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Opf is good but....

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OPF is a wicked game, but it would be the cream of the crop, bad a$$ game ever out there if....

1) They had more sea units like: Subs, Aircraft Carriers,

Destroyers etc.

2) More air units like the commanche, F16, Stealth

Bomber/Fighter, sr-71 Recon plane etc...

A game that you can fight from land, sea and air would totally be in a league of its own smile.gif

If you had more air and sea units you could do a kamikazi into the carrier or destroyer. wink.gif If you had recon plane you could do a recon to pin-point the enemies exact location and how many units there are.....

It would be wicked for single player to fly the sr-71 over an enemy encampment to spy.... Or land and take off from an aircraft carrier... Command a fleet of destroyers or subs. Fire from the deck of a destroyer.... the possibilities are endless....

Just think of what multiplayer would be like. Its good now, but with more air and sea units it would be incredible and even more addicting. And BIS and codemasters would make a killing because there is nothing like it out there now with 3rd and 1st person views...

I know Independence Lost has a carrier, I'm just hoping they have subs and destroyers and more air units smile.gif

Man if I could code a game like that..... wink.gif

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A lot of these things weren't available in 1985, but who cares.

I think it would be better if there was a Hercules.

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this is an infantry simluation not sub commander

and wtf would you see with the SR-71 the islands are so damn small there's no point. where would you take off from? no point in taking off from everon to spy on everon

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The 'electronic battlefield' has been tried many times from different companies, but never has been possible. Falcon 3.0 from Spectrum Holobyte was supposed to be a start where tanksims etc where all joined. Micropose tried with Tankplattoon 2 and Gunship! and I think Janes was looking at something like this as a follow up to USAF. But it never works. Why? The individual developement cost is too high for the returns. Also if you are developing all these different sims at the same time you would need a huge team and again costs. If you do them one at a time like the companies above, by the time your second product is released, the first one is dated, doesn't sell etc.

OFP has done a great job towards this, I'm just waiting for the presitant online battle field (not WWII online, tried it for about 10min, just felt wrong in every way). Imagine OFP where 100+ people where fighting it out all the time, hopping from island to island controlling them. Now that would be fun.


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The only thing Spectrum Holobyte ever did for the Electronic Battlefield thing was the MIG-29 addon.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nopulse @ Mar. 10 2002,18:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OPF is a wicked game, but it would be the cream of the crop, bad a$$ game ever out there if....

1)  They had more sea units like:  Subs, Aircraft Carriers,  

    Destroyers etc.

2)  More air units like the commanche, F16, Stealth

    Bomber/Fighter, sr-71 Recon plane etc...

A game that you can fight from land, sea and air would totally be in a league of its own smile.gif

If you had more air and sea units you could do a kamikazi into the carrier or destroyer.  wink.gif  If you had recon plane you could do a recon to pin-point the enemies exact location and how many units there are.....

It would be wicked for single player to fly the sr-71 over an enemy encampment to spy....  Or land and take off from an aircraft carrier...  Command a fleet of destroyers or subs.  Fire from the deck of a destroyer.... the possibilities are endless....

Just think of what multiplayer would be like.  Its good now, but with more air and sea units it would be incredible and even more addicting.  And BIS and codemasters would make a killing because there is nothing like it out there now with 3rd and 1st person views...

I know Independence Lost has a carrier, I'm just hoping they have subs and destroyers and more air units smile.gif

Man if I could code a game like that.....  wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

-subs r not that good,destroyers either(how the fuk get out o them) but carriers would rok(jus hard to land it but hell with)

-why a stealth bomber(its already impossible to hit shyt, now from above skies), i guess its already possible to recon with any airplane(jus chek the map when ppl start yellin 'cloks'

a addon of a plane with a sub bomb would be kool


ppl leavin u behin and lags winin the match

lan games r the salvation

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Also the F/a-18 addon, and they were planning a tank sim ( they made one based on the actual army training simulator at the time, but this was to be an update ) There plan was to have both ground and air in the same sim-space, but it petered out and they decided to redue it all with Falcon 4 and then it's development dragged out and you know the rest. Falcon 4 is prob the most ambisious sim ever and it bankrupt 2 companies on the way. Damn I hope Lock On is good.


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I know its an infanrty sim, but i was saying that i would be nice to have a game with everything roled into one.

OPF was such a great game because you could fly heli's and drive tanks etc than just being infantry.


I understand that in 1985 there wasn't any of those vehicles i mentioned and that the came focuses around the Cold War.

I'm just staying that if they made a game that had all these types of things in the game it would be cool.

That way everyone that either likes to fly, command a destroyer/sub or drive a tank can do it all in one game.

Most of you are missing the point.... I'm not saying 1985 should have these. I'm saying that if they made a game that had all these types of things it would have been cool. The ultimate simulator.

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Me would be more than happy if BIS would concentrate on improving the existent part, rather than putting in tons of new vehicles whose usage is questionable.

I understand Flashpoint as a groundwarfare tactical action game with slight simulation aspects, and the later part i would like to see worked out. I already feel like a shark in a goldfish glas when flying around with the A-10; you reach the northern shore of everon when starting from the far south in less than a minute or so- now imagine a SR-71, MIG-29, F-18, F-16 and whatever airplane has been requested over the OFP islands.....

Apart from that you have the visibility (if not modified in a custom mission) of someone sitting in a steam bath, the flight characteristics and avionics would make it arcade.

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Well people you should get some of your wishes with Independence Lost when it comes out as some screen shots how aircraft carries with helicopters on deck looks very cool.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ Mar. 10 2002,20:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">..no point in taking off from everon to spy on everon<span id='postcolor'>


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