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Mark XIII (DayZ)

HiFi - Single Sound Modules (Weapons BETA released!!)

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givs a hope to update with six updater?

Yes it would be nice to have it on SiX Updater :)

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Personally Im only doing this for vanilla now. Get that working first.

Might be that MarkXIII has another guy doing configs for ACE?

Ah okay, well I am in no way complaining - I love the addon to death :), just thought that I (and albertors) had done something wrong installing the mod.

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The M240 and the SAW sounds are from ACE though

I do have the @ACEX_SM loaded before HiFi, indeed.

(e.g. @ACEX_SM;@HiFi).


Here is a video showing off the A-10 with the latest beta3:

from the outside:


and from the inside:


Sorry for the awful flying and aiming skills, this one was the longest flight I had so far since I got ArmA 2..enough said :)

Edited by Reezo

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I do have the @ACEX_SM loaded before HiFi, indeed.

(e.g. @ACEX_SM;@HiFi).


Here is a video showing off the A-10 with the latest beta3:

from the outside:


and from the inside:


Sorry for the awful flying and aiming skills, this one was the longest flight I had so far since I got ArmA 2..enough said :)


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+1 for SIX Updater, too.

And I also get funny behavior from ACEX_SM+HiFi. I took the ACEX_SM out and it's now working wonders.

I am about to put a new video on because the one I posted with ACEX_SM and HiFi got HiFi all messed up and it did not do it justice.

Justice is when you hear that badass HooMP from your headphones. HiFi definitely makes the guns sing and underline that there is a good and a bad side of watching the barrel ehe.

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There you go, the real deal:


Edited by Reezo

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Hey guys...

First off, great mod!

I was a fan of the earlier betas, and I just downloaded beta 3 and played around with it a bit.

I had a little trouble like some of the others here with errors at first, but removing the previously mentioned .pbos...AH6, PMSD, and UH1...seemed to do the trick.

I might note that something about the UH1 .pbo makes "Trial by Fire" scenario a long swim for insertion....no Huey on the deck. I'm guessing it has something to do with the "invalid crewman" error?

Anyway, got some weird CTD's before removing those three pbo's...seemed pretty stable after removing.

I also played the Eagle Wing campaign. It seemed that the impact (trail offs, more precisely) from the cannon on the AH-64 were drowning out the rotor/engine sounds...as if the engine were inaudible under the "dying off" sounds of the impact explosions?

Not sure if I can explain it any better, but it was definitely noticeable by the Peboda Dam.

I was also using the TR sound mods at the time...HiFi called later in the command line, just for reference.

Obviously, the hit sounds were being played over the engine sounds....just seemed like the trail-off part was cutting out the former sound....to weird effect.

Anyway, keep up the good work, guys. Can't wait for the next updates!!

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I want to try these out but I put all sounds into my mix sounds (as I did with the older version and killed all those first so it was empty before hand) and I get all Vanilla guns!?

1. Are the configs for each weapon now within the same pbo as the sound (unlike the old version, just in case yoma update has failed, I only see a pbo and a bsign per gun)

2. I have included 2 things from ACE_SM .. but into the mix folder only (and only ref the mix folder) .. I see that ace_sm it has issues, so is it "any hint of Ace_sm and its tits up"?

Cant test right now which is a shame.

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+1 for SIX Updater, too.

And I also get funny behavior from ACEX_SM+HiFi. I took the ACEX_SM out and it's now working wonders.

Thanks for this, it solved my problem :D.

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1. Like the old version the config is in the same small pbo as the sound.

2. Dont know anything about the ace_sm so I dont know.

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Sorry for my delay in posting any news, I've been having major connection issues over the last few days which typically could not have come at a worse time ..

