couple of months, but couldn´t keep it up anymore timewise.  

My girlfriend recently began with something called Chi Gung, which is similar to Tai Chi, and it´s a pretty good way of getting rid of stress if you only have little spare time as i found out, so i´m doing this also.

If someone out of this forum lives close to Düsseldorf and  also doing cross country; there is an runner "Treff" every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 1800 close to the Rennbahn in Hubbelrath.

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I do running but I havent done it recently becuase ive been jogging for a hour with a bergan 2 times a week.

I also play football(real football tounge.gif )

I do drill which can leave muscles nackered after an hour.

Do a bit a wieght lifting but not much.

I need to increase my stamina for running a long time

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I don't like weights, never have. That's probably because I've never been able to build any bulk (I'm an ectomorph), even when I had a personal trainer that I worked out with three times a week.

I ride a mountain-bike quite a bit, and take a bike to the office almost every day -- the only days I don't is if I need a car before or after work to pick something up etc.

I also run a few marathons every year, the most recent was the Los Angeles Marathon on March 3rd in 88F/31C degree weather. Hot weather is my favorite, so for me these were perfect running conditions.

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Has anyone tried that stuff, I think its called kerotine or similar.

Its a natural version of steriods but less effective.

Im thinking of buying some but dont wanna waste my money if its crap.

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i practise rugby every week and endurance race :

my longest time was 6.30 hours jogging with a good medical assistance , it was for an endurance experiment of the CNES (Centre National d'Experimentation Scientifique)

i've also won some sport sharpshooting competitions :

50meters 22lr. pistol

300 22lr rifle

100 22lr rifle

30 pellets rifle

ball trap

the longest time i've waited in aiming position before firing was 50 minutes , standing up with a 22lr sport rifle

i've done some natation when i was younger , but i'm not a pofessional swimmer

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I think my edurance regime is stricter than all of you combined.

I have to get up from my chair and goto refridgerator that is freaking 10 meters away. tounge.gif

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I play the tennis about 4 times a week for about 2 hours periods my only other exercise is the usual mad lunch dash from the centre of York to the University a damn long way to do 30 minutes (my best is 18 minutes) with all the dodging of people, cars brick walls etc never been late for a lecture yet but usually knackered

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weight training will only make you "stiff" if you dont also do enough flexable movments..

for instance I lift weights every monday, wednesday and friday.. but tueday and thrusday I play raquetball.. which involces lots of fast movment and flexing and good cardio.. so I dont stiffen up and maintain my flexability.

good balence is the key.

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