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A genuine first person firefight captured on film.

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I think both the rifle and MG sound much throatier and much, much more violent.

There's a deeper tone to them.

Listen to the general random shouts / booms. It could all add to the immersion, after all, when it all 'goes loud' people are screaming over the noise.

Well, better than ".........MAN .....200 .......METERS ........TO ..........OUR ...........LEFT."

If there's ONE thing that shatters the reality of the sim, its' that.

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If you have played Arma 1 you would know that people will constantly release sound mods that bring the level of immersion up 10 fold, to a point it sound just like that and close to. Give it some time and there will be one.

So yey, but yes, that was not like arma 2 :)

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Those sounds aren't really accurate either. The problem is that it is difficult for audio equipment to capture what you would experience first hand. The high volumes at that range will cause the sounds to be distorted, then the studio will process it and it will be even more different from what you hear with your ears.I agree the stock sounds aren't very good though.

It adds to the issues that playing a game you don't get the smells or feel the changes in the air, or feel the recoil. Interesting piece of footage but only new as in recent. The 'first person' view doesn't change the viewing experience much and personally I feel it is the worst form of journalism to broadcast that kind of footage. Does anyone actually think it is a good thing for people to try and put soldiers family members right in the middle of battle, as if their concern for them isn't already high? DO they think it helps any of those soldiers' mothers sleep better at night to give them a front row seat to the world exploding around their sons?

Sorry for the rant. Stuff like that gets under my skin.

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Oh, absolutely.

Looking forward to some decent sound mods.

Thought this might help.

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what kind of range was this engagement over ?

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Gah, why is everyone using that video lately? Hate to be a snub about it, but it's been reposted on that website at least 5 times in the past 2 weeks. There are tons (often better) videos out there that show combat.

haven't seen too many though where you actually get to see the Taliban in combat though.

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By the elevation of the M203 grenade launcher - I'd say about 150-200m at its closest.

They're in an elevated position yet their barrels are all slightly elevated too so the engagement's probably from the mountains just over the valley.

400 - 600m (The M16 can still hit targets at 650m+)

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Seemed almost close to the 300-400m mark to me, but its hard to get a perspective in the footage to be sure.

Damn intense though, I think with a few soundmods and voicemods Arma2 has the capacity to get almost that intense. Well, as intense as you can get without actually risking getting your nuts shot off.

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Gah, why is everyone using that video lately? Hate to be a snub about it, but it's been reposted on that website at least 5 times in the past 2 weeks. There are tons (often better) videos out there that show combat.

haven't seen too many though where you actually get to see the Taliban in combat though.

You never will, unless they're dead or the cameraman's a Para. Lol.

Friends of mine were in Helmand Province, and 90% of the engagements were 300m or more and generally from compounds. The Talibs would then use rat runs to scoot to a new firing position before the fast air came in.

Like the Iraqis, they still 'shoot 'n scoot' but I heard of some very, very close engagements (close grenade range at least.)

They're also pretty fast removing their dead too. It's a Muslim custom to bury the dead within 24 hours - this is really important to them so bodies are rare unless our guys are really close.

Just for reference though, this is camera-phone footage (relatively famous now) of a VERY VERY close engagement. From what I've heard this was an attack from multiple directions and close to an overrun. The Paras are unloading everything they've got here.


Edited by wazandy

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Now, what kind of scope is that on the LMG in the first video?

I was hoping to get a scoped LMG/MG in ArmA2, too.

Btw, nice vids.

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Now, what kind of scope is that on the LMG in the first video?

I was hoping to get a scoped LMG/MG in ArmA2, too.

Btw, nice vids.

SAWs and a M240 with ELCANs on them. It's not as awesome as it looks.

And this couldn't possibly be ArmA or ArmA2. If it was, someone would be bitching at the machine gunners for riding the trigger at 1:52 in.


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Gah, why is everyone using that video lately? Hate to be a snub about it, but it's been reposted on that website at least 5 times in the past 2 weeks. There are tons (often better) videos out there that show combat.

haven't seen too many though where you actually get to see the Taliban in combat though.

Don't think so i watched live last week on NBC u must be thinking of a differnt one. Pretty sure it was last Wed or so.

