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Topper Harley


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Game is unplayable without,

i was flying MV 22 with 10 Guys in it, all went fine and ive chosen to land far away from the Enemey Zone to avoid Strelas and some other AA, but than i just exploated because the biggest joke (i call it tunguska) shot 1 of her IOWNALL missles in my front. BIS, BIS, BIS cmon you can tell us now that you´ve made this game only to piss everyone off^^.

Arma 1 was ok with vulcan and shilka (no AA missles!) but now its just horribel unplayable since you ad Avengar and Tunguska :X


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It's "flares" you idiot and there's about 4 other threads on this same issue. Didn't your momma teach you how to contribute to a forum?

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It could be the Flashpoint 1975 mod! MkII Cortinas, man perms. The possibilities are endless.

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The latest F16 Myke released in the addon thread has flares. Just play it for now. Remember it spoofs sometimes and doesnt spoof sometimes. you cannot rely on it but have to fly skillfully anyway. It has missile warning sound so you know when to break away hard plus auto set countermeasure drops.

It will come with addons. Dont worry. In a while you will have "full conversion mods" wich means you add 1 addon only and get tons and tons of enhances, functions, units, vehicles, aircrafts etc etc. But until then we use single addons for things we want. Flares im sure someone is making right now. Wouldnt surprise me at all. :)

And BIS might even add flares themselves. I know they said something about the game balance being messed up with flares, but if they add it with not 100% spoofing flares i think it will work and not change the balance. If both sides have them on the aircrafts that is (wich they do in real life).

What im saying though is that if BIS decides not to include flares - you will get it anyway.


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It should be added 'correctly'. Say only a 50% chance that putting out flares will trick an already launched missile. However... Each flare should generate an IR target making it hard for any manpad to actually find the aircraft. If launched against a flare lock, it would not track back to the aircraft.

It would make it important to use flare when starting the attack run and breakoff part, except only after a missile launch was a fact.

Btw, I'm by no means an expert here, so correct me if I'm way off. But the magic flares in ACE (combined with extreme armor ratings) made it near impossible to shoot down air vehicles. If flares was this good, it wouldn't make any sense at all having manpads on the battlefield, and west would be left off with absolutely no defences (avenger).

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I don't mind so much about the flares but at least some kind of missle warning would be better. At least then you can take evasive manouvers.

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I definitly think there should be flares since this is a combat simulation. Flares are not an absolute garantee that the missle will not hit you.

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In ArmA no evasive maneuvers could possibly shake a missile. I don't know if it's similar in ArmA 2. 50% chance flares are just dice rolling and all they do is double the number of AA soldiers you need to put in the game. There's no strategy there. It needs to be more complicated than that.

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AI apparently can't even handle regular manouvers without crashing. It would become; force an AI to do an evasive manouver and there's the threat gone :p

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Just for the record, a Tunguska fires SACLOS missiles which can't be decoyed.

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Unless the SACLOS is TOW-like or we can jam any radio guidance signals somehow, it should be able to decoy those as well. Anyone checked how they work? Are they merely stinger like?

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In ArmA no evasive maneuvers could possibly shake a missile. I don't know if it's similar in ArmA 2. 50% chance flares are just dice rolling and all they do is double the number of AA soldiers you need to put in the game. There's no strategy there. It needs to be more complicated than that.

It is different. I have shaken Tunguska's. Takes skill but works. Hard without warning ofcourse, but i knew they were down there. Took a hard turn and saw a missile pass me and went off, then another one. When i then stopped turn hard i got hit instantly.

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