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Fixed Range Nightvision

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Yep, so I understood correctly. Thank you very much!

I am using a lot of mods already. :D


So I wonder if ACE2 would bring me any trouble?

I also just noticed - if I change my controls, the option to disable the auto-adjust is gone.

BTW - when using page up/page down, my avatar goes up and down. I did not find any option for that in the controls menu to disable that (since I have the stance keys). Is there any? I would like to be able to fix the NV while running etc.

Thank you very much already for the kind and fast support!

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You can run most mods with ACE2 aslong as they support extended event handlers. I would create a more streamlined MOD folder setup though for example have the following folders:

@CORE - Things like the landtex, partical effects etc. Basically anything that changes the "core" gameplay.

@ADDONS - Any units/weapons/vehicles

@SOUNDS - Sound mods like RH helis and TRSM.

@ISLANDS - Any new terrain.

Doing this just means you dont end up with loads of folders which you dont really need.

ACE2 shouldnt cause any problems with TRSM & RH Heli i myself have used them. The same goes for landtex & warfx, any islands and units shouldnt affect ACE2 at all.

As for the Pgup Pgdown and stance problem, unless you can disable the stance commands from these buttons, you will change position with adjusting. This does happen in ACE2 aswell, but tbh it doesnt really bother me.

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MegaGoth: good advice from Shadow D. You'll find even more detail in this thread. For example I strongly recommend that you move your CBA to the start of your mod line as that way it'll initialise before all other mods (more and more mods require it these days).

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Hello. The nvg is working quite well - except in missions with revive. After revive the two buttons to increase/decrease hdr-sensibility are only workig when the nvg is turned off! If i turn on the nvg i can´t change the hdr-sensibility. Seems like it isn´t loaded correct again after revive. Also the "auto-adjust feature" in the actionmenu appears only when the nvg is turned off. Very strange. Someone encountered this before?

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...BTW - when using page up/page down, my avatar goes up and down. I did not find any option for that in the controls menu to disable that (since I have the stance keys). Is there any? I would like to be able to fix the NV while running etc...

Just open the ace_keys.hpp (which is located under ArmA2\userconfig\ACE) in the editor/notepad and change the numbers for the keys of the nvg senitivity for example like this:

	// NVG brightness
class ace_sys_nvg {
	class brightnessUP {
		key = 74; // pageup
	class brightnessDOWN {
		key = 78; // PageDown

With "74" and "78" you now change the sensitivity with "+" and "-" on the key-pad. You find a complete list of all keys at the bottom of the file.



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Hello. The nvg is working quite well - except in missions with revive. After revive the two buttons to increase/decrease hdr-sensibility are only workig when the nvg is turned off! If i turn on the nvg i can´t change the hdr-sensibility. Seems like it isn´t loaded correct again after revive. Also the "auto-adjust feature" in the actionmenu appears only when the nvg is turned off. Very strange. Someone encountered this before?

is this still an issue?

I want to enjoy a night mission ONCE in my life but unfortunately once you zoom in while wearing nv goggles, everything goes dark. It's almost unplayable.

I tried the new fixed range nvgs and they work fine but I didn't have time to test them with reviving. It is very important that it works! Will/Can this be fixed?

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Is this mod getting updated for OA? When having NVGs on and then looking down the normal sniper scope it wont go NV. It works for half a sec and then NV disables. It would be really nice to have this working becouse this is probably my most needed mod of all.

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When having NVGs on and then looking down the normal sniper scope it wont go NV.

Try it in real life :)

Sniping and NVG is a different matter all together with OA, and its not this mod that's the issue, its actually supposed to be this way ... for more, check this thread:


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Hi guys extremely late post,

but i have an update for Sholio.

Most folks can do this themselves just by unpboing the pbo, but the update Im referring to

is basically eliminating the extra folder in this addon's case the dta folder that was originally setup.

from the download page on armaholic

you can configure the addon to your preferences at

arma2 installation folder>\dta\S_NVG\S_NVG.hpp

instead of the above you can eliminate the dta folder by changing the folder address in the config.

just unpbo the S_NVGaddon (pbo) and go to the last line of code in the config.

seen below i made my own change for my COWarMod (yes I did get permissions last year for his mod)

class S_NVG_Settings {
#include "\userconfig\S_NVG\S_NVG.hpp"

My mod has a userconfig for many mods so I had adjusted the folder address so that the game would find the S_NVG.hpp in

the userconfig versus in a folder called dta as originally setup for Sholio's mod.

So now when i launch the game the S_NVG.hpp for Sholio's mod here is found in the userconfig, if your running this mod yourself and dont have a userconfig,

then you can also make a change in the code and place the S_NVG folder which contains the S_NVG.hpp in the addons folder of the mod itself,

but then just change the address like so:

class S_NVG_Settings {
#include "\addons\S_NVG\S_NVG.hpp"

the addons folder being referred to here would be something like this for this mod:


so @S_NVG\addons\S_NVG\S_NVG.hpp

Basically it.

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the mod is very outdated as is

i think you can detect light levels and NVG state with script functions now, so i would write it very differently if made today

and i think it got integrated into ACE(?)

and i haven't played arma in a while now but i'm getting back to it (damn you dayz!)

if it bothers me i might take another stab at the addon, but this issue is finally fixed for good in arma3 (look at the glorious light show in the E3 demo, staring at car lights and seeing the world behind it too!)

i claim no ownership over it so feel free to modify it

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