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First post bought ARMA2 yesterday - and absolutly love it...

Just saw this thread and thought you guys may want to check out my webpage www.apacheclips.com - It's a military combat movie sharing webpage only - we have around 7000 militray combat related clips - some very harsh and extreme footage of course as well - so maybe not worksave depending for who you work for of course ;)

We pretty much have also all the Apache-nightvision-Insurgent clips - they are quite interesting to say the least.

Have a look at this A-10 Gun run movie - it's very intense - the person that gave me the clips said the groundtroops were getting ambushed and needed danger close support asap - you can clearly see why blue on blue happens at times - he practicly lays down the A-10 30mm right in front of him - at one point you can see the two Humvee trucks.


Regarding ARMA2 - anybody know how I can get in contact with the people that operate the official webpage?

Edited by ApacheStark

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@ ApacheStark. Awesome clip. I couldn't tell too much from the visuals but the audio had my heart racing. Very :cool:

Regarding ARMA2 - anybody know how I can get in contact with the people that operate the official webpage?

You might want to PM placebo about that.

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And this couldn't possibly be ArmA or ArmA2. If it was, someone would be bitching at the machine gunners for riding the trigger at 1:52 in.

Haha, spot on Apocal. I had a mental chuckle at that burst, definitely not in the 3-6 round category. The amusing thing was that shortly after that was the comment about running low on ammunition.

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@ ApacheStark. Awesome clip. I couldn't tell too much from the visuals but the audio had my heart racing. Very :cool:

You might want to PM placebo about that.

Yeah Its mostly about the Audio in that clip - can you imagine the stress of coordinating a danger close mission like this? having seen what somebody looks like who;s hit by a 30mm - Despite that the groundperson sounds like he is a bit in a panic he deffiantly has his shit together.

Naturaly since I have seen most of the Military clips around I can savely say this is by far one of the best A-10 close air support clips around.

I'm not sure if that breaks any rules but do you think I can post a movie where you can see a group of insurgents being hit with a hellfire and they get right back up - its a movie that was under investigation by the ARmy to see what effects rockets (for hardtargets) have on soft targets.

They are in the process of changing the hellfires with a steel coat and pellets.

Hope I am not breaking any rules - if so I edit the list straight away



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There is some interesting stuff in your website except those of muslims being beheaded in front of nazi flag neither some comments of people clearly enjoying that ...

Maybe you should avoid posting graphic contents here, I don't know what is mods' policy but there is young people reading this forum.

Edited by dunedain

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There is some interesting stuff in your website except those of muslims being beheaded in front of nazi flag ...

Maybe you should avoid to post graphic contents here, I don't know what is mods' policy but there is young people reading this forum.

Yep of course I'm not going to post that sort of clips here -

Be honest I wasn't to thrilled when the first member posted a beheading movie way back - including the IED clips against Coalition troops - but (and we have discussed this to death on my webpage) the majority thinks if the page is called uncompromising military clips - then we should be also showing these clips.

It comes down to - do you want to see it or not - if not don't click on it :)

There is also a filter of course where you can choose to not have these clips displayed.

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Oki, thanks to enlight me, that's ok with me after 6 years on internet i've seen lot of dirty vids but I still not insensitive to some things.

Anyway i would like Apache with flir, range finder for its 30 mm chain gun and laser guided missile in an eventual Arma2 expansion !!

Edited by dunedain

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SAWs and a M240 with ELCANs on them. It's not as awesome as it looks.

Well, but a scoped LMG in Arma2 itself would be awesome. OPFOR has one - PKP. And thats way not comparable to the MG36, because this just has reflex-optics.

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M249 and M240 both with Elcan are my favorite weapons on ACE, very useful when there is a bit lag online.. :p

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Oki, thanks to enlight me, that's ok with me after 6 years on internet i've seen lot of dirty vids but I still not insensitive to some things.

Anyway i would like Apache with flir, range finder for its 30 mm chain gun and laser guided missile in an eventual Arma2 expansion !!

Count yourself lucky :) I seruiously regret watching some clips I have seen - but I am so damn curious :(

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