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AI Dispersion Increased for more Immersion

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So how do you install this? I'm new to modding ArmA.

I downloaded the .pbo but I'm not sure what to do with it.

Yeah perhaps a readme included w/ the download would be good. Some of us are new to ARMA mods.

Edited by Chomp

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Nice one Thunderbird, getting this done tonight when i get home. Cheers.


Edited by BuddhaBang

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@ Everyone :

AI_Dispersion.pbo is an Addon and goes into a Modfolder Addons


If your going to edit the cfgs etc in the second part of the post is where you edit the dta folders etc

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Please people don't download anymore this version, a new and way better one is coming very soon.



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I used the "old" version and the AI couldn't hit me from a few meters, even on experts. I just pulle dout my pistol and shot em in the face :D.

Hopefully yourr new one will be better :yay:

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If I understand this right, this only affects enemy forces?

In that case may I suggest you make two versions, one as advertised perhaps to make the campaign or SP missions a little bit frustrating, and one with global values decreased for missions where you are playing AS Chedaki etc?

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No worries, the upcoming version will affect all sides, except you as "Human", doesn't matter whether you are russian or US or CDF...



---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

Okey, here is the new version -1.0- :

- This time, the dispersion does affect All AI units, does't matter to which side you belong.

- AI can spot you from far distances like in real life.

- The dispersion values do no effect the weapons anymore but are related to the aiming skills.


Play again the campaign to notice the difference. ;]



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Thanks for the new version :)

But it appears there's only 10 download slots, and they've all gone :(

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Can this be used on a server only basis, or will this only work if clients also have this addon?

Thanks for the work :)

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Could someone please for the benefite of those new to Arma2 (including me) confirm how to add this pbo to mod folder:

I have created a new short cut and added following to Target:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" ; "-mod=@Arma2_Mod";

The pbo was added to

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@Arma2_Mod\AddOns

Thanks for the help.

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Thx for new version, Thunderbird!

Put it on our addon section at Assault Mission Studio and updated the download link.


AI Dispersion Increased [1.0] by Thunderbird

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"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" ; "-mod=@Arma2_Mod";

Try this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@Arma2_Mod

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Please don't get me wrong, i respect the effort put by thunderbird in this mod, but (IMHO) these settings don't work well with classes other than riflemen.

I tried this mod with a target range script i've made.

With this mod a prone machinegunner with maxed skill has an average "shots on target" ratio of 1,5% for 250m. distance. So he basically is worthless even at moderate distance, he just needs to fire in average 8-10 bursts in order to simply hit anything.

A prone sniper with maxed skill firing from 250m (! normally i would have checked 600m) will miss the target in average 77% of the times ("shots on target" = 23%). If i change the distance to 400m he will miss 85%.

Mind that here i tested the most favourable situation for AI: prone, maxed skill, not-moving target; the "shots on target" percentage is an average for 10 tries.

I think the problem with precision can't be fixed by simply lowering CfgAISkill variables, also weapons stats such as aiDispersionCoefY/aiDispersionCoefX have to be taken in account and tweaked at least for machineguns ...

This is not a rant, just my 2 cents.

BTW: Shame Eliteness "unraps" weapons.pbo/config.bin fine, but it does not "rapify" it again correctly ... anybody having the same problem?

Edited by fabrizio_T

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Curious what the normal AI gets for these?

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Wow what a difference!

Played trial by fire and had a 10 minute long sustained firefight going to and at the airfield. Usually it's over in a minute because of the laser accuracy.

Very nice!

Edited by Chomp

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Can anyone explain why this is better than tweaking "precisionenemy" in the userprofile if it affects all weapons? Snipers should have good precision for example.

I concur with fabrizio_T regarding the AIdispersionCoefX/Y on the weapons. Thats the way to go.

TB, this addon is needed as the default AI is too hard imho. If tweaked correctly this will help people having fun in arma2!

I dont understand why BIS made them so hard default. Imo too much realism compared to fun. I believe it would have been better for them to have less precise AI and then people can find out how to make them harder. That wouldnt scare new players off and give a satisfaction when its possible to make the AI better.

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Can anyone explain why this is better than tweaking "precisionenemy" in the userprofile if it affects all weapons? Snipers should have good precision for example..

I'd like to know this too.

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This is better because it does directly modifie the source of the AI behaviour parameters set by BIS. Furthermore, these parameters are editable one by one, whereas 'precisionenemy' seems to be a global edition of these parameters and it combines all parameters in one value.

I will keep tweaking this Addon until I'd reach more satisfying values.



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So far the missions i played with this mod were a lot more fun and didnt make me save as often as i usually do.

Personally i think that even if it has tiny flaws it is like it should be where you arent automaticly dead if an Ai spots you a second before you can see it hidden somwhere in the deep grass of Chernarus.

I guess it wont happen but if BIS considers something like this in the next patch -maybe just for the first two difficulty levels- it would surely not be a bad decission.

Not to mention it will automaticly make the game bit more attractive for those who found ArmA and ArmA2 a bit hard and unforgiving.

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