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Interesting addons, mods & upgrades

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Random things wich could upgrade and improve gameplay, small features wich would become popular and make gaming more fun.

Ropes / rope ladders from choppers:

Now this is something i know to 110% taht alot of people wants.

Tactical action, hover a helicopter over a forest for example, wich you normally can't land in to let people off.

Instead of landing with a helicopter, you just got a rope attached to the helicopter, and then you drop down the other end, lets say 20 meters down, so that the people in the cargo can just slide down quick, fast and easy.

Or pick someone up.

Even in city action, it can be hard to land on the street with houses on the sides.


What would be more fun then to toss a grenade over a wall, into a crowd of other players, a grenade that will blur up the view for those players, even make them start coughing, and disabling them from making resistance for a couple of seconds, or until they run away from the gascloud.


Maybe fix so you don't need long scripts to make the current animals follow waypoints, so you can simply put out animals on a map to make them wander around.

Even adding more animals, deers, bears, foxes and more, animals that will either flee, or have a 50% chance to either flee or attack you if you wander the forests.

AND dogs who can track & attack/bite.

It would be so cool to be able to track snipers, hiding players.

Portable camo nets:

Camouflage nets/blankets you can cover up vehicles/players with, well you get the idea.

Switch weapons while moving:

Do i have to add text explaining this here?

Possibility to jump:

How many haven't experienced a situation where you notice you're in a too dangerous situation, you need to pull back, and quick!

As you turn around and start running past bush after bush, rock after rock, you finally end up at a fence, where you have to stop, press "V"(Default key), to slowly make you climb over an obstacle, OR crawl under it.

Wouldn't it be smarter to just rush straight toward it and make a Tarzan jump over it, would even save time :)


Imagine playing Team DeathMatch vs players over the internet, or on a LAN party, you're in a city environment, or close quarter combat, you see a guy sitting and camping in an alley, you manage to sneak up behind him, AND you manage to kick or punch him so he drops his weapon. or making him dizzy for a moment.

(Cops & Robbers mod maybe?)

Passengers able to fire from cars/trucks:

I noticed on a TDM server that you can actually be a "front gunner" in a tank, a tank from the second world war, and this frost gunner can only shoot in a 45 degree angle forward, why not add this to humvee's, trucks and other transport vehicles?

But instead of shooting forward, you shoot out from the sides.

Sit in the window or lean out, but become more vulnerable instead.


Items you can put out on roads, wich will flatten the tyres on cars, making them not able to steer.

Barbed wires etc.


Adding flashlights that you carry in your hand and can aim around with, just like a weapon, for night action, or attach to weapons.

I can even involve weapon modification here, like when you choose weapons at weaponcrates, you can grab a simple M16, and then attach a scope, grenade launcher, laser, red dot, well, you get it.

Would be cool if laser sights would make the beam visible in smoke & fog etc.


Mines ment for infantry, tripmines, attach 2 mines at the base of 2 trees or w/e, and drag a thin line between them, a line that is visible, but not until you're close, and if you break this line the 2 mines/bombs will explode.

HERE you can use the "step over" ability("V" Default) to avoid :p

I got lots of ideas, just interested in any respone of these current ones at the moment now.

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Great ideas, but belong in the Addon Request thread probably.

Also, isn't there an ambient animal module already? Not sure, haven't played with the editor much.

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Maybe fix so you don't need long scripts to make the current animals follow waypoints, so you can simply put out animals on a map to make them wander around.

Even adding more animals, deers, bears, foxes and more, animals that will either flee, or have a 50% chance to either flee or attack you if you wander the forests.

AND dogs who can track & attack/bite.

It would be so cool to be able to track snipers, hiding players.

Indeed there is a game logic that can do this. Check it out next time you're in the editor.

Also, the rope addon exists. The tracker dog is also being created.


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