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The OFCRA : French speaking Organization for Realistic Fighting in ArmA

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What is the OFCRA?

The OFCRA (French speaking Organization for Realistic Fighting in ArmA) aims to recreate the most realistic and immersive atmosphere Arma can emulate.

Our goal is to put the player in the closest possible conditions to those encountered in a real theater.

The main criticism to FPS, is the lack of consideration the player is led to accord to his own life, while survival is an unavoidable aspect of a real conflict.

One has only one life in the real world, and it determines many things, first of all one's behavior in combat.

Our aim being to obtain the most realistic behavior, death is heavily penalized: the player is declared eliminated for the game in progress, and will no longer participate in the ongoing fighting (no respawn).

Here are the main principles:

-Two camps are in presence (REDFOR and BLUEFOR)

-Each camp is led by several Heads of Camp (CDC), which lead their Heads of Groups (CDG) and soldiers

-A military-styled hierarchy is built on the work and participation of everybody in order to segment tasks and make good management possible

-The two sides fight on tactical maps developed by the missions creation team (this, in order to save a lot of time during the preparation of a mission)

-During a confrontation, the CDC determines in advance his tactics, creates the battle plan (before presenting it to his CDG during a briefing) and directs the fighting

-The CDG must lead their groups in order to achieve the objectives they have been assigned, according to the plan prepared by the CDC

-Soldiers must follow their CDG during their field operations

-In order to recreate a realistic atmosphere and give the soldier the impression of being truly in operation and not currently playing a FPS, the emphasis is on behavior, which is worked during training

-The battles are conducted either independently or in campaign of linked missions whose results influence on each other

-We frequently use fixed stocks for our campaigns so that the CDC has a limited pool of units and has to optimize the management of his fighting force under realistic conditions

-Communications are hierarchically organized in the fighting, we use external software for communication in the game where players are divided into channels according to their battle groups or areas of field operations

-During the battle, in addition to the two sides of the conflict, a game master (MJ) will arbitrate the conflict and verify its good performance. The MJ has tools that allow him to perform his function

The OFCRA also offers participants career management activities in complement to realistic combat.

Within our organization, you go up in rank over the missions and you can pass various qualification badges distributed among the four branches that are infantry, armored forces, air forces and special forces.

Your survival in missions / campaigns gives you the right to proudly display the ribbons of these operations. Moreover, for some game actions, medals are distributed to the most valiant warriors after a vote of the officers of each camp.

The only thing mandatory in OFCRA is to declare one's availability for the official games and to participate from time to time. Warning in advance about your leaves is the most basic politeness. The level of involvement remains at the discretion of each one.

We try wherever possible to organize official games every fortnight. In the meantime between two official games, we play non-official or training games.

We frequently set our servers for a game in cooperative mode or domination / evolution to have some fun.

We have two high-capacity servers for Arma and Arma 2 which are able to bear the burden of our games where large numbers of players are present. To join, simply enter "ofcra" in the games filter.

The OFCRA is a non-profit organization. As such it has an executive committee elected every year dealing with administrative tasks. The CDC council prepares the games, and manages the members.

About the atmosphere, OFCRA is like everywhere. There are those who shout louder than others, there are arguments and heated exchanges from time to time, but in the vast majority of cases the atmosphere is good and relaxed. Initiatives are encouraged and an interesting proposal is always listened to with attention. We try to offer a realistic military confrontation while attempting to remove it's rigid edge. Like everyone else we're here to relax after a hard day's work we don't want to feel like we are in the army. Our credo is fun in a realistic framework.

Our staff is eclectic. There are both young adults and older oldies close to fifty.

Active originally on Armed Assault, the OFCRA will migrate in the coming weeks / months to Arma 2.

To conclude this brief description, I would say that the purpose of OFCRA is to provide realistic combat environment, while not being too serious.

The goal is to maximize the immersion factor, to the combatants in the shoes of real soldiers, not to permit authoritarianism or dilettantism.

If you are fluent in French, then go ahead and come visit our organization's website to learn about our activities and, why not, join our ranks : http://www.ofcra.org

Hope to see you there soon!


Interesting links:

-Presentation of the Bluefor camp: http://www.ofcra.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=63〈=fr

-Presentation of the Redfor camp: http://www.ofcra.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49&Itemid=62〈=fr

-After Action Reports (AAR): http://www.ofcra.org/forum/index.php?board=5.0

Some figures on OFCRA:

Number of members: 86

Number of active members: 58

Average age: 30 +

What about a possible paying contribution ?

To allow games to take place under good conditions, OFCRA has chosen to maintain a server at a provider. This server is not free and quite expensive, it will be requested in the coming weeks for members to pay individually for an amount of 45 euros per year. That is the price to pay to play in decent conditions on a server worthy of the name.

If one starts from the premise that OFCRA holds an official game every two weeks, then it is a cost of 1.7 euros per game, which is quite correct, isn't it?

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That sounds nice :)

But i saw nothing saying that you play arma 2 and this even on your website!

So i ask the question... do you only play arma 1?

See you guys


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First post :

Active originally on Armed Assault, the OFCRA will migrate in the coming weeks / months to Arma 2.

Here you go.;) Actually we are finishing a campaign for Arma 1 and we will soon begin a new one on Arma 2.

We have already started to play cooperative games on Arma 2.


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