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Anti-Air Radar, UAV Terminal, Artillery Radar, Mortars/Arty...where are they?

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The manual states you can build these in 'large scale battles' - which Im sure means Warfare - I sure havent seen them in Superpowers or Civil War. Is there a basic Warfare mission Ive missed somehow or are these items simply not there?

Also - how in the heck do you access aircraft in a Warfare environment? Cant seem to capture or use any airstrip Ive been to.

I know there are warfare mods out there - but one would think things described in the manual would actually be in the game...

Edited by Ripperjk

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yea i was wondering where that stuff is myself. I noticed though in the editor under the warfare buildings section, it has the air & artillery radar and other stuff.

Lets hope they activate/add this stuff in the next patch.

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