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is campaign playable yet?

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So i bought the game but i heard the campaign had alot of bugs.... Did the patches fix these to make it playable?

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Somewhat. I'm sure there's more bugs out there. I play it fine but then again that's me.

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Why do you even ask? People are going to say yes, then now, then they all have different PC's. Then theres the bugs everyone has. Impossible to answer.

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So i bought the game but i heard the campaign had alot of bugs.... Did the patches fix these to make it playable?

some people are not having any problems but then there is alot of people that are having major game breaking issues, such as non ressponsive team mates. On top of that, there is all those minor silly bugs in the commands and in movement along with the AI Bug. Plus, how the hell can the enemy AI shoot me dead when am inside a tank, when all they got is a AK47 rifle and about 500m away? there accuracy is unrealistic and very annoying.

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So i bought the game but i heard the campaign had alot of bugs.... Did the patches fix these to make it playable?
finished the campaign on each patch, that three times... what are you waiting for?

And i have to say it was a fun lil campaign.

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only little camapaig?? im startig manhattan now 3 times, and everytime im crashin :P.

but im preffering more the mp, like cti :D

any tricks to skip the manhattan mission?

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I think he wanted to know if the gamebreakers were fixed. Scripting errors and such, not so much game crashes.

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No. I finished it, but only so I could say that I did. I had to do everything five times due to all the damn bugs, and the warfare interface is terrible atm.

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I started second time my campaign after the 1.02 patch and now i'm in the first warfare mission and so far looks very fixed. I haven't used the end mission cheat once after 1.02. So i can recommend the campaign to all at this state.

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ARGH Manhatten is making me GO INSANE. 6 Hours into the mission I realize that early on something quietly bugged out and it took me to do my last objective to find out. WHOOHOO!

Those "Clear the Sentry" things in the forests made me go nuts. I checked, rechecked, checked and checked again... sweep after sweep and it still said no sentrys were clear... wtf... I ended up taking the Women's Red Hachback without knowing it was hers so she was running across the map between two towns.. so I'll never find her. My AI are now in position: 000000 and in space. If I change to my AI's location (00000) the game crashes. WOOHOOO!

And I swear to God if I hear that radio annoucement loop again I'm going to rip my hair out of my skull in madness.






Edited by Victor

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