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Re-listen to intel from the com radio?

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I've found myself having a lots of problem to get all the details through the radio with the commander.

Like in the mission when you're suppose to cath Lopotev. They reported they've spotted him on the road in a car but i didn't manage to get all the info on what road, from what city.

In the map you can view a lot of intel like dialogues from people you met, but not over the com radio. Is there a way to re-view this intel somehow?

And also, if i want to setup a waypoint for myself in the map, is this possible?

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Agreed. I see important stuff come up in text, once that info is gone it is gone.

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In OPFP and ArmA1 there was a command to expand text so you could see previous messages....I want to say it was / (to open comms) then "page up" key? (somebody can correct me)

I don't know if it's in ArmA2 but I can't imagine they'd have removed it.

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Yes, it works. Haven't tried it it in SP, but it works in MP. But it might be pretty complicated to find the message you need when the chat is spammed by AI.

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The messages from battlemage should show up under cpt shaftoe under chat logs on the map ;)

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Thanks Thirdup, will try this right away.

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I was relying on that text, then when I checked it half of it was missing. I only had about half the missions worth of comms from Shaftoe, and the next arrow took me back to the beggining again.

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My favorite is when the text and voice disagree. Shaftoe told me that "armor was at my disposal" but the text said "armory" which are majorly different. I spent 15min running around looking for a gun cabinet :(

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