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Could this be possibly the best game in history?

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Best game in history ...

Well, it's either this or Men of War ... I refuse to answer that question :D

That said, I love it and will continue to do so. It's got problems but ... meh, the game is brilliant, it doesn't run too well but honestly, it's ArmA, what did you expect? Patches, addons and ACEMOD2 - It's only going to get more fun :D

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Excellent combined arms sim. Is it the Holy Grail? No, but closer than anything else. Nice work BIS.

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Best game in history ...

Well, it's either this or Men of War ... I refuse to answer that question :D

That said, I love it and will continue to do so. It's got problems but ... meh, the game is brilliant, it doesn't run too well but honestly, it's ArmA, what did you expect? Patches, addons and ACEMOD2 - It's only going to get more fun :D

im a huge fan of mow and need to buy it...too bad not many people know about it.

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im a huge fan of mow and need to buy it...too bad not many people know about it.

Great game, it's the RTS equivalant of ArmA for sure :D I got mine from cduniverse.com because I couldn't find it in stores in AUS :(

But it was cheaper :yay:

Edit: The fact that I'm still playing ArmA2 after two weeks now is to me a good enough reason for it to be called "the great" .... "ArmA2 The Great ..."

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im a huge fan of mow and need to buy it...too bad not many people know about it.

Oh i dont know about it, but im interested!

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ARMA II's infantry, Steel Beasts Pro's tanks and Lock On: Modern Air Combat's planes would be the best game ever. This is awesome however.

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I had experienced the poor quality of ARMA1 release but saw it over time get fixed. I was so looking forward to ARMA2 and not much excites me these days but this got my blood pumping.

With great anticipation I opened and installed the game and after 5 mins play was still pretty excited as the atmosphere/sounds and ground cover pulled me in. Then it was all over, the next 2.5 weeks all I did was try and fix graphical glitches and Receiving... black screen problems. over 20hrs of installing and reinstalling the game, all drivers on my system, changing settings but nothing I did made the game playable for more than 5 mins mostly but there was a rare once or twice I did manage to play for 1hr. This is all Single Player by the way forget Multiplayer. I get a black screen always in multiplayer and slowdowns so bad in cities with flashing white triangles etc etc/. No my card is fine and not overheating, trust me I have tried/checked everything.

So now I don't even load the game up, I cannot be bothered, I feel sick at the thought of the bugs. I have told my mates to not buy it unless the bugs are ironed out and this is a group hat played ARMA often. I hate to say it but as much as OFP2 will not be the same as ARMA2 I know for a fact that I wont have these frustrations and I may even enjoy OFP2 for what it has to offer and just expect less.

This from someone that only normally buys 1-2 games a year, in fact ARMA was my last purchase since 2007 - 2009 (ARMA2) but due to being dissolusioned with ARMA2 I will be buying OFP2.

So to answer the original poster's question/comment......ARMA2 had an opportunity to be exactly that the "Best game in history" but blew the chance IMO.

Obviously this is a PC issue and not the fault of the game. Same with all the rest who post problems with running the game at high levels on low end machines.

The title of the thread is meant to pose the question or thought, if you feel that ARMA2 is one of or the best game ever. Obviously ppl with bad machines can't run the game, yet they get on this thread and say "no it's a bad game" because they can't run it on their machine.

That's like saying a Cadillac doesn't give me a smooth ride because the roads I live on are not smooth, like it's the car's fault.

Same with ARMA2, it's not the fault of the game if it doesn't run well on your machine guys, that's totally crazy thinking. BIS doesn't guarantee that the game will run smoothly on ever machine & simply because it doesn't run well on each machine doesn't make it a bad game.

It's amazing how many ppl will blame the game & say its bad, simply because their PC is not up to spec, obviously it's the machine's fault and not the games. I have a mid range machine, not supper & not low end, I run most of my settings on medium, I have absolutely no problems. And I know loads of players in our community that have PC's will specs even lower than mine & they have no problems. I deal with a little over 200 players per week, if this was a problem with the game, we would know it, believe me 90& of the problems mentioned in this thread alone are due to poor specs or poor system configuration & some are just ppl trying to play everything on high with a machine that can't handle it.

It's the PC's fault, not the game.

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Obviously this is a PC issue and not the fault of the game. Same with all the rest who post problems with running the game at high levels on low end machines.

