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Implement inverse-kinematics into the bodies after the death aninmation.

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Inverse kinematics post-processing: used in Halo: Combat Evolved, this technique relies on playing a pre-set death animation and then using inverse kinematics to force the character into a possible position after the animation has completed. This means that, during an animation, a character could wind up clipping through world geometry, but after he has come to rest, all of his bones will be in valid space.

If you have played the first Halo game before you would have seen this in action where if you killed a guy near a cliff his body would adjust to the cliff so it looked natural. I think the dead bodies in Arma 2 should use inverse kinematics so that whenever a person dies they are not clipping through a building, table, sidewalk, or whatever. It isn't exactally intensive either and all it does is just push the bones into a valid space so it looks better than something clipping through a wall.

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Inverse kinematics post-processing: used in Halo: Combat Evolved, this technique relies on playing a pre-set death animation and then using inverse kinematics to force the character into a possible position after the animation has completed. This means that, during an animation, a character could wind up clipping through world geometry, but after he has come to rest, all of his bones will be in valid space.

If you have played the first Halo game before you would have seen this in action where if you killed a guy near a cliff his body would adjust to the cliff so it looked natural. I think the dead bodies in Arma 2 should use inverse kinematics so that whenever a person dies they are not clipping through a building, table, sidewalk, or whatever. It isn't exactally intensive either and all it does is just push the bones into a valid space so it looks better than something clipping through a wall.

I'd be happy with even just ragdolls for now...

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ditto, I hate the way you shoot someone and they stand up to die.

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Well, at least they have better death animations. But it still feels too sluggish/stiff

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Seems to me that complex math in the death animations is the last thing the devs need to worry about at this point. There are many more important areas that could do with polish.

Personally I think if they bother with all that, the first thing they should do is make heavy weapon deaths more realistic. In a LAV I've seen my gunner shoot a soldier, then shoot him again and again as he flew up into the air. Funny but not the last word in realism-- it looked like an air combo out of Virtua Fighter.

I've seen someone who got shot by a Bradley. I had no idea a person's spleen was that large.

Edited by spandrel

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