Tuesday evening I was looking forward to joining the guys at Kellys Heroes for my first 'big' game. I spend so much time editing I rarely get to play these days, so I was really looking forward to actually playing..Anyways, long story short I didn't get to play with the lads due to my poor connection (I actually made it worse by fiddling with it trying to fix it..) Anyways, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE thankyou to all involved on Tuesdays event. Even though I only lasted about 7 minutes on the server I could tell it was going to be a corker of a game :D

(These guys even waited abit for me to return...)

So again, thankyou ALL @KH, especially Jman & Cross who are forever helpful.


Jman managed to record the mission, all 2 hours of it ! Its epic and more to the point its all HiFi sounds. If you wanna swing by and check it out..


Also, I was hoping to work up some Ace2 modules along with another member of the BIS forums but sadly this isn't going to happen. All it means is delays, since Andersson is busy bug fixing and won't be looking at the ace configs for some time and I myself have tried to make some replacements but to no avail... If you would like to help, and have some config knowledge please get intouch ! It would speed up the process considerably.

O, another thing.. If I can get everything tidy and start/finish the Arty the next release won't be a beta ;) and since its a milestone release it shall be released on both addonsync and regular mirrors. However, if your a true HiFi fan I strongly suggest sticking with addonsync since I'll be popping some extra bits on there when I get some time....

As regards to compatiblity with other sound mods...


and finally...

Thankyou so much for all the support and feedback you've given us so far. Nice comments keep the moral up and bug posting keeps Andersson in a job :D

Special thanks to;

Miller and Fox for the mirrors

Banderas for his efforts

Albertors for his video previews

Right I'm off before I get dropped again....

Edited by Mark XIII

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Special thanks to:

]Miller and Fox for the mirrors

Banderas for his efforts

Albertors for his video previews

You're welcome! It's the least I could do, this mod is amazing.

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As regards to compatiblity with other sound mods...


Hehe. With that said I might add that if a soundmod is correctly coded (not saying that Im 100% that HiFi is..) compability shouldnt be a problem. The code that is last read by the engine will be played.

Regarding the ACE_SM. I dont know how it is coded as I havent looked at it, but I would without too much doubt guess that its ACE specific ;)

With that quite stupid comment i mean that the code in that soundmod doesnt fit soundmods for vanilla arma2 completely as ACE is changing whatever code they need (total conversion mod). That is probably why there is compability problems, the code is not the same anymore.


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i run only the hifi mods no others and they don't work, all mod folders ARE correct and if i run them with other mods they cancel them out.

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Are you saying that the hifi mods are not working?

And are you saying that if you run hifi mods they cancel the other soundmods out?

If I understand that correctly, then it must be something wrong on your end as other people can use hifi.

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they dont cancel other sound mods out as i dont have any others they cancel out vehicles maps etc. maybe it was a corrupted download not sure... ill re download 1 and checl

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So it doesnt cancel out the mods that you dont have?

Well, if they cancel out vehicles and maps (islands?) then I guess something is really wrong on your end. If everything is working without hifi I guess its best for you to download again and try :)

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After taking ACEX_SM out of the command line all I have to say is sick, if ya get tons of explosions going off in the backround it sounds like the first days of the Iraq war, once the arty gets some sweet sounds then hot damn xD keep up the great work.

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After taking ACEX_SM out of the command line all I have to say is sick, if ya get tons of explosions going off in the backround it sounds like the first days of the Iraq war, once the arty gets some sweet sounds then hot damn xD keep up the great work.

Amen to that. :)

Explosions in Hifi is the best around. Punchy, powerful and speaker shaking. With the arty HiFi'ed it will be perfect.

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I couldn't agree more. My 7.1 G35 wrote me an email where they say "hifi or die" ;)

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A quick video of the A-10 sounds, with some fly-bys, take-off, touch and go, weapon testing and .. a blooper :)


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A quick video of the A-10 sounds, with some fly-bys, take-off, touch and go, weapon testing and .. a blooper

Hahahaha, awesome mate, really cool. Love the bit at the end as well.. You could take the hanger with you, as added protection :D

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