The title of the thread is meant to pose the question or thought, if you feel that ARMA2 is one of or the best game ever. Obviously ppl with bad machines can't run the game, yet they get on this thread and say "no it's a bad game" because they can't run it on their machine.

That's like saying a Cadillac doesn't give me a smooth ride because the roads I live on are not smooth, like it's the car's fault.

Same with ARMA2, it's not the fault of the game if it doesn't run well on your machine guys, that's totally crazy thinking. BIS doesn't guarantee that the game will run smoothly on ever machine & simply because it doesn't run well on each machine doesn't make it a bad game.

It's amazing how many ppl will blame the game & say its bad, simply because their PC is not up to spec, obviously it's the machine's fault and not the games. I have a mid range machine, not supper & not low end, I run most of my settings on medium, I have absolutely no problems. And I know loads of players in our community that have PC's will specs even lower than mine & they have no problems. I deal with a little over 200 players per week, if this was a problem with the game, we would know it, believe me 90& of the problems mentioned in this thread alone are due to poor specs or poor system configuration & some are just ppl trying to play everything on high with a machine that can't handle it.

It's the PC's fault, not the game.

totally ignorant and wrong answer.

my PC is low spec compared to most but it meets the optimal requirements on the back of the box apart from my CPU (which still exceeds the minimum requirements).

there are people with much higher spec than me having the same problems as me and belive me we have tried everything with game and system settings to get this game stable.

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Sounds like one of your RAM sticks could have broken, I had similar problems before starting with games not working properly and I tried everything to fix it. Turned out one of my RAM sticks had broke and I pulled it out and everything worked fine again.

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Obviously this is a PC issue and not the fault of the game. Same with all the rest who post problems with running the game at high levels on low end machines.

blah blah blah.... etc.

It's the PC's fault, not the game.

Wow, unless this is a blatent trap for those who have issue and a way to force them to call you names you sir are not very informed to be it politely.

My naughty PC has been good to every other title I own and I am one of those adicted PC gamers who buys almost every new release (wife makes me buy her stuff in return!) I like the sound of. So, if my PC is now being bad (I only assume you blaming the PC believe it is a being of sorts, your words btw) then why has it chosen this one out of the so many I own ? Very odd.

But, to answer the question posed, then yes this could have been the best game to date in the tactical FPS genre if it was not faulty. Now questioning if it is the best 'game' in histroy I think you will find some driving game fans, flight sim fans, console kiddies etc. have a different list of game to add to the competition.

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Nobody would write something like "blah blah blah" simply because it makes no sense. What kind of quote is that? Oh and second question, who are you quoting there? So much for basic correctness. :blahblah2:

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Perhaps it "chose" ArmA 2 because the demands it places on your computer may not be just heavier, but different than your typical game.

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Nobody would write something like "blah blah blah" simply because it makes no sense. What kind of quote is that? Oh and second question, who are you quoting there? So much for basic correctness. :blahblah2:

Not sure I understand your questions, are you saying that you don't understand what I have written and would like some clarification ? The second andswer, again, not sure but do you not think it refers to the 'shortened' quote ?

You should try Twitter, now that IS hard to follow.

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

Perhaps it "chose" ArmA 2 because the demands it places on your computer may not be just heavier, but different than your typical game.

You are right, ArmA 2 is the only game out there that demands the most from a computer. I didn't think of that but it is so state of the art that there is no other game on the market that can ask so much of a gaming PC. :j:

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You guys would have to agree that the percentage of those having problems is lower than those who do not have problems. And if it were a case of "the game" being the reason for it working on "your pc", then shouldn't there be more ppl having issues?

Once again, it's easy to blame the game for something not working properly, possibly because of lower end hardware in a PC or as Decerto posted that it could be as simple as a bad Ram stick; then to just upgrade the PC.

Most problems are due to something connected to the PC. To point out that only ARMA2 gives problems, still does not rule out something with the machine needs upgrading. ARMA2 is a new game, it "is" going to ask more of your hardware, everyone knows that.

Again I point out all those who I deal with on a weekly basis & every single issues has been resolved by ether upgrading an older part or proper configuration of current settings. It's not the fault of the game guys. Your welcome to post on our forums & ask our members how they fixed their issues, just click my sig.

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