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chopper shootting

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Do you know how i make the AI mi-17 from Guerillas v2 by InQUisiToR shooting the enemies like soldiers and tanks?

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have you tried a script?

give the heli a name and the enemys a name and call a script with something like this inside.

heli1 dotarget enemy1
heli1 dofire enemy1
heli1 dotarget enemy2
heli1 dofire enemy2

can't guarentee how accurate it will be though.

good luck,


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have you tried a script?

give the heli a name and the enemys a name and call a script with something like this inside.


heli1 dotarget enemy1


heli1 dofire enemy1


heli1 dotarget enemy2


heli1 dofire enemy2


Honestly this seems like it would work, but it won't. It has more to do with the config file in the MI-17 addon.

INQ's Desert HIP (MI-17) inherrits settings from the BIS MI-17, it will most certainly will fire on armor... I don't understand Cobra's problem.

When it comes to infantray that's another story, it won't fire rockects on soft targets.

You may get a unit to target something using the script, weather or not it fires is determined by several things:





The range setting for the ammo in the config file, if target is out of range unit will not fire.

If the armor value is much higher than the damage the ammo will inflict the unit will not fire as well as if ammo is too costly to watse on a lesser value target it won't fire either.

IR lock, laser lock, airlock, irScanRange, irTarget, irScanGround and laserScanner come into play as well.

The threat level determines what gets fired at first.

ie. threat[]={0.4, 0.4, 1};

This shows that 1 being threat vs air unit will take priorty as threat vs armor and infantry(soft) is .4 being less likely to target and fire upon those.

Edited by Zulu1

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Cheers Zulu1, you learn something new every day :)

So is ther a way to force it to hit soft targets without editing the config file?

* edited for typo

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An alternative to mods and config modifications is to use the invisible targets from Fox2 :


He made multiple kind of invisible targets with 3 kind of priority for infantry or armor to engage.

These are really good to force an helicopter to always fire on a specific position.

Or setpos an invisible target on an infantry and an helico will unleash hell on them everytime.

In my opinion it is even better than trying to modifiy configs, as modifying config mean leaving the fire decision up to the AI, and the AI can be very stupid and slow despite whatever value you use, and so sometime will not engage the target when you would want.

With invisible targets, they will.

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