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red oct

Were do you stand?

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o damn it! it should be spelled conservative. could one of you mods fix it......................must of had a total brain fart, i also miss spelled extremest confused.gif

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Man that was one big brain fart.....

Voted moderate though as far as "middle of the road" is concerned I'm a little more conservative.

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Not that many of you would care, but FYI I voted liberal. No shocker though for the few of you who know me smile.gif.

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I'm a moderately moderate moderator smile.gif

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I think its ignorant to stick yourself into one section, I for one have consertive views on some things and liberal views on others.. and extreme views on a few..

so all I am is.. Me.

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Sorry not standing anywhere right now. Using a chair instead. Usually I stand behind a till though.

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I normally stand east of the wind. But right now I'm standing up-wind as I had curry for dinner last night.

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i stand for anything that will be beneficial to myself and family, screw the rest of the world i say =]]]

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I would consider myself a liberal, moderate extremist

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